
Chapter Three

My arms sting as the cold nights air hit them hard, I've lost all feeling to my fingers hours ago. My breath came out in clouds, looking up the only thing I could see was a few torches; to light the way. My body moved in sync with the horse that I had decided to name, White Foot. It was a name that I thought would grow on her. Bringing my hands up to my mouth to blow on them I felt a tug on my pants. Looking down I saw a old man smiling up to me, he had pulled something out of his pockets and past it up to me, all the while walking beside my horse as we moved forward.

Gripping the fabric he passed me I noticed that it was a pair of gloves, looking down at the old man I smiled and said "Thank you."

"I'm only here to help the best I can." He said as he walked off into the darkness. "what a nice old man." I thought as I pulled the gloves on, only to find a note inside. I unfolded it but couldn't read a thing in the dark. Putting it in my pocket I wondered what it was? Maybe it was just a useless paper?

The night drew on, I could feel my self drifting off to sleep the only thing keeping me from doing so was the upbeat of White Foot every now and then.

A few hours went by and I could see a faint glow off in the distance. "It must be a camp or a small town." I thought to myself as I could feel the movement of my horse pick up. I look to the left of me and saw Jeff, still as tired as I felt. Hopefully we will be stoping soon to get some rest.

As we got closer to the glowing of lights I noticed that it was in chaos. Women and children screaming out while men wearing our uniforms ravaged them and too the children. I couldn't belive my eyes. Screamed filled the air as the movement of the men around us took up speed. Were they going in to save the children or to take part in the crime them self?

A younger man in the front turned his horse around, and I noticed it was the young prince. He stopped everyone and took a pitch fork in his hands and held it up high getting everyone's attention.

"Men! We gather troops and rations here,get as much as you can we leave in the morning. Join the fun!" He yelled with delight over the screams of children being taken from their homes. I looked at him with disbelieve, but not for long, before my horse was running with the rest of them, there was no stoping her without getting trampled to death.

We ran into the village and scattered, people were running everywhere. I watched as a man set a straw house on fire and watched as children ran out and were grabbed by hands from horses and dragged someplace unknown. I turned around trying to get away when I saw a women dripping in blood running with a little boy trying to get away. Someone with a matching uniform was not to fair behind them.

With out thinking I raced over there on top of my horse blocking the man from the women and the boy. White foot reared as the man pulled out a gun to try and shoot past me but missed. They got away.

"What the hell you stupid BITCH!" he cursed at me with rage in his eyes. He gave up on them but instead he pulled the gun on me.

"You're a traitor." He spat on the ground about to pull the trigger.

"No sorry I'm new never road a horse before she ran in the way, I'm sorry." I plead with him, I didn't want to die, not here. The man looked at me and laughed

"A Women in the army? You wont last long, I'll let the scarlets get ahold of you." He laughed and walked away to find someone new. I let out a sigh.and turned on my horse to go some place where I can ignore everything. There is no way that I joined the army to do this?
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I'm trying to keep them short XD let me know what you think!