Status: sadly/happily complete

Days Like These

Ch 33

It was hot, humid and gross and Kellin has been grumpy. The heat was making Kellin irritable to the point that Vic sometimes doesn't want to be around him when he gets like that. His mood swings put Vic in a bad mood and they end up fighting. Its only been a few weeks that this has been happening but to Vic, it feels like it's been long time.

Today is one of those days.

Kellin was fine at first, joking and laughing but then, out of nowhere, he caught an attitude.

"Babe," Vic groaned. "Chill out."

"Chill out?" Kellin exclaimed. "I'm fucking pregnant! I cant just chill out! I barely see you anymore since you're working all the time!" Kellin shouted.

"Well duh, I'm working! You can't exactly work in your condition."

"My condition? And what exactly is my condition?" Kellin was fuming.

"You're fucking pregnant!" Vic shouted. "You're about to give birth for fucksake! Then after that, you're gonna need to rest because they'll have to cut you open to get the baby out!" Kellin stayed quiet because he knew Vic was right. His eyes started watering and Vic sighed. "Babe, I know you're uncomfortable but soon our baby will be here and you won't feel so irritated with me ok?"

"Ok. I'm sorry."

"No baby; don't feel bad. Its excusable." Vic said, sitting next to Kellin. "Are you excited though? We're so close to your due date."

"I'm kinda scared to be honest." Kellin whispered. "What if I'm terrible at this whole parenting thing?"

"I doubt it. After everything you went through, I know you'll make good choices for our child and if I think you're either too lenient or too tough, I'll tell bring it to your attention. We'll balance each other out."

"Ok." Kellin said happily. "We still need to think of name."

"Well, he's gonna be half American, half Mexican. He already has my last name so he should have an American first name. that why he can half and half."

"He's not some liquid you dump into coffee babe."

"You know what I mean, dork."

"Yes." Kellin giggled. "I do and I think that's a smart idea. Geez, our poor baby will have two weird parents."

"Hey but being weird is a good thing so shush and kiss me."

"The level off rude." Kellin mumbled before placing a kiss on Vic's lips. When he went to pull away, Vic followed him, making Kellin giggle. "Babe, stop."

"Can't help it; you're really kinda hot."

"Shut up, you're lying." One look at Vic's face and Kellin lowered his head. "Fine I'm hot."


"Asshat." Kellin mumbled. "Wanna get me pickles and chocolate ice cream?"


"Blame your child."

"Hey, my kid is not blame here. You're just weird."

"You're left nut is weird."

"I thought you liked my nuts." Vic said with smirk.

"I will cut off your dick." Kellin giggled. "Just get me it please?"

"Fine, I'll go."

When Vic came back, Kellin happily ate his treat with a smile on his face.


It was the last week of July; the twenty-seventh to be exact.

It was two eighteen in the morning when Kellin was woken up with a painful Braxton hick contraction. He groaned in pain as he rubbed his abdominal area, trying to breathe past it.

Kellin felt a little nudge against his hand.

"Are you ok baby? Is it too snug in there?" just then, Kellin felt another contraction but this one made him scream in pain. He got the sudden urge to push. "Oh shit! Katherine!" Kellin shouted.

He heard footsteps rushing to his room then frantically she asked, "What's wrong? Is it time?"

"I think so." Kellin panted. "I need to call Vic."

"Ok, I'll get your bag then we can go."

-To Vic : the baby is coming.

Kellin slowly sat up and did a few deep breathing exercises. A few minutes later, he heard frantic knocking at the door so he got up and went downstairs to open it. As he passed the living room, he saw Katherine on the phone and packing things at the same time. Once he opened it, another contraction came. Kellin gripped the door handle tightly and leaned against the door.

"I hate you." Kellin groaned. Once the pain passed, he stared at Vic. "He's coming."

"I know."

"Oh good, you're here." Katherine said, slightly out of breath. "Take this" she said passing a bag to Vic. "And take Kellin to the car. I'm going to make sure everything's locked up an I'll be there shortly." By the time Katherine came back, Kellin was just getting into the car. "Are your parents meeting us there?"

"Oh shit! I forgot to tell them!"

"Here," Kellin sighed. "Call your mom and tell her to meet us there." As Vic called his mom, another contraction came. Kellin gripped Vic's thigh, making the boy wince a bit due to the pressure. "What did she say?"

"They'll come after work to see you and hopefully our baby will be out by the time they get here." Kellin hummed and leaned his head back. She also said that he needed to make sure Kellin didn't close his eyes but Vic didn't mention that.

By the time they made it to the hospital, Kellin went through two contractions. Vic had let Kellin hold his hand, biting his lower lip due to the strength his little Kellin was using. Right now, they gave Kellin a hospital gown and attached a CTG around his stomach to monitor the baby's heartbeat and to monitor his contractions.

"I hate you. I hate you and your penis." Kellin groaned as another contraction passed through.

"Why did you reject the epidural?"

"Because your stupid has rubbed off on me."

An hour and four more contractions later, a nurse walked in to check on Kellin. A contraction was happening when she realized something terrible. She rushed out of the room and few minutes later she appeared with the doctor.

"We're going to prepare you for an emergency c-section."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Every time you've had a contraction, your baby's heartbeat would stop for a bit." Kellin's eyes widened in fear. "Vic, if you're going to be there then change into these," He said, passing him some blue scrub-like outfit. "And come follow us."

Vic quickly changed and followed behind the doctor as two nurses wheeled Kellin into another room. The words his mother said earlier rang in his head as he stood next to Kellin's head. "Are you ready to meet our baby?" Kellin nodded weakly. "Are you ok?"

"I'm just tired. I wanna close my eyes and sleep."

"No, listen to me. You can not close your eyes ok?"


"Trust me." Vic whispered as he went to hold Kellin's hand.

"Ok Kellin, you're going to numb your lower half and start the c-section." the doctor said.

Kellin relaxed against the bed as Vic peaked over the curtain that hung over Kellin's chest. He watched as the doctor took the knife and ran it along Kellin's lower part of his abdomen.

"Ew." Vic said with a shudder.

"Shut up, it's your child they're getting out." Kellin whined.

"Ok sorry but seriously, it kind of gross."

"You should get pregnant so I can experience what you're experiencing."

"Ha, ha, so funny." Kellin smiled in response. Just then, they heard a wail. There eyes met and they both looked towards the sound. Well, Vic looked and Kellin waited excited to finally hold his baby.

"Vic do you want to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor asked.

Vic nodded &' took the scissors to the cut the cord attaching Kellin to the baby. When he snipped it, he felt he had hurt their bond.

"Are you still ok?" Vic asked Kellin.

"Yeah. Can't wait to see him."

"We'll clean him a bit and let you guys hold him." The nurse said. Once she was done, she asked, "Who holds him first?" the nurse asked as she wrapped the tiny baby in a blanket.

"Kellin." Vic said immediately.

The nurse handed the bundle to Kellin and Kellin looked excited as he looked at his baby.

"He's so cute." Kellin said softly. "Look how chubby his little cheeks are. Vic, we made a cute alien baby." Vic smiled softly, staring down at Kellin and his baby. "Hi little Chai."


"Uh yeah. I like the name." Kellin said with a light blush in his cheeks.

"So do I." Vic whispered.

"Ok, we're going to take him and get his weight and measurements." The nurse said as she waited on the side. "We'll bring him back when that's all done."

Both boys nodded as Kellin was stitched up and Vic was led back to the room. He changed out of his outfit, throwing it in the trash as he waited for either of his babies to come. Shortly after, another nurse came in rolling a little hospital cradle.

"Hi daddy!" She said cheerfully. "Has momma not come in yet?" Vic shook his head with a small smile. "Ok well do you know how to hold a baby?"

"Uh, not really. At least not that small."

"Ok then I'll help you."

By the time Kellin was rolled in, Vic was holding Chai like he's done it multiple times. His eyes looked over his child, almost like in shock that he was actually here. He was part of the reason he had his little man in his arms.

"I'm shook." Kellin whispered.

"Don't ruin the moment with memes." Kellin laughed lightly. "We made a good looking baby. Let's have more." Vic turned to look at Kellin who look unimpressed. "Or maybe not."

"Give me at least five years."

"He's just so cute." Then Chai started crying. "I didn't do it!" Vic exclaimed.

"Give him here and get the nurse." Vic handed the baby over and stuck his head out the door, spotting the nurse who wheeled in Chai.

"Uh, he's crying and we don't know why."

The nurse walked in with a smile. "Oh, what's wrong here?" She walked up to Kellin. "May I?" Kellin handed his baby over and the nurse inspected him. "He's had an accident. I'll show you how to change him and then the next time it happens, call me so I can guide you." she said as she changed Chai. "Anything else?"

"How am I supposed to feed him? I never experienced leaking."

"How does your chest look like?"

"I just looks like I've gained a bit weight; nothing that's like bra wearing causing but they're bigger."

"What you can try is massaging your chest and see if you start leaking. If that doesn't happen, you might need to give him formula."

"Ok, thank you." Once she left, handing the baby over, Kellin began touching around his nipple until a little bit of milk came out. He continued and soon he was leaking. Kellin picked Chai up and began feeding him. He looked up at Vic to find him squirming in his seat. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Vic said with a blush on his face.

"You dirty liar." Kellin teased. "Seriously, why do you have a boner?"

"Watching you touching yourself was kinda hot." Vic said nervously.

"Oh babe," Kellin chuckled. "Don't worry, once I'm all healed and stuff the first thing I'll do is ride you until you blackout."

"Kellin!" Vic groaned, throwing his head back. "You can't say things like that to me."

Kellin had the biggest smile on his face. "Where's Katherine by the way?"

"She texted me while I was waiting for you and said she'd be back later."

Kellin took Chai off his nipple and winced in the process. "That hurt." He looked down and saw his mouth still moving so he did the same thing to his other nipple. "You might want to look away." Kellin teased.

"Shut up." Vic whined.


Vic was sitting at the foot of the bed, cross legged, as he held his sleeping baby in his hands. Kellin was fast asleep, exhausted from today's child birthing.

The nurse came back to do some paperwork like the birth certificate and stuff. The doctor came to check on Kellin and the baby, making sure there were no complications for now.

"Knock, knock." Someone whispered. Vic turned to see his mom and dad walking in, still in their work clothes. "Hi sweetie."

"Hey guys." Vic whispered.

"Is this him?" Vivian asked, walking up to him.

"Yeah, this is Chai."

"Such a lovely name. Do you mind if I hold him?" She asked excitedly. Vic chuckled and handed off his baby to his mom. "Oh he looks so cute. He has the chubbiest little cheeks!"

While his mom doted over the baby, Vic's dad patted him on the back and went to sit on the opposite side of the room.

"It's surreal." Vic whispered as soon as he sat next to his dad. "I'm waiting to wake up."

"That's what it felt like when you boys were born." His dad replied. "I'm still waiting."

"Oh you're going to be so spoiled!" Vic over heard his mom say. "I'll spoil you, your uncle Mike will spoil you, grandpa will spoil you, your grandma Katherine will spoil you; oh, I'm so excited!"

"Oh god." Vic groaned. "Please no."

"Victor come look at him, he looks so much like Kellin but you can still see some Vic in his face."

Vic watched his dad walk up to his mom and coo over Chai. Not even a day old and he's already winning everyone's heart.

As Vic moved to the couch, Katherine walked in with Kellin's mom behind her.

"Hello." Katherine said cheerfully. "How's everyone?"

"We're good." Vivian replied. "Vic looks like he's ready to sleep though."

"Vic, have you slept at all?" Katherine asked. Vic only shook his head. "Then sleep."

"I can't." Vic replied. "I need to make sure nothing happens."

"We're here for that. You just get some rest."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Vivian said. "Sleep on the foot of the bed and we'll watch Chai."

Vic happily did as he was told and knocked right out.


A few days later and Kellin was back home.

He laid on the bed with Vic as Chai slept soundlessly in the bassinet.

Vic ran his hand up and down Kellin's back, making him sleepy.

"Can you believe we're parents?" Kellin asked. "We have a dependent human being to look after."

"Yeah, it's still shocking to me."

"Do you think we'll be great parents?"

"Yeah, until he becomes a teenager. Then he'll think he's all that. Ugh I'm not ready."

"We still have a while to go before we reach that."

"Yeah but time will fly."

"No, shush. Time will not fly because he'll stay a baby forever." Kellin said with a pout. "I just got him. I don't want him leaving."

"Aw babe, you're so cute."

"Shut up!" Kellin whined. It got quiet for a few heartbeats then Kellin said, "Thank you."


"Everything. I wouldn't be here, happy, if I never met you. I'd be dead."

"It's not me."

"Yes it is." Kellin said firmly. "Vic you literally saved my life and you gave me a little baby and you've made me so happy and I just ... just thank you. For always caring and for always being there even when I pushed you away."

"I'll always be there for you Kells."

"I know."

"I don't plan on leaving you. Ever."

"I hope so. If you tried I'd hold you hostage."

"Mm kinky." Vic said l, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up, you killed the mood." Kellin giggled. "I love you."

"I love you too. Both of you." Vic said as he got up and took Chai out of the bassinet, rocking him to calm him down.

"He's cute isn't he?" Kellin asked.

Vic simply nodded.

He sat down on the bed with Chai and Kellin laid his head on his lap, falling asleep. Vic sighed happily and stared down at his sleeping boys.

He wouldn't have it any other way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Omg it's done. My first fanfic that took my ages to complete is done. It's a bit surreal TBH and that's why I'm writing this bx I don't want it to end but I'm so happy it's over. Ugh I'm gonna cry lol.

Idk if I might make a sequel though. If I do, it'll be updated v slow as I focus on my other stories.

Thank you for all the support. I love you guys