Seclusion in Shadows


Gerard carefully got his hoodie out of his bag and wrapped the fragile boy in it while looking down at the boys dying face. Gerard felt sick as he saw how The boys skin was see through and you can see his veins through it. Gerard felt like there was a violent earthquake as he tried to tread as carefully as possible back the way he came. He felt as though he was destroying the boy with every step he took. He kept looking at his face and only by the shudders the boy took he could tell he was still alive. Gerard didn't even realise he had dropped his sketchbook when he found the boy because his interest and thoughts were directed to the boy and the boy only.

This may not seem like such a big deal to you but the sketch pad was Gerard's way of escaping the mundanities of life. You see, Gerard was disappointed with what life had offered him, as a kid he was a dreamer and the realisation that life was really this colourless. He found everything monotone and kind of lived for the moments of fear or any emotion he felt. Which is why he indulged Himself in horror movies, drugs , cigarettes, alcohol and late nights out. But he still saw beauty in the things untainted by humans.

As Gerard's face flashed with pain and worry for the boy that had to be at least 16 but had the body of a starved 12 year old. He was obviously short with no indication facial hair on his almost porcelain looking face. But there was still an impression that he was older than he let on around him. But that could just be because his experiences had aged him mentally.

Gerard neared civilisation and decided to stay at the hotel he was renting this month because he didn't want to face his house. Believe me, its no trivial reason he didn't want to go back there. he has his reasons Luckily he had all the stuff he would need. So he walked in, trying to look casual while deciding if the police should be consulted. They probably should but the police around here are shit around there and he knew a lot about first aid because his mother was a doctor. Also his friend was a aspiring nurse so he decided he'd call Alicia, his friend, in a while.

When he got to his room he placed the boy on the bed and told him to press the button which would activate a fire alarm if anything went wrong. The boy showed he understood by clutching the button and nodding so faintly it was debatable if it was his doing or just another involuntary twitch.

Gerard ran to get the things he'd need. When he got back, his bag full of bottled water, tea, a banana, hot water bottle, bottle, fluffy pillows, blankets, porridge, smashed potato, honey, soup, bread, milk, juice, as various other things. He poured water into a baby bottle and tried to feed the boy, he managed to spill the water but dried the boy with a blanket. He didn't mind because he drank some.
After feeding, watering and smothering the boy with pillows and blankets, trying to build up the heat around him, he fell asleep. But not before he smiling feebly at Gerard.
The smile make Gerard's insides quiver with emotion.