Status: Hiatus

Forgetting Kelly Grace


Kelly smoked a lot of cigarettes. Almost a pack a day.

I asked her why she smoked so much one day, and she just shrugged. “I started when I was twelve. I was hooked instantly. I didn’t smoke that much at first, because I didn’t have access to it. But by the time I was sixteen and had the best fake id, I bought them in bulk and never stopped.” She ran her fingers through her short blonde hair and smiled at me.

Even though she smoked so much, her teeth were always white. I think she whitened her teeth or went to the dentist regularly. Either way, they looked great.

“Why did you start?” I asked, but she just sighed and shook her head. She unpaused the Ben Stiller movie we were watching and kept her eyes glued to the tv. When the movie was over and the credits were rolling, she finally looked back over at me.

“I think I started because my dad did it.” I nodded like I thought it made sense, even though it didn’t. But Kelly and her dad were confusing. Her dad left when she was ten, but she always thought the world of him, even after. She picked up his bad habits so she’d always be reminded of him.

I kissed Kelly’s cheek and inhaled her perfume. “Okay, baby. Whatever you say.”