Second Chance


She is drunk.

I don't beg her to stop.

I don't try to snatch the bat away.

I take each and every blow, knowing I deserve it.

I watch as the metal comes down on me time after time.

My legs, my back, my arms, my head.

Blood drips down onto my shirt.

All the while, she is screaming.

"How could you Vance? How could you!"


"I loved you so much, Vance."


"I gave you everything I had. Everything in me."


"You destroyed me."


"I hate you."


She is no longer screaming, just hitting me. Swinging in every direction possible.

Bam. Bam. Bam.

I am curled up on the floor. I take each hit.

And suddenly they stop.

I peek up at Ellen, and see her frozen, with her arms poised above her, ready to bring the bat down on me again.

I follow her eyes and see Amelia, standing in the doorway.

"Dad," she says.

Ellen drops the bat, letting it clang to the floor. She moves toward Amelia, but Amelia runs to me.

"Dad," she repeats.

"I'm okay, honey, I'm okay." I pick myself up and walk to the bathroom, doing my best to take even steps.

I clean myself up, before passing out on the cool tile of the bathroom floor.