Seize the Day



Ryder was home for the winter break. He and Ali kept in touch calling each other at least once every week. The holidays seemed to be going great until Ryder went out snowmobling with his cousins and accidentally crashed his into a tree. He was taken to the hospital and they checked him out.

The doctor came into his room. “Hello, Mr. Thompson. We’ve run some tests and have gotten the results back.” Ryder waited patiently laying down in the hospital bed his battered body aching. “The good news is that nothing seems to be broken. There are some nasty bruises that will take a while to heal. You’ll be sore for a while.” The doctor looked down at his clipboard flipping through the pages. “But there seems to be some other concerns that were brought up when we were running tests.” The doctor gave him a grave look. “Have you been feeling light headed recently?”

Ryder wondered what that had to do with anything. “Yeah sometimes.”

“What about nauseous?” the doctor replied writing things down.


“Have you blacked out at all?”

“Maybe once but I figured it was because I had too much to drink.”

“I’m asking because we saw some abnormalities on your MRI.”

“What kind of abnormalities?” Ryder asked concerned.

“We can’t be completely sure until we run more tests but we believe that you could have a brain

Ryder laid there shocked. A brain tumor? He was only 20 years old; he couldn’t have a brain tumor.
“A brain tumor?” Ryder whispered completely in shock.

The doctor nodded looking Ryder in the eyes. “I know it’s a scary thing to think about. But we’d like to run some more test to make sure. It could be nothing but from what you’ve told me, I believe you’re showing symptoms and if it is a tumor we need to find out as soon as possible to fight this.”

“Yeah, whatever you have to do.” Ryder said trying to take it all in.

“I’ll have a nurse come by in a few minutes to run some more tests. Just take it easy and try to process everything.” With that the doctor left Ryder to his thoughts.

It was all so overwhelming, he could have a brain tumor. He grabbed his phone off of the stand by the bed and checked it. He had a text from Ali. How are you? I miss you. Only two more weeks and I can see you again.

He didn’t know how to respond to that. She would freak out if she knew, he didn’t even know if it was for sure anyways so he sent back. I crashed my snowmobile into a tree. I’M FINE! Just a little banged up, I’ll be good as new in no time when you see me in a couple weeks. I miss you too.

You what?! I’m glad you’re ok. Please try not to kill yourself. <3

He smiled reading her text.I’ll try. <3 Soon the nurse was there to take him for more tests and he was really dreading the results.