A Different Beat

norie parker

Angelina couldn't help but tremble from the passenger seat every time the Jeep would pass an exit that would lead them back into the mysterious "Outback". Her trip to fetch Margo had been enough "nature" to last her a lifetime.

She let out a loud huff, reaching across Steve, honking the horn at least six times- tired of the standstill traffic that came with downtown Sydney. "Where in bloody hell does this girl live?"

Jeff wound his brows together from his spot in the backseat, pulling himself up, his head poking between the drivers and passenger’s seat. "You're telling me you didn't read up on this one?"

Angelina rolled her eyes, her voice dripping with sarcasm: "No. I figured after our Margo adventure I'd surprise myself."

Jeff let out a chuckle as he fell back into his seat as he passed up the manila folder. Angelia very hesitantly took it. As she opened the folder, her eyes began to scan- reading what little she did already know.

Her name was Eleanor Parker, but she preferred to be called Norie, she was seventeen and (obviously) wanted to be a singer.

"What?!" she roared, earning a satisfied smile from the producer in the backseat. She whirled around, her eyes burning- "Why the hell didn't you tell me her mother was Maya Parker?!"

"Oi!" Steve groaned, glancing in the rear-view. "Who's Maya Parker?"

Angelina fell back into her seat, her fingers massaging at her throbbing temples. "Maya Parker-" she repeated like she was trying to awake some distant memory in the camera man, "she's the first violin in the Sydney Symphony Orchestra," she only grew more frustrated as the man clearly drew a blank, "they play every single night at the Sydney Opera House?" he just shrugged her off, his attention falling back to the path before him.

"What can I say, Angie? Opera just isn't my thing."

Her head whipped around- "What did I tell you about calling me Angie?"

"Oh calm down, would you?!" Jeff chastised from the backseat. "Besides, we're here."

The building was tall and elegant in the most modern way- the lobby lined with marble floors and a chic grey and white scheme.

The entire ride up the elevator was spent with Angelina smoothing down her all-too short dress and doing a once over of her make-up in the gloss of the elevator wall.

A 'ding!' rang out as 17 appeared in the red LED lights.

From the moment they landed at the front door Angelina was growling at Steve, making sure the camera was rolling.

But a deep voice pulled her from her angry demands: "Hello?"

Angelina looked up, a brilliant (fake) smile gracing her bronzed face. "Hello-" but she fell silent at the sight of the pale man. His salt-and-pepper hair styled up, his face covered in a well-manicured stubble. For some reason, she was expecting Norie or perhaps Maya to answer. "we're here with Golden Tone-"

"Then I assume you're looking for Norie," he spoke, stepping aside to let them in. "I'm her father, Rob. Norie is out, but she shouldn't be long. Come on in..."

The flat was large- the kitchen and the living room wide and open, a large bay window lined the city- the opera house in view just a mile or two away. A shiny black baby grand piano sat just in front of the window, a myriad of string in instruments and a drum set staggered alongside it.

"Honey!" the man bellowed in no particular direction. "Company!"

Angelina, Steve and Jeff stood awkwardly, waiting as heel clicks filled the room.

They were greeted with a big white smile, her skin a caramel color just a bit darker than Norie's, her hair was long and curled. "Oh, hello!" she popped shaking each of their hands. "I'm Maya!"

"Honey, they're with Golden Tone, that show Norie tried out for." her mouth fell open, her hands waiving excitedly.

"She made it?!" she squealed, looking between Angelina and her husband.

Angelina nodded softly, "To the blind auditions-" Angelina looked around cautiously, her eyes shifting. "Where is Norie?"

"Theater rehearsals and picking Rowan up from school, but they should be home any minute!" Maya was beaming with excitement, preparing to offer her guests a cup of tea when the door swung open, a small girl skipping through, her tightly curled hair bouncing with her every move.

"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm-" her words long and exaggerated, "Eleanor and Holden are at it again!"

It was then, as the tiny girl skipped to the kitchen, to fetch herself a snack that the mood shifted. The sickeningly proud parents were now sporting profound frowns, their arms crossing as they waiting for their teenage daughter to enter.

But Angelina didn't have to wait long to get a glance at her new potential superstar.

Because like clockwork, a girl no more than 5'4" walked through the door, her sweater slouching to reveal one shoulder, the front of it reading "More Issues Than Vogue", her dark jean shorts were tiny, her floral print Doc Martens laced up her ankles, her coral purse hanging at her side as her eyes seemed chronically glued to her phone.

Her fingers moving faster than the speed of lightening.

Seriously Holden! Why are you doing
this?! I have done nothing wrong! You're just
going to throw away three years for some
common class whore?

"Eleanor Rose!" Maya snapped, making Norie's head whip up.

But at the sight of the strangers and the cameras they were wielding in her living room her brows wound together in confusion.

It was when she saw the man reach for his camera, the flashing red light telling her he was filming that her heart began to pound. "Mum, Dad..what's going on?"

Angelina took this as her cue, her body shooting up from her spot on the couch. "Norie, I’m here to tell you that you’ve been chosen to go to the blind auditions of Golden Tone!"

Norie's eyes went wide, her jaw going slack before her lips started to curl into a smile. "I made it?!"

It was then that she was joined by her mother, who took her hands as they began to jump up and down with excitement as they squealed. But like a slap across the face, Holden's blue eyes flashed in her mind.

But the vibrating in her back pocket silenced her celebration.

She pulled out the phone and began to read.

Nor, seriously. You're so pathetic.
I love you but Chelsea is so chill, I
just think she's the girl for me right
now. It's no big deal.

Her throat went dry, her tears no longer ones of joy, but of heartbreak.

"So, Norie..." Angelina began, "do we have an answer?"

Norie couldn't help but stare helplessly into the camera lens, looking like a tiny deer in headlights.

"I..." she faltered, her mind racing to Holden and all the bullshit he had put her through in the past three years, but it was then that something clicked.

If she were to make it on the show, Holden couldn't say no! If she became a star, he had to treat her better! So with a smile she looked to her parents, who were offering gleaming nods of approval before she turned back to face the camera and said: "I'll do it!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
Just a quick glimpse into Norie, but I can't wait for you to get to know her better!
We're so so so excited for this!
Let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you!
As always, thanks for reading! It means the world!
