What You Need


"Carol!" my mother squealed and hugged me tightly.

"Mom." I said breathlessly, considering she was squeezing all the air out of me.

"And who might this young man be?" she said realizing there was someone there.

"This is Ryan, my b-boyfriend." I stammered out, he was giving that award winning smile. He stepped forward and gave her a hug, my mother hadn't been expecting me to bring another person with me. Let alone a boyfriend, so her hug was delayed.

"It's great to meet you Mrs. Myer." he said as my father stepped in to the hallway.

"Hi, I'm Carol's dad."

"I'm Ryan." he smiled back at me, almost making me faint. My father began to jabber on about some game. And he took Ryan off to his den, I mouthed sorry to him. I hoped my father wouldn't be to hard on him.

"So, why didn't you let us know you bringing someone with you?" my mother asked, and started back into the kitchen.

"I figured it would be great for a natural reaction, and not a planned and practiced one." my mother half way smiled, seeing the honesty in my statement.

"I don't know why you can't trust us to accept your friends." my mother huffed, and began poking around the kitchen. Checking on things in the oven, she always baked Christmas eve. Therefore the turkey got all her attention on Christmas day. I purposely waited for her to get more absorbed in her baking, she'd forget about her question.

"Mom? Dad? We're here!" my siblings, who both went to the same school. And now lived in New York. I was the only one who stayed in Tennessee.

"Carol?" my sister said bemused.

"You never come home." my brother said giving me a hug.

"Merry Christmas to you too Sherry and Matt."

"She brought her boyfriend with her too." my mother said smugly.

"I want to see him!" Sherry grinned,

"He's right here." Ryan and my father had returned.

"Nice." Sherry whispered in my ear.

"I'm Matt." Ryan shook his hand.

"I'm Sherry." he gave her a hug.

"I'm Ryan."

"Well, Collin won't be getting here until late." My mother sighed pleasantly, "We can go ahead and have Christmas eve dinner." she smiled and corralled us all into the dinning room.

This is normally where it started to get interesting. I kept reassuring myself with Ryan's Christmas presents that I had bought him.

"Well that was interesting." Sherry smiled as I rinsed off my plate.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"So is Ryan like famous or something?" she asked nudging me. I hated it when she touched me.

"No, well he somewhat is where we are." I said drying off my hands and leaning on the counter. I watched as my sister checked Ryan out, he was talking to my father again.

"He doesn't really seem like your type Carol." she grinned, I could see those wheels turning in her mind.

"Not all things are what they seem." I stated, almost becoming amused as she continued to ogle him.

"How long have you been seeing each other?" Matt smiled putting his dish in the sink.

"About 4 months." I said watching as Sherry went into the room where Ryan and my father were. She somehow eased herself into their conversation.

"He's nice, I think dad likes him."

"It seems that way."

"So does Sherry." he said as he leaned against the counter like I. I being the middle child didn't interact well with my siblings. Sherry was a musical theater major, Collin was a business major, and Matt was a social sciences education major. I got along with Matt the best, we looked related as we watched our sister blatantly flirt with my boyfriend. Who I triumphantly watched, because he blocked her flirting so gracefully.

"He likes the quiet type." I grinned as he excused himself, and came to where Matt I were perched.

"Your sister is very um, well-"

"Trust me, we saw." Matt smiled, and went in the opposite direction of where my father and sister were.

"Why are you grinning." he said leaning towards me, his eyes sparkling.

"Because my sister has always sought to take things from me."

"You don't get along with her very well do you?" he smiled brushing some bangs out of my face.

"I doubt I ever will, nor do I want to."

"You and your brother look alike."

"He's the only one I like in my family." I smiled,

"Your dad's cool."

"Well I'm glad you haven't gotten tired of them yet, my parents that is." I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. He let the kiss go on longer than it should have, considering my father was in view of it.

"Ahem." I heard semi dramatically. I peeked around and saw Collin there, with a raised eyebrow.

"Hi Collin." I stated, it was hard to show affection for someone you didn't care for at all.

"Hello Carol, who's this?"

"Ryan, my boyfriend."

"Well, it seems we should have had more confidence in you and your friend making skills."

"I suppose, or you could have just minded your own business." I said trying to point him in another direction. "Mother's in the den, and you've probably already seen dad and Sherry."


"In the living room." I said turning back to the dishes.

"He's gone." Ryan murmured,

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asked as I turned around to face him.

"For having you see why I'm so cold." I sighed as he hugged me.

"Should I remind you of only the other night. We kept warm for hours?" being reminding of it made me laugh. And almost forget that I was at home.