Sequel: Always
Status: in progress


The Irony of Choking on a Life Saver

"M-mr Fuentes, you gotta level with me here. You're always saying how this is a Catholic family, how one should never lie, and all that crap. H-hell, when you found out I was gay you weren't exactly p-pleased, and I'm not even your fucking son! So, please, quit with the double standards, and attempt to p-persuade me that somehow, you are in fact the good guy in this. I w-wanna believe that. I want my mother t-to be happy. So please, t-t-tell me what's going on." Alex ranted the moment they were out the door, clearly exasperated at the situation.
"Alex, I'm sorry. I had to leave my job, because I wasn't putting enough time and effort into my work. I was trying to be a good step father, connect with my family. And no, I'm not blaming this on you. But when work let me go, the only thing I could think of that I could do, was gambling, and it worked. I got enough money to pay the rent, buy the groceries, college funds, a decent Christmas. I know I've made mistakes Lex. This way of life, the gambling, the drinking. I'm aware it's wrong, and it's wrong that I never told any of you, and I hate that you had to find out like this. When your mum was in labour, I was mid-game. I missed the birth of a child for this stupid stupid addiction, because it's way out of hand now Alex. I win the money, I spend it on another game, and more drinks. And today, my wife is having a blood transfusion, and I left, because I said I was available for a game. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm meant to be a father, the one that sets an example, but I just crumbled, completely and utterly. I'm so sorry, Alex. Please forgive me. And I'll look for help, and I'll tell your mum everything, and I'll make things better. I will. I'll be a better father and a better step father. I promise. And I should have been more accepting about your relationship with Jack, because I know I've been, not the best step dad to you, never particularly open, always giving you rules and regulations, and appearances to keep up, and you're so right, it was all double standards. But I'll be better. To you, Daniel, Tay, Mike, Vic, Thomas, and you Jack. I can't think of anyone better suited for Alex, and thank you for all your help with my wife's labour, and Christmas was wonderful with you and your father around." Mr Fuentes detailed his problems. He didn't want to dump this all on a fourteen year old, because fourteen year olds shouldnt have to deal with so much shit, and adults are meant to be the responsible ones, and so he couldn't help but feel rather pathetic after opening up to his stepson, but equally, Alex deserved the truth. He deserved more from his step father. Alex was the type of guy who was so, kind, forgiving, helpful, supportive, that he deserved the utter best from everyone. And Mr Fuentes didn't exactly know all the details of Alex's relationships with his various siblings or friends, but it looked as if the only one, that truly, gave his total, one hundred percent, without fail, best, to Alex, was Jack. And Mr Fuentes tipped his hat to the boy, because alike Alex, he was only young, but he was doing a damn good job of keeping upright, considering what Mr Fuentes could only imagine he's been through with his own family, plus sticking with Alex through all of this crap.

Alex looked at Jack, who was awkwardly leaning against a wall, not really knowing whether he should have been listening to that confession. Jack nodded discretely, and Alex replied.
"T-thank you for being honest with m-me. And thank you for saying that you'll get better, and be better. P-please stick to that. A-and you do need to tell mum, but wait until she's home and healthy, and n-not stressed about anything. N-now you need to g-go in there, pay up your t-tab, and never go back. T-then we'll head to the hospital, to see mum, and then we'll pick up Vic and Mike, and we'll go home, and we'll spend family time together, along with whatever other guests are at the house. Okay, Mr Fuentes?" Alex explained.
"Call me Vincent." he smiled, albeit it's weakness, the small name changing gesture meant a lot to Alex. Vincent was trying.

To be honest, he was pretty proud of how calm he'd managed to stay during that entire episode, and he couldnt help but think that maybe it was Jack. Jack helped him stay stable, for lack of a better word. Jack was Alex's rock. Just maybe, although Alex was unaware of this, maybe Alex was Jack's rock too. Small worlds, hey?

"Oh hey Mr Fuentes. Wasn't expecting you home til later. This is my best friend Matt." Daniel greeted as his stepdad entered the house.
"Yeah, I'm Matt, Matt Flyzik. Great to meet you Mr Fuentes." Matt stood up to go and shake his hand. Unexpectedly, Mr Fuentes welcomed him into a hug.
"Call me Vincent, you too Dan." he grinned. It was incredible, how such a weight could be taken off his shoulders after one confession to two people.
"Hey Dan, hey Matt" said Alex, currently balancing Mike on one side, Vic on the other.
Jack, who had somehow already found something to eat in Alex's kitchen, mumbled a, sarcastic, 'yoooooo' in Dan and Matt's direction.

"Yeah and it's like totally ridiculous because I didn't say anything rude to her but she's being really off with me and if- oh hey dad, Lex, Jack, Dan, Matt, Vic, Mike. Anyone else? haha" Tay walked down the stairs with Zach, her gossip session put on pause when she noticed the other people in the house.
"Hello, and nice to see you again Zach" Vincent smiled, and the thing is, it actually was a genuine smile. It was so not what Zach or Tay were expecting, honestly, they thought the world was going to end, a Mr Fuentes smile was that abnormal.

"Oh and mum is coming home tomorrow morning, the blood thing went smoothly." Alex updated the family as he popped a grape into his mouth. Everyone cheered at the thought of finally getting to properly see their mother again, and their new brother. "Jack and I are going upstairs now, see you later." and Alex made a hasty exist, taking the bowl of grapes and his boyfriend with him.

Soon enough, the totally mature boys were sat on Alex's bedroom floor, aiming purple grapes ("because the green ones are just icky"-quote from Alex earlier that day) at each other's mouths, experiencing perhaps one successful catch every 5 minutes.

When it came down to the last grape, Alex caught it between his teeth, and while he was trying to innunciate 'I caught it! I caught it!' Jack took the chance to move forward and kiss Alex. The grape passing between the two's mouths'. Alex climbed onto Jack's lap, straddling him. After a few minutes, Jack took the grape into his mouth, sliced into it with his teeth, and swallowed it.
"I wanted to eat that! It was my grape!" complained Alex, although come on, he's making out with Jack, he shouldn't be allowed to complain.
"You'll just have to eat me instead" Jack winked, knowing how the thought would make Alex throw a bit of a strop, but in Jack's eyes, pouting Alex is a sexy Alex (okay you caught him, all Alex is a sexy Alex, but still).
In response, Alex scrunched up his entire face, by default pursing his lips, and so Jack took the opportunity to start the kissing again.
"Wait fuck stop. Stay there." Alex leapt up, and began rummaging around his room for something.
"Lex what are you doing? I was kinda, in the zone there."
"I've got an idea but just shh."
Alex found it, his notebook, and scrawled 'hold me feel my heart beat, put your arms around me, and kiss me again' in his cursive writing on a new page. Lyrics. Good lyrics. Inspired by that moment.
"What idea? Lexy are you alright?"
"I'm fine, just, hold on til New Years. You're coming here by the way, your dad too, please" and Alex returned the notebook, sent a cheeky look in Jack's direction, which was when Jack stretched his long legs out.
"Speaking of my dad, I better get home. We've got to go grocery shopping. Walk me out?" asked Jack, also gesturing that he needed Alex's hand to help stand up. Tall people problems okay.

"Goodbye everyone, it was great to see you guys, have a great day!" Jack politely said his goodbyes to the family and guests, and at the door Alex pulled him into a long, slow kiss.
"Get a room!" Daniel hollered and chucked a few pieces of popcorn at them. Both boys grinned into the kiss, but moments later, both reluctantly released.
"Goodbye baby. Say hey to your mum and Tom for me tomorrow."
"Will do, bye Barafag, love you." Alex smirked.
"Love you too, Gayskank" Jack stuck his tongue out, and then turned and headed back home.
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i'm really sorry this is like a totally dull and long winded chapter (I wrote it at like 3am because I couldn't sleep) but yeahhh hope it's decent. Also mibba ppl, a lot of the time I forget to update the story here, because I write it on the wattpad app, so here's the wattpad link..