Status: New story

9 Weeks

Day 1


'Hello, Welcome to my Blog. This is where all fans of my art can converse and even buy some items.
We hope you enjoy your look around'

Allow me to Introduce myself. My name is Amy West. I am of course an Artist and i thrive upon trying
to be the best at my job. Im 26 and i currently live in a small apartment in the Manhattan District of New
York. I enjoy Long Walks, Infact i walk 20 minutes to Work everyday. I have a big art show coming up
which i'm nervous about. I have over 12 new paintings to showcase and i hope the public dig deep and
purchase a few.

'Good Morning, Mrs Crabble' I say as i exit my apartment, ready for my daily walk to work.
'Morning Amy, Have a good day at work' She shouts and i wave my hand up in a 'I promise' gesture.
As i arrive at work, a young gentlemen makes a comment towards me.
'Hey Sweet, You have nice legs. Wanna show me how you spread 'em'
I roll my eyes and enter my business. The business i have loved doing since i was 19. I had to take a
loan out from my father but i payed him back within 6 months.

'Hey Amy, we got a message for you from Sinclair! He's going to come to the art show and he expects
big things from you' My Assistant tells me. Sinclair is a Art Collector. He has boough over 12 of my
paintings this past year but i have changed the style in which i paint for one season so i have to try
and please him and many others at the show in 2 weeks time.
'Thank you, Abigail. If i get any more messages, pass them to me. I will be working in the office for today'
I told her.
After an hour of sorting through my paperwork, My co-worker Andy McManus comes into my
'Hello Andy, What can i do for you?' I asked.
'I'm calling out for Coffee. Just wondering if you wanted me to pick you anything up?' He says.
'Yeah, you know what i'll come with you. I need to stretch my legs for a while. That's if you don't mind?'
I ask and he shrugs so i grabbed my purse and coat and we went over to starbucks. We ordered and
walked back over to the Gallery.

After Work, I meet up with my friend Lexi and we decide to both get chicken for dinner so we hit a butchers
shop on the corner of my street.
'Hi' we both say in unison to mr chong.
'Hello Ladies, what can i get you?' he says.
'Half a dozen birds please' I tell him
'Your gonna clean me out' He laughs
A man in the queue behind us butts into the conversation 'What are you gonna do with them?'
Lexi looks at him like hes a giant asshole 'What do you think were gonna do with them?'
'Eat them' He replies.
I butted in with a comment 'No, we plan to give them a proper burial'
The man, my friend and i all laughed in unison. Mr chong looked up at us with a little disgust but i
ignored it.
'Nah, maybe we'll raise them as pets! Then fly them from the rooftops' I said again.
'Would you wrap them up?' Lexi tells Chong
'Yes Ma'am' He says smiling.

Later that Night.

'I swear i'm never letting you talk me into a dinner party again' I tell Lexi.
Lexi replies 'Oh come on. It helps you to meet people...or one person in particular' She laughs.
I roll my eyes. 'I'm fine being single'
She turns to me and smiles 'I can see it now. Within 6 months there'll be a personals advert in the
newspaper advertising men for you. Let me think about what it'll say! Hmmm...Beau....No, Divorced
White Female' she laughs loud
'Beautiful Statuesque blonde. Witty. Cultured. Owns her own vibrator'
'You are the grossest...most perverted woman on this planet' I say in disgust. She carries on giggling.

'Hey guys, Thanks for coming. I hope you like chicken' I shout from the kitchen.
They all shout back 'That's fine'
We all sit down to eat. It wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be. I half expected Lexi to start trying to set me
up with some of the guys at the table.
'So guys, have you heard of this Michael Jensen. The new artist' I asked.
'Yeah, hes a new local artist. He's pretty good but don't let him take all the custom from you. I heard he
sticks the brushes up his Butthole though and paints that way' Lexi says
We all laughed.