Would You Hold It Against Me?


I focused on the sounds flowing into my ear as I bolted through the forest at a human speed, my forehead glistening with sweat as the sun beat hot on my body as I zigzagged through the trees. There had been sightings of humans around this part, and we weren't to keen on having them around during this war and I got sent out to track them. My brother told me to keep out of my wolf form unless I was in immediate danger which left me no choice but to pretend to be a jogger. I could smell them, they were awfully close and really stinky.

I slowed to a normal jogging speed and started to huff my chest, trying my best to imitate any normal person who decided to go on a jog in the middle of the forest. I let my feet become heavy and I heard a couple startled voices yelling at me.

"Who's there?!" An elder sounding man yelled.

I pushed through the bush with my arms held above my head and a sheepish smile on my face. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, just a jogger!" I called to them.

When I stepped into the open, I glanced around to inspect the humans. Two elderly woman and one child who looked like he was going to throw a rock at me. I raised my eyebrows and lowered my hands to my side seeing them relax.

"Sorry, we've heard a lot of wolves around this area." The elder lady said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I live in a house with my family not to far from here. We hear the howls all the time, this area isn't the best at night. I see a lot of wolves in our backyard." I half-lied. I saw wolves all the time, but I was one of them.

The elder couple exchanged a look and then looked at the child in sync. I rolled my eyes when they weren't looking at me, hoping I had scared them enough to leave. The no kill pact we had with humans stopped me from turning into a wolf and scaring them away because that some how counted as the want to harm a human. I stretched my arms above my head and watched the little boy come over to me and give me a big smile.

"You've seen a wolf up close?" He asked me.

He was no older then five, so I gave his imagination something to come up with. "Yeah, he was so close I could almost touch him!" I exclaimed, kneeling down.

"Woah! I wanna touch a wolf!" He declared boldly.

I hid a smirk and rubbed his head. "Wolves aren't friendly kid, they're mean creatures." I said.

He pouted and turned back to the elderly couple who called his name. I wasn't paying attention enough to really catch it, all I heard was my brothers voice lingering in my head.

Cana, come back. He said.

On my way.

"Well, it's about time I head back. It was nice meeting you guys, I'll see you all later!" I yelled as I ran away back the way I came. When I knew I was out of sight, I broke into a sprint, running faster than any human could ever run.

I arrived at home quickly, seeing my brother and Liam standing with a group of males as I jogged up to them. I nodded, only acknowledging Liam after I gave my brother a hug.

"Three humans. Two elderly and one child, I think I scared them enough that they'll leave before night fall, but if not we need to put scouts on them. I am fond of that little boy." I said truthfully.

My brother rolled his eyes, "As you wish, I'll send you to go check with Liam and some of his guys. They need a tour of our lovely land." He dismissed me and I walked away, cursing to whatever God existed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter out! Sorry it took me a while. I made a new layout, I hope you guys enjoy it!

I would like to thank IceDeath. for the comment and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to comment/subscribe/recommend, alright!
Means a lot to me. (: