To Mend a Frozen Heart

Chapter 5

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To Mend a Frozen Heart

Chapter 5

I walked quietly back to my house, my mind raced through the past and the familiar faces of friends. I knew everything about everyone yet they only remembered the present. The house key became cold freezing the door knob as I unlocked the door. My life has become a mess and I can no longer control the magic I spent my whole life hiding.

“Eliza, is that you?” Anna asked walking down the staircase.

“Umm, yeah,” I sighed looking up at her.

“Are you feeling any better from earlier?”

“Yeah it was just my head from the blackout all better now,” I said nervously walking to my room and shutting the door. It was all back to how it used to be me locking myself away and Anna running around an being free. I was born with this magic inside me and I am cursed to live with it my whole life. In the Enchanted Forest I could hind it way easier but here in Storybrooke I can’t hide magic that from people who don’t even know who they are. “I’m going to have to talk to Rumple,” I sighed picking up my phone and dialing Rumple’s shop.

“Hello this is Gold’s,” Rumple said after the third ring.

“Rumplestiltskin, this is Elsa, I need your help,” I said quietly.

“Elsa? You remember, how?” he asked taken back.

“Look I don’t know how and I am still freaking out but the gloves are barely working. I can’t hide my magic like I could in the Enchanted Forest and I need your help,” I said as I sat down on my bed.

“You have magic? Magic doesn’t work in this world,” He said confused.

“Don’t you think I know that and all I know is that it has something to do with Emma. Are you going to help me or not?” I asked frustrated.

“I won’t be able to do much but come down to the shop and I will see what I can do. Oh and Elsa, don’t let Regina know the you remember she will lock you away,” Rumple warned.

“Why are you telling me this?” I asked grabbing my coat.

“She is evil,” He said simply before hanging up.

I walked quickly over to Gold’s shop looking around to make sure no one saw me. I opened the door to the dusty shop. I walked in smoothly shutting letting the door click shut. “Rumplestiltskin?” I called out my gloves hand brushing over old artifacts.

“Ah yes deary, so good to see you again,” He said smiling that evil smile.

“No games Rumple I need help or the whole city could be frozen in a matter of seconds,” I stated as an object cracked with ice.

“You should have always been an evil princess but your heart was just to pure for it,” He laugh before pulling out a velvet bag. “Now you know that you will owe me a favor in the distant future from this, a big one to be exact. This is the last of a special potion I have been keeping for this very occasion, drink it and your magic will be weaker than usual but if angered the potion can’t help you,” he stated simply pulling out a small vial of purple liquid.

“Fine I’ll give you the favor, just help me before someone gets killed,” I said holding out my gloved hand.

“Oh like how poor Anna almost died when she was 7 years old,” he grinned dropping the vial into my hand. I gripped it tightly the ice freezing the bottle .

“You keep her name off your vial tongue you snake,” I threatened before opening the bottle and pour the liquid contents down my throat.

“Now don’t you know I have no power here, but the time will come where everything is normal again and I will have everyone at my beck and call,” He said as I walked out of his shop.

I pulled my jacket closer to my cold frame as I walked back to my safe haven. I was about halfway back when a little girl stopped me. “Hey Ms. Eccleston, are you feeling better from yesterday?” The girl asked smiling at me.

“Umm, yeah I’m fine thank you for asking,” I said pulling a fake smile.

“I’ll see you in class tomorrow Ms. Eccleston, I can’t wait to start reading the story of the snow princess and her sister,” She smiled before running back to her mom who waved at me. Oh god school, tomorrow how am I supposed to handle this, I mentally screamed before covering my face in my gloved hands.

“Having a bad day?” A sarcastic voice asked from behind me.

“What do you want August I’m not in the mood for you sarcasm,” I sighed turning to face him.

“Just being friendly is all,” August smiled down at me.

“I know you are just trying to help but I really want to be left alone,” I said looking down at my feet.

“You can’t hide from this like you used to,” August said lifting my chin up to meet his blue eyes.

“August I’m a teacher, how am I supposed to do that when I’m a ticking time bomb?” I asked pulling away from him.

“It’s simple, I’ll help you when I’m not busy,” He smiled.

“And when are you ever busy, all you do is harass the citizens,” I said raising my eyebrow.

“I do things, like write and talk to Henry and Emma about the book and the curse,” August defended.

“Yeah Emma the savior that doesn’t believe in anything, how is she supposed to believe in our fairytales?” I asked my anger showing.

“I’ll make her believe, I have to. If I don’t I will turn to wood again.”

“And how are you going to make her believe, kiss her?” My jealousy was showing causing him to smirk slightly.

“If I have to,” August said wearing his smirk proudly. I huffed and turned away from him. “Don’t leave, it was only sarcasm,” He called out to me.

“I don't trust you August,” I sighed looking back at him.

”What about yesterday?” He asked raising his eyebrow.

“Yesterday was nothing, now I’m going home,” I turned and started walking away.

“Are you serious Elsa after all this you turn and run? Everyone was right you are a cold person. You can’t even accept help when someone offers it!” August yelled causing me to stop.

“No August I can’t accept help from someone who is only here for personal gain of not turning into WOOD!!” I yelled back drawing attention to ourselves.

“Are you kidding me! I am here helping you, if I was only her for myself would I be even talking to you. I love you elsa! I’ve loved you since the first time you and Anna came to my father’s shop,” August finished softly stepping closer to me.

“NO!! All you are is a liar, it is all you ever were!” I yelled turning to face him quickly my hand shot out slightly sending ice everywhere. “I’m sorry Pinnochio, I told you to leave me alone, just go to Emma and make her believe,”I said softly tears streaming done my face freezing before they touch the ground. I turned away from him and ran all the way home locking myself safely in my room.

August’s POV

“No!! All you are is a liar it is all you ever were!” Elsa yelled at me as she turned to face me her anger released ice all around one piece slamming into my chest. I coughed covering the spot above my heart I couldn’t even hear her final words before she turned running away from me. I couldn’t protest or move for several seconds. I fell to my knees as a chill passed over me.

“Are you okay August?” Emma asked running up to my kneeling form.

“I’m fine,” I pushed out before standing up and walking back to my room.