Sequel: Always
Status: in progress


To Live and Let Go

"Hello?" Alex answered the phone, at 11am the next morning, as he lay next to Jack in his bed.
"Lex honey, I don't want you to worry, because I'm going to be okay, but there's been a little complication in the pregnancy. I've been losing an abnormal amount of blood, and the doctors have told me it is a Postpartum Hemorrhage." His mum explained, and Alex felt like he was about to pass out. He'd never been good with biology, but this sounded, horrific, to say the least, and it was happening to his mum. His own mum.
"W-what d-do they have to d-do to f-fix you?" He didn't particularly want the details of what exactly this PPH thing was, but he hoped the "procedure" wasn't going to be too drastic.
"They've gotten rid of the serious blood clots now, and I just need some more blood, because I lost a lot."
"Who's g-giving you the b-blood?" Alex's voice quivered across the phone line.
"They have some in stock." stock? It sounded like she was just getting some blood from round the back. No big deal, I'll see what we can do for you. I'm sure we've got some in the store-room. It sounded horrendous, like a fucking blood version of Clarks. "So in a few minutes they're going to give me the blood, and I just wanted to let you know that Mr Fuentes has gone to work now, and I'll be here one more night, with Thomas, and Vic and Mike are being looked after by a mother I knew from their play group, and that if Jack is still there do make him feel welcome, he can stay as long as he likes."
"Mr Fuentes went to work??? You're about to have someone elses blood inserted into your vains, and HE FUCKING WENT TO WORK?" Alex shouted, tears running down his face. Jack was woken up by Alex's disturbances, and once he gethered his senses, he held Alex's free hand, and gently took the phone from the other, and let his boyfriend collape into his chest.
"Hello Mrs Gaskarth-Fuentes, it's Jack here, I don't really know what's going on, but I do wish you all the best for this 'blood-insertion' as Alex put it, and I'll make him a cup of tea to calm him down, and he'll be okay, so don't worry about us. The most important thing is that you are settled and ready for this procedure, and everything will be just fine, I promise."
"Oh Jack darling thank you, you're wonderful, I must go now, but thank you so much for all you've done, and do let Alex know I love him, and that a lot of people have blood transfusions, so there's no reason for mine to go wrong. Goodbye." Alex's mum hung up the phone, and was lead into the appropriate room for the procedure.

"Did you mean that?" Alex sniffled. "Will she be okay?"
"Of course she will. You're mum's a fighter, she can get through this. I swear." Jack smiled softly at Alex.
"mkay." Alex placed a sweet kiss on Jack's lips. "Now, get your ass up and showered, we're going to find Mr Fuentes, I think he's keeping something from us."
"Shower with meeeeee" Jack pleaded. He didn't even want to do anything sexual, he just wanted a shower, with his boyfriend.
".. only cause I love you. But please, don't try anything.. like.. you know.." Alex replied sheepishly, his voice fading out at the end of the sentence.
"Without fail, I will never, ever, try anything on you, plus we're not even 16 yet, and also, you mean more to me than my dick, promise." Jack smirked, and Alex stuck his tongue out, and proceeded to drag his boyfriend off to the bathroom.

For Jack, watching water drip from Alex's hair, down his torso, and following the indents of his 'V', and then running over his, impressively sized for an almost 15 year old, manhood, and down his perfectly toned legs, was the hardest thing to do without getting a boner. He may or may not have gotten half hard, but Alex wasn't looking there anyway. When Jack had finished washing himself, he noticed that Alex took his time in the shower, and hadn't even started on his hair yet, so Jack decided to help him out. Jack massaged the shampoo into Alex's hair, and Alex leant back into his boyfriend, the sensation was so relaxing, that Alex couldn't help but let out a quiet moan.
"Damn boy, what I wouldn't do to have you do this to me every morning."
"What's going on in there?!?!" Daniel called from outside the bathroom door, laughing at what he thought was the situation. Even thought Alex knew his brother was wrong, he couldn't help but feel his face burn. Jack giggled at how cute Alex was, and began washing out the shampoo. Once finished, he stated-
"Now you have to kiss me."
"Because it's the rule, whenever a couple are in the rain, they have to kiss."
"We're not in the rain." So stubborn.
"There's this magical thing, Lexy, called pretend.." and Jack leant down and kissed Alex dearly, and let his own hands wander down Lex's back. Alex entertwined his into Jack's hair. A few minutes later, the water grew cold, and Alex squealed and hurried to get out of the shower, slipping, but being caught by the mighty Jack.

They wrapped towels around their waists and returned to Alex's bedroom. Somehow, a few items of Jack's clothing had snuck their way into Alex's closet, and so Jack had things to wear whenever he spent the night. The boys thought it was practical enough.

Eventually, when they entered the kitched for some breakfast, where they found Daniel, Matt, Tay and Zach, they recieved lots of 'knowing' glances, although they were all wrong. Really it should be Alex and Jack giving the smirks, but they didn't really want to focus on those details.
"Dan, Tay, where does Mr Fuentes work?" Alex asked as he peeled a banana, and as Jack grabbed a piece of French toast off the table, most likely made by Tay.
"Um, that big bank in the town centre, off Main Street." Daniel replied.
"5th floor. He's worked there for ages now. Why?" Tay finished off.
"I just realised that I didn't know, is all." Alex answered, non-chalantly, and Tay and Dan accepted his response.
"What are you two up to today?" Zach inquired. Alex never really found it weird that his good friend and step-sister were dating, he just kind of hoped that if they ever broke up, that it wasn't a messy one, as that would just be awkward.
"Shopping. Alex needs a new beanie, and I need more boxers." Jack answered.
"Ew you guys go underwear shopping together? Where's the surprise in that?!" Tay retorted, jokily, but in that way that makes you think there's something else hidden in that. Something that only maybe Zach would understand. Cringe. Jack just laughed it off though.
"Aaannyyywaaayyyyy, have you spoken to mum?"
"Yeah she rang earlier, she said she was going to speak to you, did she?"
"Yeah. So you know what's going on then, so I think, Jack and I, shall be off!" Alex said, in between bites of his banana.
"See you later" Jack nodded.

The walk to the town centre took only quarter of an hour, and before long, Jack and Alex were stood outside the bank.
"Let's do this, then."

"Hello, we're looking for Vincent Fuentes, can you direct us to his office please?" Jack asked, as he knew Alex wouldn't want to.
"I'll just check for you... Hmm.... It seems Mr Fuentes was let go 3 months ago... Is there anything any other of our staff can help with?"
"Oh. Does it say why he was let go?" Jack furrowed his brow.
"No, there's no notes on his file."
"D-do you know where we might find him? L-like another job, or a place he visited a lot?" Alex spoke up.
"No record of a new job, we never had to give a statement.. A lot of the emplyees here go down to The Swing-in, a bar down the road, on Fridays, but other than that, I can't help you, sorry lads." the man behind the desk smiled apologetically.
"It's okay, thanks for your help. Have a great day." responded Jack.

The boys made their way to the bar, it wasn't particularly busy at midday, just a few locals having jacket potatos for lunch. They approached the bar tender, an old fella, like the ones in movies, who know everything about everyone in the town.
"Hey, we're looking for Vincent Fuentes; you know him?" Jack inquired, as he leant onto the bar top.
"Yeah, he used to come in here maybe twice a week. He's a good guy, got a nice wife too, I met her once or twice. Now he goes to the bar across the street, because I don't allow gambling in here." Alex looked at Jack, and Jack replied.
"Right okay, thank you for your time. Have a good day."

Jack and Alex didn't even speak, they jusy speed-walked across the road, and down the steps into The Railhead. Almost instantly, Alex spotted Mr Fuentes, sat in a boothe, holding a deck of cards, concentration evident on his face, and opposite 2 particularly built up men, separating them a table covered in notes, coins and a few glasses of beer. Jack and Alex watched from the doorway, as Mr Fuentes lay down his cards, and jumped up in rejoice, punching the air around him, shouting various alterations of 'FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!', until he glanced over at the entrance, and froze as recognition set in. He quickly gathered up his winnings, shook the hands of the other men, put on his coat, and jogged over to the boys.
"Let's talk outside."
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sorry it took ages to update here's a long-ish chapter k bye