Silently Screaming

{{silently screaming

I was sitting between the people I know. Friends and acquaintances. Relaxing and talking as we make a half-circle by dragging our chairs together. I sat on one edge.

I was half-daydreaming when a sharp, high-pitched noise interrupted my ears. Everyone else continued conversation like normal, so that means it's just me. I thought my ears had no problem, and they're really just fine.

It went on and on, louder every second. I ignored it by the thought that it'll die down soon, but it didn't. Instead, the noise slowly became faint screams on both of my ears.

It was horrible. It needed to stop right there or I'll go insane and my friends will think I'm crazy.

I excused myself, and I did a half-run, banging the door close as I stormed in the empty restroom.

I thought that I'd get away from it. I thought I'd get away from everyone's corrupt, screaming hearts. I thought that I'll be fine. The noise did die down a little, though.

But one mind-piercing scream of a heart remained.

It was mine.
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I don't even know what I'm writing, I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. Anyway, this one will be a start of the collection I'm making. It's about horror and stuff. Because I like horror.