

Aurelia Catherine Lorde

Aurelia was fine with her life. She was just a commoner to London Town, but that was perfectly fine with her. She lived a modest life with her family and her best friends.
She also didn’t want a thing to do with the Royals of London Town. She was never one to tangle with them or go to the lavish parties they threw that made her feel small.

Flora Darwin

Flora was Aurelia’s best friend. She lived her life similar to Aurelia, with the exception of a little more wealth. She loved her life and didn’t want to change a thing.
She, on the other hand, did like going to the lavish parties that the Royals threw. She took Aurelia once or twice, but usually went with their other best friend Tyler.
But Flora had her eye on one Royal who seemed to be missing his duchess.

Tyler Greene

Tyler was and always will be the most interesting commoner in London Town. That’s because Tyler has the same preferences as Prince does.
Tyler was also one of the higher up commoners. He was regularly seen at Royal balls and parties. He’d also had his eyes set on Prince and wasn’t an unseen sight at the Destine household.


“There’s a ball next week.”

“I am not going to one of their stupid parties-”

“It’s a ball, not a party.”

“Shut up, Tyler.” He chuckled at me. “They’re stupid and they only want to show off because they’ve got money.”

“I’ve got money.”

“You don’t throw five parties a week, now do you?” He chuckled again and sat back in his chair.

“It’s just one ball, come on, it’ll be fun!”

“What’s it for anyway-actually, never mind. They don’t need reasons.”

“It’s just...a ball…?” Flora bit her lip and looked at Tyler for help.

“It’s an anniversary party. Just come. You’ve gone to two before, you need to come to this one. It’s-”

“Bloodstains and ball gowns. I’m not going.”

“What gave you such a negative view on them, Aure?”

“Because they’re all a bunch of rich kids whose parents don’t give a fuck about them. They just do whatever they want.”

“Prince’s parents do care about him, actually.” I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my wall.

“I’m not going. You can’t make me.”

“It’s a masquerade ball.” Flora smirked at me.

It was no secret that I had dreamt about going to a masquerade ball and falling in love with a Prince Charming.

“I don’t care.” My voice cracked.

“You do. And you’ll break eventually. Don’t worry.” Flora smirked at me.

There is no way in hell I’m going to some Royal Masquerade Ball.

Not a chance in hell.