Status: On going, I hop to update a minimum of once week

Are We Just Having Too Much Fun?


Arrival at cottage!*
Maegan and I walked up the unpaved driveway and into an old classic looking cottage made of wooden boards. Inside was everything you would expect from a family cottage: pictures, fireplace, big wooden table and matching furniture and décor with a hideous pattern. I told Maegan that I was going to explore what else was here; she only nodded busy with her phone.
I continued through the living room and out the back door where I found a fire pit and a dock with a single chair out in the middle of the water. I could get used to being out here alone surrounded by trees. I breathed in the fresh air and pulled out my cigarettes.
“Raechelle, change in plans! We’re gonna go to a bar Just up the street, come on!” I sighed; there was never any point in arguing with Maegan when she had her mind made up.
“Alright, sounds good, I’ll be right in!” I called back to her. I put my cigarettes away and trudged back up the wooden stairs and back through the sliding door and into the cottage.
“Hey, Mae is what I’m wearing okay or do I need to be fancier?” I asked looking down at my Of Mice & Men t-shirt, skinnies and low cut converse.
“You should be fine, hun just bring a jacket, it gets cold here at night.” Maegan called out.
“Alright, will do!” I replied and sighed, it’s the middle of summer and it doesn’t get cold up here. She just doesn’t like being seen out with the girl with scars on her arms, not that I wouldn’t have covered them anyway, Maegan is the only one that has ever seen my scars, she used to tell me how disgusting I was because I hurt myself, I finally told her I stopped and started getting better at hiding it, she still never notices. I let the breath that I didn’t know I was holding go and grabbed my leather jacket off my guitar case in my room and looked in the mirror, seeing my short curly black and red hair and dead expression I decided that I couldn’t go without makeup I quickly did my eyeliner and a smokey eye.
I walked out the front door sliding my jacket on and met Maegan by the car.
“Took you long enough!” Maegan complained.
“Sorry, I decided I couldn’t go without makeup. Why are we going to this bar anyhow?” I asked as we started walking.
“We’re going to meet Ryan there; he thought it would be a fun way to meet you,” Maegan explained with a smile. I laughed and agreed, I don’t like meeting people, but if I have alcohol it makes things a little easier for me.
At this point we were at the bar and I grabbed my I.D. because I knew I was going to be carded I look like I’m 9 instead of 19. Sure enough when we got up to the front Maegan got in with no problems, not that they would have carded her anyway, she’s gorgeous. But I on the other hand was carded and asked questions all of which I answered correctly. The bouncer looked at me apologetically and let me in, for cottage country this place was packed full of people. It’s gonna take a while for me to find Maegan so I decided to quickly grab a drink and then begin the hunt.
While making as little eye contact as possible I made my way to the bar that was surrounded by guys and asked the bartender for a rum and coke. While he was turned to make my drink one of the guys decided to take a liking to me.
“Hey, sexy, who’re you here with, don’t tell m you’re by yourself?” I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he started to touch me.
“I’m here with my friends, I should go, they’ll be looking for me.” I tried to turn to go but he grabbed my arm not letting me leave.
“Let go of my arm!” I yelled at him. I suddenly felt an arm go around my waist.
“Is this guy bothering you hun?” The mystery guy asked and I sure as hell was ready to play along.
“No, I think he was just letting me go, right?” I looked toward the guy grabbing me and he only tightened his grip pulling at one of my scars and I screamed out in pain, he dropped my arm like it had a disease and left the bar.
I grabbed my drink off the bar and turned to the guy who had helped me.
“Thank you so much he wouldn’t leave me alone and-“ I was suddenly cut off by him speaking.
“Don’t worry about it, he was scum, I’m just surprised no one else helped before me, I was on the other side of the bar.” He explained starting to get angry.
“Hey, no worries, thank you again,” I looked at him to fill in his name.
“Mike, and you?” He asked.
“Well thank you Mike, I’m Raechelle, but people call me Rae.” I said looking up to his face, which I unfortunately couldn’t see very well because of the lighting in the bar. I was about to continue the conversation when Maegan found me with who I assumed was her boyfriend and pulled me away from Mike. Before I had left completely he quickly slipped a napkin in the pocket of my jacket and I looked at him questioningly and he just laughed and winked before I lost sight of him.
Maegan quickly grabbed my attention and I looked next to her.
“Rae, this is-“ I quickly cut her off recognizing him.
“Ryan! I haven’t seen you in years!” I yelled giving him a hug and he spun me around.
“How’ve you been Rae Rae?” I laughed at my old nickname.
“You know, up and down, you?” I asked.
“I’ve been good, recently started dating this one,” he kissed Maegan’s forehead and laughed.
“Maegan, this is the Ryan that was my best friend before I moved to Toronto and met you!” Her face lit up in understanding and she started laughing along with us. ​​
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Okay, so this is the first chapter, what do you guys think? I'd love to hear from you, I know its not that good yet I promise PTV will be in here very soon, if they haven't already ;) and I also promise that it will get better!
P.S. I also live in Canada, so the drinking age is 19 just in case there was any confusion ;p