Status: This is a oneshot I did as a gift for a friend. I doubt she will read it and even if she does, she doesn't have to say anything.

First Family Christmas

Merry Christmas

Sachi was making sure that the presents were arranged nicely under the Christmas tree. She then looked up at the tree from where she was sitting to see the brightly lit and ornament decorated tree. At the top shined a golden star that Kyo helped her put up. She then looked over to see Kyo sitting on the couch with their seven month old son, Ryuu, on his lap. Kyo was bouncing Ryuu on his knee making the infant giggle. Sachi couldn't help but giggle at both of her boys being silly. She got up and made her way over to her husband and son.

Sachi sat down next to both of them then felt Kyo press his lips to her cheek. She smiled then looked back to gaze into Kyo's eyes. He then pecked her lips lightly with a light smile across his lips. Sachi could feel a small blush cross her cheeks. She loved the feelings she had for the man before her. She knew that he loved her more than anything as she did for him. Sachi broke out of her thoughts when Ryuu began to crawl over her lap. She looked down to see Ryuu babbling and smiling up at her.

"Well, someone wants to be the center of attention, huh?" Sachi giggled.

Ryuu's only response was more babbling. Both parents thought their son was adorable whenever he did that. Sachi brought Ryuu close to kiss his head. Kyo looked at his wife as she held Ryuu close to her. He then looked around their home to see the beautiful Christmas decorations that he and Sachi had put up a few weeks ago. He could still faintly smell the cookies she had made earlier. He remembered trying to sneak a few while she was still making them but she would smack his hand with the wooden spoon she was using. He didn't want to mess with Sachi when she was making something.

Kyo then got up from where he was sitting to go over to the tree. Sachi watched him while rocking Ryuu lightly in her arms. She wondered what he was doing as he was looking around the presents.

"Trying to figure out which present to open first tomorrow, danna-sama?" Sachi giggled.

She could see the smirk on Kyo's face but he shook his head, "Iie, I'm trying to find the one you should open for tonight."

Sachi quirked a brow as he said that. After a few more seconds, Kyo found what he was looking for then walked back over to Sachi. He sat back down then presented the gift to her, "Merry Christmas, tsuma-chan."

Sachi smiled and took the gift from him. She still cradled Ryuu in her arms as she carefully opened the gift. She noticed a shining emerald box then opened it to see a bracelet with three colored stones embedded in it. She then noticed that they were her, Kyo and Ryuu's birth stones. Kyo could see the look on her face and smiled, "We can also add another stone if we have another little one."

Sachi blushed but smiled gently. She looked at Kyo then kissed him softly. Kyo gladly kissed her back as he stroked his fingers through her hair. Sachi then pulled away to stare into Kyo's eyes.

"I love you, Kyo-san," Sachi nearly whispered.

"I love you too, Sachi-chan," Kyo replied as he pecked her bottom lip.

He then took the bracelet to place it around her delicate wrist. Sachi raised her hand to admire her gift from her husband. Sachi then looked down to see that Ryuu was chewing on the wrapping paper from her present. She giggled and took it from him.

"No, sweety. That's not something to eat," Sachi giggled.

Ryuu looked at her sadly then his bottom lip started trembling. Kyo frowned then got up to go back to the tree.

"I think Ryuu wants to open a present too," Kyo spoke up.

Kyo walked back over and handed Sachi a gift, "I got this for him."

Sachi smiled then looked down at Ryuu, "Oh look, Ryuu. A present from daddy."

Ryu patted the box then began to chew on the corner. They both laughed and then Sachi began to help Ryuu open his gift. Ryuu looked at what his mother was doing and began to tear away some of the paper too. After tearing away the paper, Sachi saw a white box. She took off the lid to see tissue paper.

"Make it enough work for a seven month old, didn't you?" Sachi laughed as she looked at Kyo.

Kyo put his hands up, "Hey, the girl at the store did it."

Sachi giggled then separated the tissue paper to reveal a blue puppy dog plush with a blanket attached to it. Ryuu's eyes immediately lit up when he saw it and held it close. Kyo chuckled at his son. He then kissed the top of Ryuu's head, "Merry Christmas, son."

Sachi smiled and kissed Kyo's forehead making him look back at her, "Do you want to open a gift now, Kyo-san?"

Kyo shook his head and placed a hand on her cheek, "I already have what I want, Sachi-chan. I have you and your love and you have given me a child."

Sachi smiled and nuzzled her face into his hand. She kissed his palm lightly. Kyo smiled gently at her then leaned in, kissing her softly. Sachi kissed him back and placed her hand over his that was still on her cheek. They pulled away after a few seconds to smile at each other. Kyo looked down to smile as he saw his son cuddled up to his new present. Sachi smiled and carefully cradled him in her arms. Both parents stood up to take Ryuu to his room. Sachi gently placed Ryuu in his crib and pulled a blanket over him. They both kissed his forehead and said goodnight along with a Merry Christmas.

Kyo and Sachi walked back into the living room to relax. Kyo switched off the lamp in the living room only to leave the room illuminated by the Christmas tree. Sachi cuddled against Kyo as they looked at the tree. Kyo set his head against hers while keeping her close to him. Sachi looked up at Kyo and smiled softly at him. Kyo smile as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Merry Christmas, Sachi-chan," Kyo whispered against her lips.

"Merry Christmas, Kyo-san," Sachi said softly.

The couple continued to hold each other and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms, still being illuminated by their tree.
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Again, written for a friend as an early Christmas present. I don't think she'll read it but if she does, then she doesn't have to say anything about it. I wanted to do it and I liked the idea.