‹ Prequel: Hearts Like Supernovas
Status: I got attached to Micah and Stryker, so I wanted them to make cute little babies

Be Not Afraid to Love Me

Just Let Love Consume Us....

It was two in the afternoon when Stryker snuck into his best friend’s apartment, only to find him asleep in bed. He pressed a hand into the sleeping form’s back. “Micah,” he whispered. The younger didn’t stir at all. He pressed harder. “Micah!”

“Ugh!” came the sleepy response. “Get off!” He rolled over and faced the elder boy. His hands went to his eyes and rubbed the remaining sleep away while yawning.

“I’m just making sure you’re not dead!” Stryker laughed. “I did promise you that last night, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, I’m alive. Now go away.”


“I’m about to get up, I’m naked, and you claim you don’t want to see anything of mine,” he yawned.

Stryker shoved the younger’s head into the pillows and got up. “I don’t ever want to see you naked,” he lied through his teeth. “I’ll go look for something half-edible.” He turned and went toward the door. He stumbled into a wall of cologne, the same smell still lingering on his skin this morning. It verified what he felt earlier, when he woke up alone.

When he had woken up, he thought everything that had happened was only a detailed dream about his best friend. One that he wouldn’t mind if it actually happened in real life. But you can’t dream smells, right? Last night, before he fell asleep, he was hit with the truth. The truth that he loved his best friend. Ten years of seeing that same stupid gorgeous face, he supposed he’d learned to love it.

He stuck his head into the fridge, a hand shoving into the back to try and find his sanity. This was crazy, him loving his best friend. But again, he wouldn’t mind it....

A few moments of contemplation later, he felt something press against his ass and he yelped.

“You know, that never gets boring,” Micah yawned. “And you make possibly the sexiest yelp ever.”

Stryker blushed, playing it off with a glare. Although he couldn’t keep up the act while looking at what his friend was wearing — just a pair of sweats (that may or may not have exemplified his “V”).

“Dude, you’re ogling me to death. At least be discreet about it, yeah?” Micah offered, walking around the breakfast island and reaching into the cupboard for a glass.

Stryker’s eyes immediately dropped to the small of Micah’s back, to the firm ridge of his spine, and lower still. He mentally slapped himself when Micah turned around and smirked.

“So what brings you over to my humble abode so early?”

“It’s two in the afternoon,” Stryker corrected.


“Anyway. I was bored.” Along with other things; but that part, Micah didn’t need to know.

“Couldn’t you have played with yourself alone?” the younger teased.

“Well, you do it best,” Stryker shot back. He didn’t mean for it to sound so hostile.

Micah looked up, thoroughly startled. “What?” Drunk Stryker never remembered anything, which was why he was so taken aback. The elder couldn’t have remembered what they did last night.

Stryker smirked at his best friend’s sudden nervous state, as the younger was always the more confident male between the two of them. He folded his arms over his chest. “What, Micah?” he asked cockily, his head tilting innocently.

Micah glowered at his friend. “You’re an asshole.”

“But you love me,” came the programmed response. This time, those words held something different than the normal harassment shared between the two. There was something definite about it now.

In slow-motion, Stryker watched his best friend strut over to him. He liked the feeling of Micah standing so close, his body pinning him against the counter. Maybe it was the way his friend’s body fit against his. Maybe he liked having Micah’s warmth stretching across his skin, as hands trailed up the expanse of his chest. Maybe it was the little reassurances from his friend.

Micah leaned up and pressed his lips to Stryker’s. It didn’t take but a moment for Stryker to respond eagerly, pressing back with the same intensity he had last night. His hands moved to Micah’s hips, pulling him closer. He couldn’t seem to get enough of the fingers tunneling through his hair, the sober feeling of Micah in his arms as the men moved.

The younger’s knees hit the couch, sending the two entwined bodies stumbling. A content sigh passed Stryker’s lips and he pulled back slightly.

Micah smirked, having to get the first comment on this revelation. “See, I knew you were gay.”

Stryker pushed the cocky bastard’s face into the cushions. “Shut up, Fairy.” He had to have known that he was gay. He had gone to the club, stalked down his best friend, for a sole purpose; because he wanted the younger male. He had this thing about him that made the elder question everything from the beginning. Stryker knew he needed Micah, that crazy bastard.

Micah shoved the heavier male to his back, settling comfortably on his hips. He leaned down, close enough to recognize his cologne dancing on Stryker’s skin. “Remember, Love,” he whispered; Stryker strained to hear what he had to say next. “You, my friend, are a fairy as well.”

Stryker pushed Micah away, only so he could lean over him and capture his mouth. “So sue me,” he managed through heavy kisses.

There was a whispered, “Let’s go to the bedroom,” followed with a sexy yip! that passed Micah’s lips as he was heaved into Stryker’s arms. They fell into Micah’s bed; hands pressing into skin, lips molding to each other, bodies melding together perfectly.

So this is what it means to be in love, Stryker thought to himself, running a hand through the soft fur at the nape of his lover’s neck.

So this is love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I’ve always been afraid to fall in love

Happy New Year!