
The Party Crash

The grass was the same as before the man came, except now it was tinted with red where I had killed him.
Grabbing all of my other belongings felt like a chore, but I had to do it. I was expected at a party soon. I looked up at the moon, and it no longer looked as if it was smiling.
"Why do you hate me? Moon! Why do you hate me! I only did as you asked! Don't you remember? You told me to kill! You told me to kill my father, you gave me a taste of blood, and now I can't stop. It's your fault I'm like this! You created this monster! So why do you hate me? Please!" The moon just sat there in the same place. The moon didn't care about me, it never has and it never will. So why did I care so much about its opinion?
So many questions, so little time. So many people, so little patience.
As I walk I begin to hear music from far away, and I continue to stalk toward it. The urge to kill again is overwhelming. Maybe it's my father in me... or maybe I've always been like this. Perhaps I was just born a killer.
The music was playing loudly overhead as we all gathered around for a nice game of duck duck goose. Always been one of my favorite games to play. I'm always playing with my friends by a pond where we could always see the ducks and geese walking around, quite ironic if you really think about it.
Everything momentarily went into a fog as I saw a large dog enter the grass area surrounding the pond. It's eyes glowering at the ducks. Something inside of me knew what was about to happen. I wanted to look away but for some reason I couldn't tear my eyes away from the dog that was slowly moving in on the unsuspecting duck.
My breath caught in my throat as the dog finally leaped at it. It quacked and flailed its wings in an unsuccessful attempt to get away from its predator. The dog growled and bit down hard, creating a pool of blood that trickled down the ducks pure white feathers. My mouth hung open in disbelief; my eyes filling. I closed my eyes and covered my ears so the rest will be a mystery. The echo of the ducks last breath, of the ducks last sound seem to be flawless in my mind; replaying itself over and over in my mind without my permission. I don't know how long I sat there like that. Maybe minutes. Maybe hours. But if felt like a lifetime.
I've never seen anything die before. I've never even pondered the possibility of such a thing. I always strongly believed that everything lived forever and until that fateful day I was never shown any evidence of this being untrue.
That day I learned it was only nature. That it was supposed to happen and it does every day all over the world. My father said this as he tucked me in that night. He said that it was merely in everyone's nature.
"Not mine!" I argued reluctant to believe such a tale.
"Ahhh... In time you will see your true potential unfold. We will be partners in crime. You'll enjoy it then."
No matter how many questions I asked him about what he meant, or why he had said such things but he never gave me a direct answer. The best I could ever get out of him was, "One day you'll see, Princess. You'll know." Which of course only opened more questions for me. I could never get them answered straight so I gave up. Maybe I gave up too soon; too easily.
The lights are blinding.
"Excuse me, what time is it?" I asked a man strolling past.
"Hell if I know, I don't even have cloths to change into, let alone something to tell the fucking time with. Get lost,"
He shoved me aside and I watched him sit down on the side of the road near a blanket and a back pack. Next to him was a sign that said, 'Poor as shit, money to spare for an old mans food?'. You'd think that the homeless would be a little less abrasive to the public.
The nearest party was at a house that I recognized so easily. She was my best friend for years but after I moved out of town she stopped answering my letters, returning my calls, and contact was lost. There were drunk men and women wondering all over the road and her front lawn, including inside her house. It was like an ugly infestation that you couldn't get rid of. Then I saw her. The Queen Bee. She looked just the way I had left her. She was fit, and skinny with stilettos that made her five inches taller, and a dress that could, and did, make any and every man turn and watch her walk by drunk or not.
She bent down to talk to a man that was sitting on the ground, showing her ass to anyone behind her. She had ruined my life, and she was the reason that I had to move.
She had seen my father kill a little girl, and watched as he buried her in our back yard. she blackmailed us for years but when we threatened to go to the police for her blackmailing us, that is when everything took a sharp turn. We had almost killed her the night that we had skipped town... When we moved somewhere new my father locked my sister, my mother and I in the basement. He was punishing us because we had befriended someone to the point that she thought it was okay to come over whenever she pleased, even if it was in the middle of the night.
She was the reason for all of the pain that my family went through. She was the reason I had to kill my father.
Her dress was rising up her leg and showing half of her ass, while tripping and falling all over herself and the boy she was talking to. Walking up to her was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do.
"Victoria, long time no see," I shouted shoving her a little to get her attention.
"The fuck is your problem. Can't you see I am hosting a party you little skank. The fuck are you?"
She took a closer look at me but still didn't recognize me. I suppose in a way that was a good thing.
"Alexandra. Come with me." She didn't move. Her face looked scared, maybe like she had seen a ghost. In a way, she had. Her eyes made her appear like a deer in headlights, and she wouldn't budge an inch.
"Your memory coming back to you, is it? Good. Now let's go." I grabbed her arm with a strength that I didn't know I had in me, and took her for a little walk.
We walked for a good twenty minutes before we were at my old house, before she could even speak again.
"What, are you here to kill me, too?" She tried to sound strong but I could hear the quiver in her voice. She was absolutely terrified of me and she didn't even know the half of what I was capable of.
I walked up to the front door and brought out my old key.
"Surprise surprise, it still works." I gave an innocent wink to her, both of us knowing that there was nothing innocent about me, and there hasn't been for years.
The door squeaked open, and we walked inside. She asked me why we were here but I didn't want to indulge her until we were in the basement.
Nothing looked how it used to. The wallpaper was falling, mold was covering nearly every crack, windows shattered, the wood was rotting, and it spelled as if something had died in here recently. The house was emptied of all of my old furniture and belongings, and the pure emptiness made me shiver. I think it scared Victoria, too.
Seeing my first and last real home in such bad condition started to tear me apart, but I couldn't let her see that. The door to the basement was just down the hall and to the left. I still have this house memorized. Every night while I was locked up I would pretend I was still in this home before anything had happened.
The door was right there. It was bolted shut but that wasn't a problem, all of the locks were older versions and a play toy for me. In second they were unlocked, and the rusty metal locks were lying on the ground. I could feel her looking at me; fearing that this would be the last night that she would be free, or even alive for that matter.
The doorway was empty, and the room below the stairs was painted black. As I pushed her down the first step, I felt my old childhood fear coming back. My old fear that the darkness held a monster in it. That the darkness would swallow us whole.
My fear had come true, but in a way I had never expected it to. The darkness did hold a monster. And that monster was me.