Status: (FINISHED)

A Girl's Best friend


A Girls Best Friend

My feet are twirling in time with the mellow music coming through the radio. My broom brushing the floor as I sway my hips. The music running through my veins as I clean the floor.I pretend I’m on a stage in a club. I know how the smoke would taste (like tobacco and fulfilled dreams). I know what the people would be wearing (polka dots and star struck smiles). I feel the bass notes in my heart, making it beat, making it feel. My voice flowing through the boxy microphone like it was meant to be. Like my voice was meant to be heard, enjoyed, praised and loved.

“What in god’s name are you doing Rose?” The angry man barked grasping my chin pulling me at of my day dreams.

“Cl..Cleaning” I stuttered feeling deflated and frightened.

“What did I say about the radio Rose?” He spoke scarily calm,his blue eyes a storm. His hand dropping from my chin.

“That it was only for sermons, Sir” I stated quietly.

“And you consider this devils tune, your sermon? Is this teaching you the ways of the lord, Rose? Is this blasphemy going to help you ascend into heaven, Rose?” He said the volume steadily getting louder until by the end of the conversation he was nearly screaming. His face bright red, his body shaking and his fist clenched.


“Answer me Rose!” He shouted Knocking the radio to the ground.I say the false words he wanted to hear but they did nothing to appease him and the darkness surrounds me after he strikes me.The last thing I felt was the blood streaming down my face.

The sun burns my eyes, as they open slightly. My back is stiff and I realize where I am, on the linoleum floor in the kitchen. This morning’s memories running through my mind. I stretch finding a note stating that dinner better be ready by six. I get up looking at the reflection of me, not liking what I see. Dried blood was dispersed over the lower half of my face. My eyes are empty and have dark circles under them. My red hair is matted and devoid of shine or luster. I look broken beyond repair. I go wash up, clean up the floor and begin preparing food. Pot roast and cherry pie his favorite. There is no music which makes work harder and me hopeless. He comes home right on time. I have the setting placed. We sit at the table me listening to his self righteous spiel as I play the doting woman and nod as the proper moments. We finish eating and I go get the pie giving a big slice. He gobbles down the sweet substance like the pig he is. He then makes his way to bed feeling sick. I go back to my room to sleep also.

I wake up refreshed and ready. I grab my bags walking to the door silently saying goodbye to the house that was my worst nightmare. The house I will never see again. I walk to the train’s station with a bounce in my step. There is no one to dictate my life anymore. The chains of religion and angry men broken, I am free. As free as a bird that flies through the horizons. I see the bus pull into the station. I climb on making my way to a new life full of promise and music. As I settle on my well used bus seat I realize the beautiful Marilyn was wrong diamonds aren’t a girl’s best friend
arsenic is.
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I'm sorry for all the mistakes!