Status: Work In Progress.

Depression, My New Obsession. My Home Sweet Home.


Batkit sat alone in the woods, the quiet breeze seeming to call out to him - to remind him of all of the flaws and corruption in the world. The way it ruffled his fur sent shivers down his spine, making his skin crawl like millions of parasites as the icy wind of inevitable leaf-bare crept through the land. He looked around silently, taking in the dying surroundings. Memories crept through his head like frightened mice hiding in the undergrowth, knowing they would soon be found.

Suddenly he was back to that day, terrified screams and pain-filled wails filled the stagnant air. Everything seemed to have an eerie shadow, like a hungry dark-forest cat mirroring their every move. Hungry orange flames lapped at the paws of his clan members, charring their pelts to an inky black mess. Batkit forced himself to look away, blaming himself for everything that happened. Blaming himself for his helplessness and inability to stop what what was happening. Fear clogged his throat and panic swept through his body like harsh waves of static. His mind was running like a hare and his heart thumped in his chest like a trapped bird.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.

Batkit had to remind himself how to breathe as his eyes wandered to a familiar ginger pelt, one he had known his entire life. He felt the familiar smell of her fur under his nose, mixed with the acrid stench of melting flesh and charring fur. It was a scene that would always plague his feeble mind, something that burned into his skin as though fire ants crawled all over him, releasing painful doses of venom straight to his brain every time he caught a familiar smell from that day.

With a quick shake of his head, the memories left just as soon as they came and Batkit was once again left in the chilly leafbare forest.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.