Sequel: Always
Status: in progress


My only one



That's the one.

Alexander William Gaskarth, a bi-romantic, asexual, freak.

How was he meant to tell Jack about this?! Well, he assumed Jack could have already guessed the bisexual bit. But asexual? Why did this have to happen to him?! It's like God wanted him to have the most awkward life ever. It made sense and all. Alex was 15, and hadn't jerked off once. Jack was 14, and had jerked off more times that he could remember.

It's strange applying ages to people. Alex had always felt older than he was. He never really thought- Alex, 15. Nor did Jack ever think, Jack, 14. So when ages were required to be thought about, both boys had always found it weird. Neither of them are even legal yet, but the other night, Alex had been worried Jack would want sex, and, not going to lie, Jack had considered it, but concluded that would be moving too fast- and rightly so.

"Alexxx, come to the toilets with me?" pleaded Jack, his eyes wide and dilated, making him look even more adorable than usual.
"Fiiinnnneeeee" Alex joked. He was still new here, it's not like he was going to say no to a potential best friend and or romantic (but not sexual) interest.

The boys arrived at the toilets. The toilets the guys never used, because there were only cubicles, not urinals, and that meant everybody thought that if you went into those toilets, you've either got a shamefully small dick, or you need to take a shit. Both equally awful. However, to be fair, it's better to be open about your small penis size, because at least then people know you've got balls- the metaphorical ones, although, literal works too.

Alex had wondered why Jack wanted to go to these toilets, because he'd learned the above on his second day, but he didn't want to say anything.

The minute the door was open, Jack listened for a moment to decide whether the room of cubicles was empty, and dragged Alex into one, and they started kissing against the back of a cubicle door. The kiss was passionate, full of lust. Not the kind of I-was-so-bored-in-double-physics-that-I-got-horny- passionate. The kind you experience with your one true love, or so Alex would've imagined.

Jack began grinding on Alex's thigh and crotch, heated kiss still ongoing, and Alex could feel Jack's boner, through his impossibly tight trousers- he must've gotten the school trousers fitted- no one else's look like that- and Alex began to blush. It was here onwards that things got a little... difficult.

Jack unzipped Alex's trousers, and started palming Alex through his boxers, and obviously very quickly noticing that Alex just wasn't hard at all. Not even a little bit. Jack pulled away from the kiss, and took his hand out of Alex's trousers. A brief look of hurt flashed in his eyes, before he gestured for Alex to move, and Jack let himself out of the cubicle- thinking about a dead rabbit he'd seen in the morning, his grandma and also flexing his muscles- diverting blood flow, and fixed his hair in the mirror, and then left quietly.

"Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck such a fucking twat fuck this why did I let it go so far fuck fuck fuck." Alex muttered, and he finished off by banging his head on the cubicle wall. Now Jack thought Alex wasn't at all interested in him, that he was playing him for a laugh, or he'll just completely doubt his own attractiveness, and he'll hate himself, and it will all be Alex's fault, just because he just has to be a repulsed asexual. Why? Why on earth did it have to be him?

That night Alex texted Jack, the minute he got home.

Alex: hey xx you alright?

Alex: jacky, please don't be mad xx

Alex: jagk come on I'll explain everything just talk to me baby xx

Alex: :(

Alex: I'll just tell you anyway.

Alex: please don't think I'm a freak but I find sex gross, I don't understand how it could be enjoyable. It's not a personal thing I stfg. I just, never want to engage in anything sexual, like ever. I'm sorry if that doesn't work with you, I understand, dw, but you're my best friend Jack, please don't abandon me. xxx

Jack: we'll talk tomorrow okay ? don't stress, but I think we should have this convo in person. ily boo, ttyl xxx

Needless to say, Alex got no sleep last night, and at break, they went to the same toilets again, but this time to talk, not to have an awkward-one-sided-grind..

"Jack I'm so sorry. I'm f-fucked up, I k-know, but I really n-need y-you Jack. And I really like you. A lot." Alex didn't once look Jack in the eyes, afraid of mockery, laughter, unacceptence, perhaps even some physical violence.
"Lex, don't worry about it. This sounds cliche, but I think I'm in er, in deep-like with you. And I don't mind you don't want to have sex, each to their own right? I just apologise that whenever I jerk off you're just going to have to be aware that it is most definitely to you. Or Patrick Swayze, because, well, damnnn." Jack grinned lovingly, and put his hand onto Alex's chin, lifting his head, and relief flooded over Alex as Jack leaned in, and kissed him tenderly. Alex smiled peacefully into the kiss, and Jack grinned, happy that he was making somebody else happy, because that's all he ever aims to do.