
This is a tale of a psycho girl and drugs. It was greatly inspired by Porcelain and the Tramps, every one of their songs playing a role in the story. As I listened to the lyrics, I realized that the story was basically written out for me-all I had to do was put in it book form.

The main character, Lucy, is a metaphor for a drug. But she is very much human at the same time. Lucy, as a human, believes that she is a drug, which is one of the reasons so many people think she's insane.

Below are all of the Porcelain and the Tramps songs, and how they relate to the story. It'll definitely be useful to read these, though they may seem confusing at first. They'll make sense as you read the story.

The Preyingmantis; This song represents Lucy's relationship with her mother. It describes how her mother used to love her (I remember when you used to call me your baby, baby), and when her mother realized how "sick" Lucy is (I don't think I am who you want me to be, I'm sorry it took you this long just to see that I'm rolling and rolling around in my mind). It describes how Lucy felt when her mother tried to take her to a therapist (Actions speak louder than words, so don't tell me that you love me now). And it describes how Lucy "rid" herself of her mom (Throw it all away, wash you off in the shower-I'm gagging myself while brushing out the foul taste you left in my mouth.)

Transparent; This song is the song that started the whole story. The first verse is in Lucy's point of view (Look at me you creep, straight in the eyes. I won't let you leave over my dead body, maybe yours, too. Read between the lines and see my middle finger's in disguise.) It describes how she feels towards her victims. The chorus, however, is not in Lucy's point of view. It is about her. (Pretty, perfect girly, dressed in black. Purple highlights in the back. I see you as you are, I see you're transparent. Leaning on one hip with a cigarette, thinking your ass it as good as it gets.) It describes her looks, her true self, and how she thinks she's all that and a bag of chips. The second verse (I just saw you twitch, twitching like a mouse. Pretending to play dead, in this kitty's house. So, I'll toy with you. So try not to get caught because my teeth are sharp and my temper's hot) is in her point of view. It, again, describes how she feels towards her victims, and how she won't let them go.

My Leftovers; This song describes how Lucy feels about her mother trying to look young and beautiful (You're having a midlife crisis trying to get to where I've been). It describes how Lucy with say anything, no matter how rude or wrong (Oh, I don't hold my breath and I don't hold my tongue, and I know that you know that I don't back down to no one). And it tells how Lucy feels about her mother's plastic surgery (With all your plastic surgery, you still think that you're twenty. Well, honey, you'll never look as good as me, it would take a lot more money).

Fucks Like A Star; Obviously, this song is about sex, but in my story, it represents how Lucy screws people as a drug. It says how people want her and what she does to people (Oh, I know you're out of it, Oh, I know you want it).

I Feel Perfect; This song is in Logan's point of view. It describes how he feels about Lucy as a drug, and the highs she puts him on. (I can never stop myself from falling over, I can feel you coming closer and closer, baby don't stop there-don't stop until you please me-why don't you come over, and slip into something a little more comfortable? Slip in to me [like a syringe]-how does that feel baby? Oh, wait, don't tell me, I already know-I feel perfect.)

I'm Your Favorite Drug; This song obviously represents how Lucy feels she is Logan and everyone else's favorite drug, and how she thinks everyone wants her.

King of the World; This song represents how she feels she is better than everyone else, and how she controls people as a drug.

Redlight District; This is another song that refers to Lucy as a drug. The first verse (nine inch heels come marching in to please a black tied dirty old man. Staring, sweating, barely caring, slurring "Break me in,") refers to her getting an old man high. "Give it up, give it up, give it up, she'll give it up if you wanna pay up," refers to how she'll pleasure you as a drug if you give yourself to her.

Sugar Cube; This song doesn't have much meaning to the story. It mostly just describes the club where Lucy is most of the time. The chorus (I think you know tonight, tonight I'm gonna put you, taste you, tease you, show you what I've been waiting for) is in Lucy's point of view and basically says she's gonna get you messed up tonight. The verse "I think about you, can't dream without you, I always want more," is in Logan and the other user's point of view, and it describes their addiction to her.

You Want; This song represents how Lucy finds out some of her users don't like her as much, and want to get away from her. (Cause you want me, and you like me...dead-you wanna tear me up, you wanna stretch me out, and what you lost I found, and now I'm not giving it back-I love you, but I'll never change).

And the disclaimer: I do not own any of these songs, but the characters and story plot are very much mine.