Status: updating when I can :)



For a table fitting two people, the amount of dishes presented looked like it would be for a table of five. Some of the plates from previous courses were removed, and the couple was able to navigate their orders better.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” The waitress with dark red hair asked. Her ponytail was swept over to one shoulder neatly.

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

The sound of dinner forks and knives clanking against the plate drowned out the uncomfortable silence. It’s been a struggle to hold a conversation sitting down at the table. A majority of the talking was due to ordering their meals, Niall asking her what she would like. The answers were short and choppy, but she gave her best fake smile at her date and waitress. While waiting for it to arrive, he couldn’t get the slightest thing out of her mouth no matter what the question was. His palms were clammy as he kept rubbing them together under the table out of nervousness. She, on the other hand, observed her surroundings with both of her hands supporting her chin.

Niall cut through his meat a bit too rough, receiving a loud screech of the knife scratching the plate. He winced and noticed Hannah jumped in her seat. She looked up at him startled.

“Sorry.” He gave an apologetic smile.

She nodded. “It’s alright.”

The agonizing silence continued. Niall grew antsy, shaking his leg up and down while throwing Hannah occasional glances. He licked his lips many times, preparing to say something that he knew would be shot down with a short response. The background noises were beginning to aggravate him since it was all he could hear. People chattering at the tables around them and kitchen utensils being clanked bothered him, but nothing like hearing the sound of his own chewing set him off more. He almost shut himself up out loud until he remembered he was in public. It was odd enough he had a random girl out with him; there was no need to cause any more of a scene.

After another bite of the steak, Niall set his fork down. It hit the edge of the plate that made Hannah look at him again. She raised an eyebrow with a neutral expression.

“Are we really not goin’ to talk the entire time?” He asked abruptly. She stared at him blankly. “It’s almost like were an old couple in a big argument.”

Hannah wasn’t playing around. She made it obvious when she didn’t chuckle with him.

“We are not a couple.”

Niall leaned back in his chair and rolled his eyes. “I know that, but would it kill ya to give me some communication? I’m fallin’ asleep over here.”

“That’s great.” She smirked, fake happiness read clear across her face. “I didn’t get any communication while waiting for you for forty five minutes.”

He let out an exasperated sigh, a hand running through the front of his quiff. Maybe it was more peaceful when she kept her mouth shut. She brought the glass of wine to her lips, an eyebrow narrowing for a response.

“So, I’m getting the silent treatment as payback? Fair enough,” He commented with a laugh. His hand reached over the table, leaving Hannah looking perplexed. “Let me see your phone.”

“What? No, why?”

“If you want to resolve the communication issue, then I suggest you let me give you my number.”

The blonde shook her head. She was being an absolute hypocrite by complaining about the lack of communication from earlier and didn’t want to be a part of fixing the problem. Niall knew it was going to take more than just asking head on for her number. He knew she wasn’t that easy.

“Many girls would kill for this.” He wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk plastered across his face, trying to put his Irish charm in action that already works for millions of girls around the globe.

“Cocky bastard.” She remarked with disgust.

“Your retaliations never cease to amaze me.” He laughed.

His comment was meant for that kind of retort. It brought emotion to her face, almost making her return back to being a normal human being. The last time she’d shown some interest in conversation was when she had the screaming match outside with him.

“Come on. Tell me the negatives of exchanging phone numbers.”

“I don’t think you’ll find the least amount of joy in saving a phone number when you’re never going to use it. I was hoping this would all blow over, and we could go back to our separate lives: you, visiting every monument known to man while I can continue to ignore the rest of the men that walk into my life. So, if you think that a dinner date and an apology are going to make me change my views, then you were clearly mistaken.”

Hannah shoved another piece of meat down her throat rather forcefully. Her grey eyes stayed glued to the plate as she cut another piece. Meanwhile, Niall studied her intently.

She’d spoken with an even tone, but her eyes were wild, the grey tint in them similar to a thunder cloud. Her mouth moved a mile a minute, which made her accent more prominent. The paragraph of harsh words ended as soon as it came, and it was amazing how she went back to eating as if nothing ever happened. Niall noticed how she ogled her food with the utmost intensity. Her knuckles were white with the amount of force she used on clutching the silverware. She sat upright, an aura coming off of her comparable to a…bitch.

The girl had felt Niall’s staring the entire time. It was only a matter of time before Niall would be aware of the steam blowing out of her ears, but her fury didn’t seem to bother him.

“I think this is this is the reason why I keep coming back around.” He finally said.

“To infuriate me?”

“Actually, yes.” Her eyes shot up at his answer. It was a statement she was not expecting to hear. “I like your honesty.”

Hannah scoffed. “You don’t even know of half of the things that go on in my brain.”

“The fraction I get now is enough for me to handle.”

The rest of dinner did not go as smooth as Niall hoped it would. Conversations remained awkward and short since he could not muster a word out of her. He didn’t know what it was about her that made her absolutely fascinating. The way she neglected him or dodged questions should be enough to push him away for good. She’d flash that million dollar smile to the waitress, putting on a show of how much of a wonderful time she was having. Any man would be livid at how much of a fake she was, but Niall already knew her better than that. He’d talked with her twice beforehand, each time being a rejection. She wasn’t phony, just liked to keep her life free of conflicts, confrontations, and issues. Niall was one or all three of those subjects, and she didn’t realize how much harder it was going to be to get rid of him.

Niall was more than grateful to accept the bill, seeming that they were getting nowhere after an hour and a half of dinner. He paid for it without any complaints from his date and guided her out of the restaurant, a hand resting on her lower back. Her lack of reaction meant she was pretending for the sake of the customers, acting like a date with Niall was nothing she wasn’t used to. The heat radiating off her skin expressed everything only her and Niall knew otherwise.

A cab slowed to the curb in the nick of time. Flashes were already coming from across the blocks across the street and countless guests in the building were not oblivious to the band member’s presence. Hannah had yet to say a word about the paparazzi, but it was best to keep quiet about the situation.

“Could ya just take us five blocks up and then make a left?”

The cab driver nodded at Niall’s request. It was making its way back on the main road while Niall sat back in his seat. Hannah’s incredulous glare could not go unnoticed. The piercing grey eyes shot daggers into his blue ones.

“If you take me back to your flat, so help me God I will-”

“Relax.” Niall motioned his hands down, hoping to cure her anger for at least a little bit. “It’s not my flat. We’re going to a nightclub. I think you need a pint or two.”

The name of the next location put Hannah back into her previous state, if not worse.

“You’re out of your fucking mind. A bloody nightclub?!”

Hannah had been more than satisfied with Niall’s choice of drink. She grabbed the glass in front of her, letting that that liquor mixed with Red Bull run down her throat. The blonde boy across the table ordered something completely different, just a plain beer. She would have been pleased with that, but she was going to jump on her chance to be spoiled with expensive drinks. They were so addicting.

Probably, the only the reason she did not hold Niall by the collar in the cab was because of the alcohol. She did not want to spend more time with the superstar than she needed to, but the immediate thought of liquor made her reconsider the idea. He brought her to a back booth and gave her the opportunity to drink the rest of the night away. She was ready to drown out his thick accent, all in hopes of being extremely intoxicated; he’d have to take her home.

Upon her second gulp, bringing the content in the glass half full, her eyes met with the big blues on the other side of the table. Hannah looked away, but brought her gaze back when she still felt his eyes on her.

“What?” She inquired with an attitude.

“Dance with me.”

She shifted her head in annoyance.

“I don’t dance, remember?”

Niall smirked smugly at her when he reached for his bottle. She watched as his facial expressions contorted, trying to figure her out like she was some sort of puzzle. Neither one of them broke the stare.

“What do you do if ya don’t mind me askin’?”

Hannah sighed exasperatedly.

“I attend a University and work a part-time job.”

The facts were too broad for what Niall asked for. She knew it led him to wondering why she was so guarded about her life. Even the simplest things were kept a secret. He wasn’t about to cause trouble or track her down in any way, but he still didn’t earn all of her trust. Yet, the way she kept things hidden only increased his curiosity, and she knew that all too well.

Niall laughed and lifted the beer to his lips.

“Is it a crime to ask what you’re studying or were you work?” He questioned and only got an irritated expression in response. “I’m only interested.”

Hannah remained silent as a playful grin crept to her lips. It was almost like she was enjoying his snooping. The blonde boy raised an eyebrow.

“You either dance with me or you tell me a little about yourself.”

She rolled her eyes with a short chuckle.

“I’d rather dance.”

That statement wasn’t true, and she wished she was drunk enough to throw out more rude remarks, adding some vulgar language in between. Either way, she knew the celebrity was getting something out of his deal. He began to stand from the table. Hannah lost her breath for a second at his movements that the words stumbled out of her mouth before she knew she was talking.

“I study psychology at University College London to get an understanding of what goes through arses’ minds like yourself. And I spend the rest of my time working at the library on campus.”

Niall smiled when he slid back into his seat, neglecting the comment about him being an arse.

“Now come on,” He joked. “That wasn’t so hard, yeah?”

Hannah had flashbacks at the last time he said that to her, attempting to figure out her name. She finished off the rest of her drink in one gulp, setting the empty glass on the table with a loud clank.

“I don’t see why you care. You’re too busy traveling the world that my life will be forgotten from your mind before you know it.”

It was quite a harsh statement, and Hannah received some satisfaction out of it. He didn’t look hurt in any way. He knew what he was getting into the more he kept talking to her.

“Actually, I care about what you do. What makes you think I’ll forget? Traveling has nothing to do with my excellent memory.”

Hannah’s grey eyes went wide and gave his the most dubious look she’s ever given him. “Pardon me, but what was that?”

Niall gazed at her unbeknownst to the reference she was making. She eyed him like a mother, demanding answers to a question just before a grounding took place. The serious expression she held finally made the memory click in his brain. She was referring to the weekend of 1D Day – the day he completely forgot about meeting her at the pub.

“I apologized, didn’t I? And I remembered tonight.”

“Excluding the forty five minutes I spent waiting…” Hannah looked off into the distance, but made her statement clear enough for Niall to hear. Then, their eyes connected. She had her hands clasped together supporting her chin. “It is a known fact men are more forgetful than women. You must be truly blessed if you rarely forget.”

This girl brought her psychological knowledge to every discussion, and Niall had no problem with it. Trashing his gender may be a little demeaning, but nothing is better than listening to a person who enjoys what they are or planning to so with their life. He talked so much about his music career that it was nice to hear her talk about her schooling. School was definitely something he did not miss.

“Would you like another drink?” He asked, pointing to her empty glass.

She nodded.

Niall kept the conversation light while he was letting her have her fourth drink at her own pace. He could see all the signs of her intoxication level. She talked louder and had more of a response to him than earlier. Furthermore, he could also see how much she loosened up and became more open to answering his questions. Mainly, he got information that it was her second year at the University and what her role was while working in the library.

He was becoming greedy. The knowledge of some aspects of her life did not fully match up with what he really wanted. Her eyes danced with delight, the alcohol clearly running through her bloodstream. She began downing the vodka and Red Bull much faster than the hour before. Sometimes, she’d giggle in the thin red straw, clearly not aware of her growing drunk state. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

“Dance with me.”

Hannah set the drink back on the table and stared at her celebrity date. His eyes darkened to a dark, ocean blue.

“I don’t know how,” was her only coherent answer.

Niall stood from the table once more and offered his hand.

“I can show you.”

With apprehension, her hand fit in with his and was led to the dance floor. Swaying bodies bumped into the couple, partly due to Hannah’s balance being thrown off. The strobe lights and constant moving of limbs made Hannah confused as to where she was. Her date kept his other large hand on her back, keeping her in sight as he directed her to the middle of the crowd.

Suddenly, the gentle pushing stopped. Hannah looked at the floor, gazing at the heels she had on. Unsure of what to do next, she turned so her front was facing Niall. He smiled softly at her like they were not about to perform some dirty dancing. For a few seconds, she could have sworn she was seeing double. Her body felt light. If it wasn’t for his hands on her, she would have collapsed to the floor.

“Turn around.”

She did what she was told and went back to her previous position. Soon enough, Niall’s fingertips were at her waist, causing her breath to hitch. This feeling was so foreign to her; she doesn’t even remember the last time she’d dance with a man. Men usually dove in the moment they saw her, wrapping their whole arm around her stomach while the other hand was too busy roaming. Bradley was the first and last person to grab her like she was a porcelain doll, careful with his touch so she won’t break.

It’s been four year since a man treated her with care, and thinking back to the memories at the party, it brought everything that she wanted to forget.

Club mixes were never really her thing, but anything made her want to dance when alcohol swam through her veins. As the beat picked up, people rushed into the family room since the stereo was located over there. Not everybody could fit in the room, so other occupied the hallways, kitchen, or anywhere else.

Hannah abandoned her red cup, telling one of her friends to join her in the smashed room. It was better to dance in a claustrophobic room where nobody could see her, and at least her friend wouldn’t make any comments. She was never confident with her dancing skills, but that was going to take a turn for the better.

The two girls jumped around and deserved some cheers and claps when they jokingly grinded up on one another for a few moments. They laughed hysterically at the attention and kept at it before their guy friends stepped in and separated them. The boy and girl danced to one long mix when he finally lowered his mouth to her ear.

“Somebody keeps staring at you.” He said. “I think he wants to dance with you.”

Hannah didn’t have time to respond because the boyish hands at her hips were released. The lost connection made her whip her blonde hair to one shoulder as she focused on the two boys that were standing behind her. The taller, more masculine guy spoke something in her friend’s ear, which led him to disappear. The older man finally gazed at Hannah with a smirk on his face. She was taken aback and continued to keep her mouth shut when he approached her. He spun her around so her back rested against his front.

“What’s your name, love?” His tone was low and seductive. He had his chin resting on her shoulder, swaying their hips to a slower song.

“It’s Hannah.”

“I’m Bradley.” He told her. “Did you know you’re absolutely stunning, Hannah?”

His fingers felt rough, but were gentle as they were placed on her waist. Their skin touched, and it made the heat rise in Hannah’s stomach.

“So I’ve been told.”

The alcohol made her confident. A hearty chuckle sounded in her right ear, the hot breath making her squirm in pleasure.

“Well, I want to be the only one who tells you that now.”


Hannah began to panic and practically breathed like she was suffering an asthma attack. Tears pricked at her eyes when she reached for his hands. Her fingers hooked under his to pry them off, receiving a firm grasp in response. Whimpers escaped past her lips that went unheard due to the blaring DJ. Soft breathing came to her right ear, all too familiar memories still present in her mind.

“Don’t worry. You can relax. I’ve got you.”

The Irish tint in his voice brought her back to reality. It let her remember where she was in the first place. The people in the club were adults, not some sixteen year olds at a house party. Niall’s fingers were pressed to her hips, not Bradley’s.

He seemed to calm her down in a way that not even Hannah could comprehend. The alcohol could be a huge factor into this, but even intoxicated; she was ready to bolt before he spoke. Now, his body molded in to her back, and she felt slight movement. She didn’t dare to move.

“Let your body fall into mine.” He spoke in her ear again. It was in a whisper as if to keep his words a secret from the rest of the world.

Hannah relaxed into him, knowing for certain that he was the one making all the movement. She kept her palms over his for she had no idea what to do with them. Her eyes scanned the dance floor to see the dance moves of other people. The flashing lights made it difficult to make out anything clearly. It was noticeable though they were moving at a much quicker pace than she was.

“Take in the beats.” He said and readjusted himself behind her. “Move to the rhythm of my hips.”

She took a deep breath for confidence, and then matched her hips with his. She began to move, finding it to be a weird feeling to have someone dancing behind her again. Deep down, she forced herself to believe Niall was not judging her dancing skills. The room was too dark to see anything perfectly, so nobody could see her. And it was not that anybody cared. Hannah picked up the pace, praying he wouldn’t say anything.

Two songs passed while they danced n the same style. Blonde boy was supposed to be taking the lead, so Hannah hoped he was satisfied with what they’ve done so far.

A cold breeze flew to the spot where Niall’s hands were once resting. They reached over her palms now, taking them delicately up in the air. Hannah watched her arm movements with caution, seeing that they were being bent behind her and placed around his neck. Her fingertips touched lightly to the nap of his neck, feeling how sweaty he was becoming.

“Keep your arms wrapped around my neck.” He told her in a husky voice. Then, it was brought to a whisper. “And close your eyes.”

She obliged, relaxing into his lean body again. Just by shutting her eyes, she felt the room begin to spin. It probably wasn’t a good sign, yet it made her feel good. It was like she couldn’t control her body movements anymore, which was okay on her part. Niall still did most of the leading and enjoyed every moment her hips ground into his. She was finally letting the beats of the music take over. She reaffirmed her grip on his neck to a tighter state that brought his head down between her shoulder and neck.

“You’re doing a great job, babe.” The comment attempted to come out as stable as possible. “What made you think you were a terrible dancer?”

No words could comprehend from the euphoric state she was in. So, she just giggled and pressed tight to his body. He made a noise between a grumble and a moan.

“Just keep pretendin’ nobody’s watchin’,” He reminded her. “You’re fuckin’ amazing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
hiii, enjoy the update! And let me know your thoughts. :)