Status: Might be slow updateing. I write when I feel inspired, and normally rough draft about it four times before I like it enough to post.

This Can Not Be Real. Right?

Portal to AU, now boarding.

"What the fuck just happened," I moaned clutching the back of my head. I ruffled my hair a little letting small shards of glass fall from my locks to the ground.

"Are you alright," the voice was male hesitant and way to familiar.

"Please don't be who I think you are," the silent prayer left my body before turning around and finding two men in boots, jeans, and layered plaid shirts. One had light brown almost blond hair and a gruff look. The other had long, more mid length chocolate brown hair.

"You're...Winchester....motel.....window....shit," the words came out as I processed what the fuck had just happened to me.

The shorter of the two men did his nervous twitch with his mouth. You know where he'll smile then cover it up real fast. Whilst his taller younger brother furrowed his brow and then un-furrowed it.

"No, I'm perfectly alright Sam, I just flew thru a window into a fucking alternate universe. Totally fucking normal," I glared at the brothers.

They shared a look.

"You know who we are," Dean asked.

"Sit down, have a drink you might need one," I suggested standing, I rubbed the back of my head on more time. No blood.

I turned around at them only to have water splashed on me.

"Dean, if you ever throw holy water on me again I will gut you," My gaze was held by his for a brief moment, " I'm human. Not any monster that you hunt or a fucking angel or leviathan. I'm not going to cut myself with a silver blade either," I looked at Sam who drew his.

"Then how do we know for sure," Sam fired back.

"Lay the blade on my skin. I'll wear iron. I'm not bleeding for your sanity, or what's left of it."

Dean gave me one of his 'what the fuck' looks.

"What. I have a fear of dyeing due to blood loss. Sounds painful if you ask me," I shrugged.

"Leviathans bleed black goo. The only test to cut you," Sam reasoned.

"Um no. That cleaning agent burns them, no? A little dab should be enough? No?"

The brothers shared a look and I found myself rushed and tied to a chair.

"You guys do know the window is BROKEN. People can hear and now see what is happening in here," I struggled against the silver chains I was now wearing.

Dean pushed up the sleeve of my shirt and I felt the bite of the sliver blade.

"Oh my God, red blood. Shocker," I staired up at the two of them, "Can yah' let me go now?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought about this for a while so lets see where this goes yeah? Mostly going to take place in S7.
rated r for the show content and the language.