
Chapter 1

If there's anything I've learnt in my life, it's that everyone is born in different circumstances, and it's the choices we make that determine wether we stay in them or not.

Be them good or bad, it's our decisions that define us. I hope that mine don't make me a bad person.

I used to think we were each born with a set path, now I know that isn't true. He was the one to make me realise that.

My name is Oliver Scott Sykes. I'm 18 years old. And I fear, that I am becoming a bad person, he made me what I am, and yet, I can't bring myself to wish I'd never met him.

It was a dark night, I was walking home from my bar tending night shift, they didn't care that I wasn't legal age to serve drinks. I cursed the rain, it had already soaked through my hoodie, my rain jacket was too small for me now.

I fought back a shiver and dug my hands deeper into my soggy pockets. As I did so, a car drove along the road, a black jaguar, and pulled up next to me. I kept walking and it drove along slowly, tempting me to stop. I didn't and the passenger side window rolled down. A suited man looked at me.


"I'm not interested - whatever it is."


"Leave me alone."

"Drive." A deep voice came from someone else within the car, and I was forced to stumble back as the car abruptly swerved into the pavement, blocking my path. I sighed and clenched my fists, preparing to defend myself if necessary.
The man who had spoken to me, and the driver, stepped out of the car.

"If you could step inside please."


"I'm afraid I must insist."

"Why? Who's in there? What is this?" The men didn't answer, I thought about running, but they looked like they were trained to deal with people far stronger than me.

"Hmm...a stubborn one..." That deep voice rang in my ears and a man stepped out of the back of the car.

He loomed over me, I was tall for my age at 6"2', but he had at least three inches on me.

"How interesting...." It took me a few moments to realise he had utterly transfixed me and I had to compose myself.

"Who are you?" I steeled my voice, I was used to dealing with tough people, and he was no different then.

"Why does that matter?" He lifted one eyebrow slightly as he asked.

"Fine. What do you want with me?"

"Again, not really the right question. After having watched you for some time..." He began to circle me slowly.
"...I know exactly what I WANT with you...." I stopped myself from flinching as he brought one hand up to brush across my shoulders.

"The question you should be asking is: why did I stop you?"

"Then tell me that."

"I've been monitoring you very closely for several months. I know all about your family's reduced circumstances, the way you all live...what I'm offering you, is a chance to change all that."

" the point." I tried not to snap, his casual mention of the invasion of my privacy, and his talk of my family's circumstances annoyed me.

"Very well. You get something back that belongs to me, and I'll give you $500, 000..." I felt my eyes widen slightly.
"Up front, the other half will get to you after you've done the job of course."

- holy shit, 1 million dollars -

"What is this thing I have to get back?"

"I'd rather discuss this in a more private location."

"Fine. Where?"

"Get in the car." I shook my head and he rolled his eyes.

"They won't get in." He gestured to his men, I sighed but nodded, stepping into the back seat with him.

"There is a disc that belongs to me, with very important...plans...on it. It was stolen from me and I want it back."

"Why would you ask me? I'm just a poor kid."

"Ah but you're not, are you Oliver?" I stiffened slightly.

"I know all about the offers you get from people all over the city, and some of the things you've pulled off for a little extra cash. You're quite popular in the right circles." His eyes pierced mine and I felt more and more uneasy.

"What if I say no?"

"Then I'll find someone else. I have no reason to kill you, besides, wouldn't want to ruin such a pretty face." I swallowed as his eyes scanned me indiscreetly.

"That's it? You'd just walk away?" He nodded and I gritted my teeth.

"I need to know everything. Who am I getting this disc from? And where is it? I can't break into somewhere like Fort Knox." I could swear I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes and he tilted his head slightly.

"Just a very rich man. He's too stupid to be truly dangerous, he shouldn't be difficult to break...not for someone as attractive as yourself." I felt sick.

"You want me to whore myself out to get this disc back?"

"You may endeavour to get it back any way you wish. I'm just offering a suggestion. Meet me tomorrow, here, after your shift, you have until then to make a decision." I climbed out as his men climbed in and they sped off quickly. My heart was pounding so hard I had to lean back against the streetlight.

I went home, checking in on my two little sisters and my mum, all in their one bedroom. They were all fast asleep, and I sighed, looking at Liz's too-small shoes, and Jerry's socks with holes in. Meanwhile my mum was sleeping with a slight frown on her face.

I'd never known my dad, he left my mum when he found out she was pregnant. As for the twins, Liz and Jerry, their dad made a million promises to my mum that he'd never kept. It turned out that he had a whole other family, and he never really planned on looking after my mum at all.

So now, we're poor as hell, both dads got away with not paying child support because mum didn't have the money to take them to court.

Mum works three different jobs, I work five now, and the girls are too young to work.

A million dollars...that would get us out of so much trouble. We could get a small house or a nice flat, we could all have nice clothes, me and mum wouldn't have to work so much, I could finally fit in time to go to college. Then I could get a real job.

I went to bed, too tired to stay awake and worry.

The next day, I went to school after my morning shift at a food store, and met up with Rixon, my best friend.
He was the only person in the world who I trusted 100%, who knew about my family life and all the things I'd done to get some more money in.

"Don't do it Oli." He said to me at lunch after I'd told him about the deal.


"Look Oli, the only reason you're thinking about this is the money. You've had hundreds of offers from people in the past, and you've never agreed to them. This is only gonna cause you trouble. And even if you do this, and he gives you the money, who's to say he won't hold your family over your head? I mean, this guy knows everything about you, he's been tracking you for months without you noticing, and if you didn't notice, then he must be good." I sighed.

"I sounds stupid but I think this guy is honest."


"Thanks for listening Rixon, look sorry, I gotta go." Rixon nodded worriedly and I felt him watch me leave.

As I waited for him to turn up, I paced around nervously. I felt uneasy, even in the most high pressure situations I never got nervous. There was something about him that just made me nervous.

The car pulled up and the door opened, I climbed in and closed the door.

"Hello Oliver."


"So? Have you made a decision?" I breathed in and out for a few seconds before looking him straight in the eye and replying.

"I'll do it."
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Trying out a new story - please leave a comment and let me know what you think!! :)

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it!