We Can Change the World

The Hard Way

As soon as Dani left, Kevin and Nick turned on me. I knew what they were going to say so before they could, I said "So how about some pancakes?"

I headed towards the door. "Oh no you don't," Nick said as he blocked the door.

"What," I said. Maybe it was about something else. If I acted like I didn't know, they wouldn't be able to accuse me of anything.

"Don't play dumb," Nick rolled his eyes. "He'd be crazy to break up with you." Oh crap. So maybe they aren't talking about something else. There goes that theory.

"You're beautiful, funny, smart, fun, and amazing," Kevin added. "Come on Joe. How dumb do you think we are?"

I felt like that was a trick question so I didn't reply to it. Instead, I said, "What's that mom, you want me to clean my room? Okay. Excuse me guys, mom wants me to clean my room."

"Nice try bro," Nick shook his head. "Actually, no that was horrible."

"Joe we can tell that there's something you're not telling us," Kevin said. "Now," he said as he and Nick advanced towards me on both sides. "We could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way."

"Take your pick bro," Nick said.

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"This is great," Vanessa said as she stole a fry off my plate. "Us hanging out again, I mean. We've really missed you."

I smiled and threw a fry at her. Vanessa, Ashley, me, and, I shudder here, Miley, were hanging out in the mall after what seemed like forever. Of course, it had only been like 3 weeks since the Jo Bros came back into my life, and until now, I hadn't even felt that much time pass by, but sitting here now with these girls made it feel like an eternity. "I've missed you guys too," I said, looking at only Vanessa and Ashley, obviously leaving Miley out of that equation.

"So what's the dish on these Jonas Brothers," Ashley asked.

I laughed. "The dish," I asked.

"Come on, Dani." She playfully rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "They are all so hot and you've had them all to yourself for three weeks. Fill us in."

I laughed again. "What do you want to know?"

"Are they dating anyone," Miley asked.

"No not right now," I said. "They're all single and looking, though Kevin has his sights set on you Ash."

"On me," she asked skeptically.

"Yeah," I laughed. "Kevin's had a celebrity crush on you since Suite Life of Zack and Cody began, and now since he actually met you, it's turned into an actual crush."

Ashley blushed as she thought this over, but she didn't say anything. Miley said, "What about Nick? Does he like anyone?"

"No Nick doesn't like anyone," I said slowly, hoping it would get through to her head that he didn't like her. I felt satisfied as her face fell. I know, bitchy right? But whatever.

"And Joe," Vanessa smirked her all knowing smirk.

"Nope," I said, suspiciously. Why was she looking at me like that?

"You know," she said casually. It was a little too casual if you asked me. "If you guys went out, you guys would look super cute together. I mean, you guys are like best friends already. Wouldn't that just be too cute, Ashley?"

"Huh," Ashley said, not really understanding. Then she screamed, "Ow." It was like someone kicked her under the table. "I mean, yeah you guys would look so cute."

"I'm with Ben," I said, matter of factly.

"Yeah," Miley added. I stared at her, shock written all over my face. Was she actually agreeing with me? "That would be kind of slutty, even for you." Of course she had to ruin a potential friendship making moment – not.

I glared at her as I said; "I would never do that to Ben. And besides, neither Joe nor I like each other like that." Vanessa and Ashley exchanged a look, which made me say, "What?"

"Nothing," they both said too quickly.

"Tell me," I demanded.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and threw a French fry at me playfully. "Relax Dani. We just think you guys would look cute together, that's all. I mean it's obvious that Joe would treat you really well if you went out. All three Jonas boys look like they'd make amazing boyfriends." She shrugged.

"Yeah," Ashley added. "If you guys ever went out, we think it could actually last a really long time, if not forever."

"We're just friends," I exclaimed. "That's all Joe and I are. We're best friends till the end."

"We believe you," Vanessa put her hands up as if to say she gives up.

"I don't," Miley said.

"Yeah, but I don't really care what you believe or don't believe," I said to her. So much for being nice.

Vanessa kicked me under the table as Miley said, "Well it's obvious there's something going on between you too, and if it's nothing right now, it will be one day."

Before I could answer, my phone started ringing. I looked at the I.D. Danger calling… "Speak of the devil," I said before I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Dani," Joe whisper screamed on the phone. "Help me!"

"Joe," I said, getting worried. He was usually loud. Yet he was whispering now. "What's wrong?"

"Nick and Kevin," he whispered. "They locked me in a closet!"

"They locked you in a closet," I repeated, not believing it. "Why? What did you do?" Vanessa and Ashley smirked at me as Miley glared.

"Why do you automatically assume it was me," he asked. "I mean it could have been they were just being mean."


"Fine," I could practically hear him rolling his eyes as he said, "I stole Nick's socks, and hid them, and he convinced Kevin to help him lock me in here till they found them." Why did I get the feeling he was lying?

"Okay Joey," I said, pretending I believed him. "I'll come soon."

"How soon," he asked. "I'm dying in here!! There are spiders and frogs!!"

"Joe you're in a closet," I reminded him. "Why would there be frogs in a closet?"

"Just hurry," he pleaded. I heard the door open on the line. "Who's on the phone," I heard Nick say. "No one," Joe answered. "AHH! Dani hurry, he's pulling my hair!"

"Okay, okay hold your horses," I said before I hung up.

"Problems at home," Miley smirked at me.

"Yes actually," I said, standing. "Apparently Nick and Kevin locked Joe in a closet and he needs me to – What," I asked as I noticed Vanessa and Ashley giving me knowing smirks.

"Nothing," Ashley said as they all started giving me hugs – well except Miley.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Vanessa added.

"Okay bye," I said.

"Have fun with Joe," Vanessa called as I started walking away.
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