Status: Completed, with love

Coming Home


“Hello?” Cassadee spoke into the unknown number on her phone.

“Cassadee? It's Derrick,” Cassadee tried to stops the queasy, but very enjoyable butterflies that erupted in her stomach.

“Sorry, I changed my number, how’d you get it?” She asked, trying to keep her voice calm. She had wanted everything to do with him gone, and now it was like he was knocking on every opportunity to talk to her.

“Jared. Anyway, great article.”

“I didn’t-“

“Yes, yes you did.”

“I wanted to thank you.”


“Political ratings for the NDP are sky high,” he said as Cassadee rubbed her palms against her skirt.

“That’s great.”

She could practically feel the static between them crackling even when they were on the phone.

“Listen a few of my friends are going to get a drink, I was wondering if you-“

“Derrick, I can’t,” Cassadee snapped. His name burning her tongue like acid. She heard him sigh over the phone.

“Thought you’d say that.”

“Is there anything else?”

“Check your office desk.”

“Wait what?”

She heard him chuckle over the phone, that warm familiar sound resonating from his chest- Cassadee was reminded of the time when she was allowed to put her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

“You’ll see. I hope I’ll see you there.”

Then with a click of his phone, he disconnected the call.

She rolled her eyes, running a hand through her frazzled hair as she brushed through the envelopes that had arrived from her. There were many referrals, magazines, asking her to write an exclusive article for them. There were very mean letters, telling her body to burn in hell and to roll over and be pierced by the satanic fork that would send her to eternal damnation. Then there were also letters appraising her, she was recently also nominated for ‘The Best Political Article’ by another magazine company. While it was all very tempting to flip through, Cassadee poured over her letters before a simple, light blue envelope greeted her.

Prying it open, she realised that it was an invitation card.

“You are cordially invited to the Little Feet’s Academy’s dance recital.” The letters stood out bold and bright to her, it was in two weeks and she knew why she was receiving it. If Derrick had expected her to be there, it meant that he had found out. Another link to their past. Folding the letter up firmly, Cassadee made sure to tack it firmly to the wall, her mind unmade.

Her phone rang again.

“Hey Caleb.”

“Cass, do I have to wear a suit to Dave’s pre-wedding party? And why the hell is that necessary? They’ve been planning it for weeks now.”

Cassadee laughed into the phone, and looked over her cubicles to see Caleb in his own tiny drawing office, looking dismayed as he read his emails.

“I’m literally in the same room as you Caleb.”

“No Lee can’t see me walking out, I’m supposed to craft a week’s worth of comic panels to amuse him before he lets me off.”

Cassadee laughed again, watching as Caleb ran his hand through his hair.

“So am I?”

“Dave said it was a garden party, plus he really wants us to meet Wendy’s family. You, Angie and Jared are my plus 3. Plus 3 as in, you better come or I’ll get seriously wasted and embarrass myself.”

“What are you wearing Cass?” Caleb continued, laughing slightly at her before brushing it off.

“I don’t know? A dress?”

Cassadee heard Caleb groan and bang on his key board.

“What about just a dress shirt and proper pants?”

“Sounds good. Hey look, there really is no plus 3 quota is there” he said suddenly, too suddenly.

“No…Is there a motive in asking me Caleb?” Cassadee asked, narrowing her eyes. She heard him shuffle his papers as he stopped speaking for a second.

“Oops! Angela’s calling! Gotta go! See you Saturday!” Caleb half-whispered, half yelled, before slamming his phone down. Cassadee stared at the dead screen and shook her head. She was secretly jealous that Caleb still had the chance to live like a kid, and that him and Angela seemed to be living their dreams. But because he was such a good friend, she couldn’t blame him, that much.

Sighing and starting to open her plethora of hate mails, Cassadee took one last look at the invitation to the dance recital before burying herself in work again.


“That was quite an article,” Sampson commented, his voice echoing across the dining hall. Derrick looked up from his dinner, while Caleb looked up too- chewing noisily.

“Caleb!” Chided Derrick’s mother. Swallowing sheepishly, Caleb swallowed before smiling.

“I think Cass did a great job,” said Caleb, wiping some grease off his mouth, looking at Derrick, who had suddenly become still.

“Yes, yes, that girl does have some guts. A very enlightening commentary, one I would never have noticed if I hadn’t read that article,” said Sampson, a slight strain in his voice.

“Vincent didn’t seem too happy about it,” Derrick finally said, trying to veer away from talking about Cassadee.

“That guy? The one who keeps sending Cassadee hate mail from your office?” said Caleb. That got Derrick’s attention as his head whipped curiously to Caleb’s direction. Caleb shot him a look that suggested that it wasn’t in Derrick’s immediate position to care, especially not about her.

“Hate mail?” asked Derrick’s mother.

“I don’t see what the problem is though. It’s not like I said anything wrong, or that I lied. Plus our ratings have gone up,” countered Derrick, noticing his father’s intent gaze.

“No, you gave marvellous responses Derrick, just maybe- a bit too honest,” Sampson replied, chewing slowly. Derrick fought the urge to roll his eyes. At the corner of his eye he saw Caleb quickly switch back to his food, wanting to have no part in their conversation.

“Sorry, I never knew we had to lie,” Derrick snapped, a bit too hastily before stopping himself, silenced by a harsh stare from his mother. Sighing audibly, Derrick followed Caleb’s action and returned his attention to the food.

“I’m just saying son, that usually the consequences for such sensitive remarks don’t fall only on you,” muttered Sampson quietly.

Derrick’s heart seized up, because he knew exactly what Sampson meant by that. Politics was an extremely sensitive and delicate system, especially right now. What Sampson meant was that Derrick had to police his words more, because the stakes were higher this time. And if more people were involved, there was no such thing as stooping too low.

The article had produced immediate reactions, and if him or Cassadee continued being careless in conveying their messages to the public- there was no saying how much danger they would be in again.


“Dave,” smiled Cassadee and she reached in to give her brother a hug. She arranged his hair quickly, a few locks of his brown hair out of place from his coif. He returned the hug, bending down to pull her towards him.

“Christ Cassadee, I can’t believe it’s going to happen in 3 weeks,” he replied, pulling away. A sort of day dreamy expression crossed his face and Cassadee couldn’t help but laugh.

“It seems like yesterday when we were kids,” he continued, looking down at his sister. She returned the smile tepidly, wrapping her hands together. They both fell silent for a moment, just staring at each other. Cassadee knew they were both thinking how Clarissa would have loved it. She would have been the flower girl.

“She would be happy for you Dave,” Cassadee whispered, before adjusting his collar.

“I really wanted a garden wedding you know, for her.”

“It doesn’t always have to be for her Davey,” smiled Cassadee, stepping back and looking at her brother.

“Yeah, but Wendy’s parents wanted it at the church. This was the best I could get,” he shrugged.

“I’d do anything for you two you know?” He asked, smiling sadly. Cassadee touched his cheek and bit her lip- ruining her lip gloss.

“Be happy Dave, what else can we do?” Cassadee replied, before the glass door leading into the garden reception opened. Wendy walked in, dressed in a lilac dress which ended sleekly at her ankles, a delicate chain adorning her pale hair. Cassadee smiled at her sister-in-law-to-be, admiring the way her pale skin drew in the sunlight from both the sky and from Dave. Wendy was an albino, her hair and skin white and her eyes a permeating and piercing turquoise colour, which explained why the real ceremony couldn’t be in the garden, out in the fierce sun.

“Cass,” she greeted, reaching out to pull Cassadee into a hug. She had voice that was frail and resembled the chiming of a bell, and when she stood next to Dave there was an ethereal sense of love between both of them. Cassadee watched as she joined her fiancé, a slight bump where their baby was.

“How’s the baby?”

“Great, 3 weeks in and I don’t feel a thing,” she laughed, a sound that tinkled the air. Dave looked at her, and Cassadee revelled in his expression. There was such a thing as being too much in love, and Dave was there right now. He looked so vulnerable that Cassadee had to look away because their happiness was too painful for her to look at- a love that was saved for two people.

“Thanks for helping us with the flowers and door gifts Cassadee,” Wendy spoke again, oblivious to Dave. Cassadee turned back to them and gave a small courtesy, eliciting a smile from both of them.

“For Dave and you? Anything,” she smiled.

“I’ll spare you the kissing sissy, don’t get too drunk,” laughs Dave as his eyes switch to Cassadee. Smiling, Cassadee turned to walk into the garden where the party was already mid-way.

Dave didn’t know, but Cassadee had been busy with her gift to both of them for their wedding as well.

She wandered through the garden where the delicate banquet was being held, eyeing the delicate glasses of alcohol tepidly. There was soft murmuring and socializing going on, and Cassadee was strolling alone- trying not to look out of place. Her parents were talking to Wendy’s parents, smiling while sampling the food. Everyone else was a stranger, her ‘plus 3’ hadn’t arrived yet.

Sighing, Cassadee walked towards a waiter and took a glass of champagne, struggling not to chug the whole glass.

“Well hello,” came a deep voice, which made Cassadee turn around- quickly swallowing the mouthful of alcohol she had in her mouth. She looked at the man standing in front of her and smiled politely. She didn’t know him, but he had the face that left her staring for too long.

“Tobias,” he smiled, revealing a set of white teeth. She looked at him, and returned his handshake. He was painfully good looking, eyes a fathomless green and a face boasting a strong jaw and delicate smile. It didn’t help that he had such a nice, muscular neck. Cassadee tried to keep her emotions in check as she remembered that she hadn’t replied him yet.

“Cassadee, Dave’s sister,” she smiled.

“I know,” he replied, a little too quickly. Raising her brow, Cassadee looked at him.

“I’m Wendy’s friend from college, big fan of that article,” he said.


“What’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?”

“Trying not to get drunk,” she joked, before noticing Tobias’s silent and serious demeanour.

“I’m kidding,” she said hastily, not liking his stern face. As quickly as his face changed, his strict demeanour smoothed into a cheeky smile.

“You and I both,” he winked. Cassadee knew that wink, it was the sort of wink that would eventually end with her sleeping next to his naked body. But she had to restrain herself, especially since she was here in courtesy of Dave.

“You wanna go somewhere less crowded?” Cassadee raised another brow at his lowered voice.

"You know, to talk," he laughed. But while he did, his eyes lowered onto hers. It was an antagonizing feeling, to have someone as attractive as him looking at her, giving her his attention as if on a silver tray. Cassadee tried to swallow the unsettling feeling she had in finding him incredibly attractive. Brushing her thoughts aside, she looked around.

Cassadee noticed her mother waving at her, a wry smile on her face. Her mother wore the expression that was both encouraging, yet discouraging- a face only possible after years of watching your virgin daughter struggle to get a boyfriend, before almost dying, then suddenly gaining a reputation for sleeping around. Rolling her eyes slightly at her mother, Cassadee grabbed her cup of champagne and followed Tobias, side by side.
♠ ♠ ♠
Merry Christmas! Sorry that this chapter took so long to come out! I was really busy and I had writer's block. So this chapter is like half a filler, half not a filler. Bah, not so proud of it.

Thank you for reading!