A Different Beat

cole denver

Luke didn’t have a single organised bone in his body! In fact, he usually relied on his best friend and band mate, Calum to help him through that sort of stuff. So it was no surprise that when there was an ounce of organising to be done, especially with routine rehearsals and locations; Luke headed straight for Calum to seek the singer’s advice. Thanks to him, he had a full schedule in his hand with all the slots that his five singers would fill.

Despite his friend’s having chosen venues such as the practice rooms, or the main stage for the shows, Luke had other ideas. Although he wanted to prepare his five for the stage, he also wanted to get to know them. He then decided the best place to get close and personal, was in the confinements of his room. They could relax, he could get to know them more and get a feel of what they were about.

Sandra, Jacob and Finley had already been and gone that day, all three showing just as much promise as they had in the blind auditions. However, Finley’s arrogance was proving to be a problem and as for Willow, the girl sat in front of him stumbling through a sentence, well her confidence was practically non-existent.

“Just take a deep breath and tell me what song you’re going to be singing, love?” Luke gave her a reassuring smile, leaning forward with his hands clapped together on his legs.

“Urm, okay.” She smiled shyly, moving a strand of Auburn hair from her face. Luke thought she was a really pretty girl, with her copper colour hair, bright green eyes and the freckles that decorated her face like a starry night sky. But Luke had a type, despite not being so thrilled with it. Willow Davis just wasn’t her. “I was thinking of singing Gabrielle Aplin, ‘Power of Love’”

“That would suit your voice lovely,” Luke encouraged, feeling a little dumb in his words because he was starting to think if this was the right job for him. Music came naturally to him, it wasn’t something he could teach or describe. It just happened when he picked up a guitar or sang out lyrics. It just happened.

Willow began singing; her angelic voice was beautiful, but not strong. She would be amazing with ballads, but giving her an upbeat song could be a challenge. When she finished, Luke did the best he could at giving her feedback, but he did feel feeble at his attempts. The redhead left shortly after and Luke sat on his bed, letting out a long sigh of relief. He was on his last contestant of the day and he was looking forward to finishing and enjoying what this house had to offer. With a hazy mind, he lifted the paper that had the schedule down and tried to recall who the last person was.

“Hey, is it my time now?” A voice came from the door. Luke’s eyes darted up from where he sat on the edge of his bed. A string of curses whirled around his mind as he kicked himself for not remembering her. Nicole was someone he had thought of non-stop after seeing her on that stage. She was beautiful and her voice had been sex to his ears.

“Oh yeah sure, come on it.” Luke smiled, standing to his feet and ushering her in. He took a moment to look at her, realising that she was every bit gorgeous as she was during the blind auditions. She had on some denim shorts that had seen better days, with a loose dark green shirt that hung sloppily off her shoulder showing a black bikini strap. Her damp blonde hair told him she had already got good use of the swimming pool. Simple make-up adorned her face.

“Okay, so I was going over some songs on my phone and came up with two. I really don’t know what direction to go in, since I already have done the slow acoustic thing, I was thinking perhaps doing the opposite and showing my versatility.” Cole began, shifting through her bag before retrieving some papers. She handed Luke over and he realised they were the songs she was on about.

“I like the versatile idea. As much as I loved your audition and the idea of you and that guitar, we can always introduce it again another week.” Luke smiled, realising unlike the others, this advice was coming more effortlessly.

“So I was so into song one, but then I thought that it was probably highly inappropriate.” Her giggle was a sound that he could listen to all day that not get bored. The way she played with the end of her long hair and nibbled her bottom lip was a sight he could gaze upon and not get tired.

“Which song is that?” Luke asked.

“Bruno Mars ‘Gorilla’,” She giggled again and Luke shuffled closer.

“I guess the lyrics aren’t exactly for the faint hearted,” Luke smirked, leaning back on the sofa and liking how she so confidently held his gaze. She was oozing confidence, which was the type he had previously always cursed himself for falling for. He could do with a shy and timid girl, but no, for some reason his heart ached for the arrogant smirk and sarcastic remarks. “But what the hell, you can still sing it for me!”

“Can I borrow this?” Cole asked, gesturing towards the collection of guitars sat beside the couch. Luke motioned for her to help herself, watching as she picked his favourite acoustic. It had seen better days, but played better than any other model he owned.

Cole got herself comfortable before beginning to play the familiar notes. As she sung the provocative words with such ease, Luke found himself humming along. The song spoke of sex and it wasn’t helping Luke as he thought of Cole in that sort of light. He couldn’t sleep with one of his contestants, especially when there were cameras filming there every move. This wasn’t just a singing contestant, but a reality show as well. People wanted to see the drama that came with it all. They wanted to see the bitch fights and the under-the-cover action. They wanted it all.

“Luke?” Her angelic voice cut through his trail of thought and he realised he had been daydreaming through it all.

“Oh sorry, love.” He chuckled, running a hand through his light hair. “It’s a shame we can’t do that live, but at least I got a private show.”

“Lucky you,” Cole pointed, leaning her elbow against the back of the chair and placing her hand against her head.

“Lucky me,” Luke repeated.

“So I guess we should just stick with song two, which is Kelly Clarkson- People Like Us. We can just keep this performance between the two of us?” Her tone was naturally flirty, her eyes holding a cheeky glint.

“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Luke replied, his tone matching hers. “You know what, I think I’m going to enjoy working with you most of all.” Luke truthfully blurted out.

“Good,” Cole stood to her feet, realising that there session had ended, “Because I like you Mr Hemming’s; you’re pretty cool.” Her playful smile made him blush, but he rushed to his feet to grab the door. She had called him Mr Hemming’s at the auditions, and it seemed like the name wasn’t going to die away any time soon. He couldn’t complain, because the way she said it had him shivering under every syllable, “And a gentlemen.” She added as he held open the door for her.

“I’ll see you at dinner?” Luke stands at the door, watching as she slowly leaves down the corridor.

“Yes you will. I hear we’re having some chicken and mushroom dish, which sounds revolting to me.” Luke laughs as she makes some more comments about the chosen menu tonight as she slowly disappears out of site. Luke laughs some more at how ridiculous she is, but it’s a ridiculous that Luke wanted to be around. He loved the honesty and no-shit attitude that surrounded Cole.

Nicole Denver was a hazardous concoction to his health. But he had sampled it and was now addicted. There was no turning back now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh Mr Hemming's... *Insert love sick sigh*

If you haven't heard the song mentioned in the chapter, it is Bruno Mars- Gorilla. It is an amazing song, but I don't think Luke wants anyone else to hear her sing it, but him ;)

Anyway, thank you for reading.
Drop us a comment if you like, we don't bite, I promise <3