Status: I plan to start writing this and updating at the very least weekly but a lot while during my month off from school

Destiny Doesn’t Control: My Choice

Chapter 1: To be or not to be, That is the Answer.

The world had grown significantly in the course of its last few thousand years. From conquering the lands with Alexander the great, to the attempts at spreading human equality through works like Mahatma Ghandi and the most recent dramatic change of the human body conception thanks to Alexander and Alexandra Arcane. However, despite their contributions, one would find that the cruelties of humanity has gone unchanged through the course of time and if anything, the Arcane Method worsened the racist notions that humans developed.

The Arcane Method was designed to be a process through which sickness and disease could be genetically isolated in the DNA of a sperm and egg. The process identifies the malformed strand and suppresses it while the sperm and egg form a zygote. Through this, a person’s potential for disease becomes suppressed to the point to which other genetic potential takes dominance. This allowed for genetically passed illness like Alzheimer’s and even mental problems like bipolar disease to be stopped before it formed. The process even was made to be able to reduce the chances of one getting cancer by suppressing the genetic potential of a mutation. It was also used to bring up genes that were wanted, like the potential for good eyesight and straight teeth. This Method was meant to save lives but through the deaths of the twin Arcanes, the Method was given to the United States government.

With that humanity began to go through changes once more.

For one thing, insurance began to use the Method for Planned Parenthood. This process’s ability to suppress genetic abnormalities was a practically a sure thing. With a 98% success rate, the process became a basis for most insurance plans. Unfortunately, that meant people born outside the process had a significantly harder to get insurance and when they did, it was at a much higher rate than those who were born through the method.

Of course, there were arguments made from all sides regarding this matter. Some people claimed the Method was a sin against God. The genetic code was God’s domain and not to be tampered with. Others- and the way most people saw it- was that it helped people. Why have a child and risk them getting some harmful illness when it could easily be prevented?

Because of the view of saving a child from the pain of inflictions, unplanned pregnancies and teenage pregnancies decreased in numbers significantly. This is not from the decrease in sexual activity, but from pressure from others. Having a child not Planned was seen as practically a criminal offence. In fact, in recent years, two countries and seven U.S. states did make it a criminal offence. Having an UnPlanned child was practically sentencing your child to death. With that, most saw having an UnPlanned child was as- and in several areas it was legally- murder; or at the least manslaughter. And almost as bad as the UnPlanned were the Failed Planned. Failed Planned children were those to whom the Arcane Method did not work. As the Arcane Method only suppressed genetic potential, there was a percentage that could allow the unwanted potential to push through. However, often, it lead to more than one unwanted potential. The release of suppression often gave way to more than one suppressed gene. Failed Plans were seen as unlucky for this and for it were often bullied. However they did gain the governmental benefits because technically they were Planned and therefore could be insured and gain other benefits that came with being Planned.

Then the final works of the Arcane process was developed to the point where one could push back any type of genetic code. This made it possible for people to not only push back illness, but also genetic code that gave one features. Because of that ability, people could use it to practically design their children. Why would anyone have an ugly child that could be bullied for something genetic when their genetic code could be manipulated?

Like all style, the fashion trend of having a beautiful child changed. Originally, what cultures considered to be beautiful changed from some children having merely blue eyes blonde hair or jet black hair and pearl white skin to more specific universal things. On the other hand, it made genetics a bigger issue. People began to copulate with people similar in ethnicity, race or other similar features so that suppressing unwanted features were easier. With this trend, nationalism increased to make sure one had “the look” of their country. Even in highly immigrant populated lands, people insisted on marrying those from similar homelands and of similar looks. This trend gave way for the “purity” notions to come to surface once more. Purer bloodlines were more wanted because it meant easier to care for children and more able adults.

It was not that interracial marriage became unheard of, just significantly less common that it already had. Looking the part became the social norm, and blending in became part of life. And blending in meant to show that you were Planned.

Originally, people used to fake being Planned children by normal fake documentation, but once the newer notions to show origin became prominent, that became much harder. Features became the signals as to whether someone was Planned or not. Weight, height, and skin color pigment became strong indicators but it was more than that. With such stigma, rumors started that brown eyed children were children who could not be Planned. The rumor of brown eyes being a sign of being UnPlanned or Failed made people work harder to make sure their children did not have brown eyes, or even dark eyes for that matter. For once, European conquests became a benefit because areas that were dominated with brown eyes often had some form of chance to bring up some gene that was any color other than brown. The other unwanted features included brown hair, curly hair, widow’s peaks for looks. However freckles became unwanted because of the rumors that it meant increased chances of cancer in the future, and that people with cancer had freckles. Many features were unwanted, and they became odd to see in society after a few years. The Method was used for many things for genetics and it helped in science, but it also helped perpetuate stereotypes in society.

Humanity grew strong because of it in many ways. Sickness and disease decreased dramatically. Despite the growth and humanity’s achievement of making it to the third millennium humanity still stays the same in many ways.

It is because of its same bad habits that it put itself at risk.

Around the year 2600 a new religion came into play; these followers called themselves the members of LIFE. Liberation Institutions' Fighters to Excel (or members of LIFE) believed in acceptance of all kinds of people. The stance was that Planned or not all people were God’s people and therefore should be treated as such. While there were many other religions that had similar official stance, but the members of LIFE made it their fore fronted focus. Their official prayers all began with the passage written by their founder,

“I am equal to the person beside me. I am not better than anyone and they are not better than me. We all have paths and though some may differ, we all end up in the same state and therefore one and the same.”

And it is because of this belief that the name of the founder is no longer known. It does not matter who the founder was because they are a collective. They are united in their belief and united in who they are. The members of LIFE are more comparable to a diverse military than a religion. They make an effort to have community and peace. More than that, they care for another in organized fashions.

The members of LIFE were caring, kind, gentle people who just wanted to help the world be a better place.

So was the group Matthew Daniels was a part of.

In the Beginning God made Adam and Eve. It is said that they were given the choice to listen to God or to learn the knowledge between good and evil. When they ate the fruit they struck a deal that cast them out of Eden. But God promised His people entry into heaven. Some believe that after death one goes up into Heaven as some angel, but that is a common misconception. The Bible states that the souls will wait until the coming of the Savior who will then bring the souls back to live in a “New Earth.” In 2100, some groups tried to push that forward by allowing what is believed to be God’s people back to allow the Savior to come. It did not work. But with the Mecca destroyed, it created a war between religions once more and helped lead to the situation between the members of LIFE and the Protestant church that Matthew Daniels was raised in.

Matthew was born over the Promised Land on the stroke of the beginning of the new true millennium. January 1st, 3032 he was born to Mary and Joseph Daniels who Planned Matthew the best they could. Matthew was born 2 days early but he was born with no problems which was a relief to his parents. That relief turned great pride when Matthew turned 12. On his birthday, an angel presented himself to Mary, Joseph and Matthew and informed them of Matthew’s destiny.

The angel told Matthew it would be hard. Matthew just never realize how hard.

When Peter’s team arrived at the clinic Matthew and Kyle had moved to the room with Mark. They were on either side of Mark’s body in silence. The room was dark save the one lamp that was overhead the table that Mark lied on.

Dominic walked up to Matthew who was clutching to Mark’s cold hand desperately. Kyle ran her fingers through Mark’s dark thick hair and her shoulders shook from her heavy sobs. The two looked broken. Dominic touched Kyle’s shoulder.

“Kyle,” Dominic said while looking at Mark’s unmoving body, “What happened?”

Kyle sniffed, “My sister.” Her tears began to flow harder. “She did this. Now Mark’s… now- he’s,” she sobbed and she started to openly cry.

Dominic and the other members of the team looked to Mark’s body. Dominic was the only doctor and so he stepped up to Mark’s body and began to scan over it.

“This looks bad,” he said aloud. “Why didn’t you go to a hospital?” He did not mean it as a question for the two to answer so much as was talking absently to himself. So he was surprised when a voice answered him.

“You can’t really see it from here but the boy had a few major arteries cut and some ruptures in his intestines. He went septic plus his loss of blood made it pretty bad.”

Dominic turned to the speaker and saw a tiny woman leaning against the door. The team members turned and aimed their guns at her. Unfazed she ran her fingers through her hair. Her wavy hair.

Dominic did not mean to show it in his expression but the woman read it clearly.

“Yes, yes I have wavy hair. I’m a bit Failed, whatever,” she said shrugging. She flipped her wavy, jet-black hair behind her shoulder and walked handed Dominic a folder. “Here’s my report and if you have any questions that will be fine but I imagine some compassion towards the two here would be more appropriate?”

Her features were soft and delicate; she was absolutely beautiful but very strange looking too. She was barely over 155 centimeters and not very curved. She was incredibly skinny which was odd especially since she did not have any obvious signs of an eating disorder. Her teeth seemed fine, no signs of extreme fatigue. Despite her incredibly white pale skin- unlike Kyle’s sister, Lyssa- her skin was a glowing pearl luminescence.

Her angular violet eyes gazed over the two mourning beside Mark and Dominic looked to them too. They looked completely broken.

Matthew’s gaze stayed fixated on Mark’s hand. He could not think properly. Any thought he had was ephemeral at best and more than that, they were undesired. He just kept thinking of the moment they fell. He kept thinking of the feeling of Mark’s blood seeping into his clothes as he took him to the car. Only moments or feelings flashed through Matthew’s mind and he did not want them.

He did not want to feel Mark’s warmth leave his body. He did not want to watch red flood around his knee. He did not want to see Mark’s last expression of worry as they fled for their lives.

He did not want to think because thinking hurt. Feeling hurt. Mark’s death hurt.

Dominic pulled away from Mark’s body and looked to the woman and asked for her name. She pointed to the rest of the team.

“My name is Lorain. Doctor Lorain Swannette. Now would you mind telling your hounds to point those things away?” She smiled her thin, round, rose-pink lips into a compassionate expression that said only the words, “I’m sorry.”

Dominic told his team to lower their weapons. “Take Mark’s body out,” he ordered. “We have a lot of things to do when we get back and this takes second priority.”

Kyle choked. “Second?” she cried incredulously. “What comes first then? What is more important than Mark’s death?”

Dominic gave her a sorrowful look. “Did you at least get the piece?”

Kyle’s brow wrinkled. “What?!” she stood up abruptly. “What? Mark’s dead and all you care about is the stupid piece? He was our friend! Mark was practically my brother! He was a part of me! How could you say that?” The team surrounded Mark and pushed Kyle back. She glared at Dominic and fought the hands holding her away from Mark’s body. “No! Stop it! Stop it! -Damn you, asshole, GET OFF ME. Stop it! Dom. Dom! Dom, please. PLEASE. Stop!”

The team picked up Mark and as they took him out Matthew released his grip on Mark’s hand and watched helplessly as the body of his best friend left the room.

“Stop! S-stop. Stop it. Please. Don’t- don’t take him,” Kyle’s cries of outrage changed to pleas of despair. She fell to her knees. Her face was red and flushed, tears stained her face, her sobs were heavy and she had started to shake. “Dom, Dom, Dom, please.” She looked up to Dominic. Her blue eyes reflected the little light in the room. “Dom, please don’t let him go.”

Dominic felt a hand on his shoulder. The tiny woman, Lorain, had stepped beside him.

“I think you guys need some time alone. You can ask me questions later,” she told him.

Dominic walked over to Kyle and told his leftover team members to move and crouched beside Kyle.

“Kyle,” he said gently. She looked up to him. “Kyle, I’m sorry. Mark meant a lot to me too.” Kyle breathed in heavily.

“Mark shouldn’t leave us…” she whispered.

“I know.” Dominic could not let the tears swelling inside leave. He had to be strong for them; he had to be strong for his team, for his friends, for the people he loved. His arms wrapped around Kyle and stood her up and walked her over to Matthew. When she reached Matthew, she collapsed on top of him and the three embraced together and cried.

Lorain escorted the other members out the room to give the three some space. The three stayed in the room for what seemed to them to be moments, but was actually over an hour. Eventually, Lorain walked back into the room.

“Guys, I don’t mean to be rude,” she started, “but it’ll be awkward if someone goes to your vehicle and sees a dead body, they might freak out. I suggest you go now.”

The three released their grips from another and breathed in heavily.

“Yeah, we should go,” Dominic told Matthew and Kyle. Kyle and Dominic stood up but Matthew remained seated.

Kyle gave Matthew a confused look. “Matt, let’s go,” she said.

Matthew just looked ahead. “We should go,” he said monotonously.

“Yeah, so let’s leave now?” Kyle motioned to the door.

Matthew looked up to Kyle. “No, you and me. Kyle, let’s go.”

Dominic narrowed his eyebrows. “What?”

Matthew stood up and held Kyle’s hands. “Kyle,” he started, “let’s leave. The two of us. We can just go. Leave. We’ve done enough.”

Dominic looked at the two and Lorain could see the outrage on his face.

“What?” Dominic repeated. “Matt, what the hell are you even saying?”

Matthew turned to Dominic, “I quit this ‘hero’ gig, Dom. I fucking hate it and never wanted it really to begin with. So I quit.”

Dominic was speechless. Kyle’s eyes widened. Lorain felt awkward and confused.

Dominic stepped towards Matthew, “Matt, come on. It’s your destiny! You are supposed to save the world! This is what you were born to do!”

Matthew rolled his eyes. “Dom, for Christ’s sake-”

“That’s what we’re fighting for!”

“Dom, I was given a choice and I choose that this is not what I want!”

“Why wouldn’t you want to save the world?”

“Because this is not the life anyone should have to have, Dom! And I don’t choose to have this shitty, death-filled, risky, dangerous, low-chance of success life!”

“You have been chosen by, GOD!”

Matthew sighed. “Then he shouldn’t have said I had the choice to say yes, because that means I can choose to say no.” He looked to the door when he saw a shadow move. Lorain was backing out the room slowly. Kyle noticed his gaze and followed it to find Lorain with a fake smile plastered across her face.

Kyle gave an exasperated sigh. “And now the nice doctor- lady is scared and thinks we’re insane. She’s probably going to report us or something.”

Dr. Lorain Swannette shook her head. “Oh, course not. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just-”

“So I just saw some people taking away the body of that kid from earlier but I didn’t see the cops come and I…” A tall woman walked up to the room and noticed the awkward tension in the air.

“Lorain, what’s happening here?” she asked the doctor. Dr. Lorain Swannette looked towards the other three in the room and back to the woman with a warning look.

The woman became very defensive very quickly. She stepped in front of Lorain and suddenly she became very intimidating. She was incredibly tall, especially for a woman; her thick, placed eyebrows became narrowed; and her eyes were dark not just in expression but they were physically dark. They were the darkest eyes any of the three had ever seen; they looked black if nothing else. Her shoulders were broad and pulled back and since her hair was pulled back into a tight bun it looked like her shoulders were even broader. She looked scary, and this was impressive to Dominic since he had seen some horrible things in his time.

“What’s going on here? And who are you?” she looked towards Dominic.

Dominic raised his arms in a surrendering motion. “Look, we’re just trying to leave,” he started but was quickly cut off by Matthew.

“I’m not going anywhere with you!”

“Matt, come on. We have to go!”

“No way! I refuse to do this! I refuse to continue. I don’t want to be a hero! I don’t want to spend my life trying to save the world! I CHOOSE NO.”

Suddenly, the room began to shake, the lamp light flickered, and then the shaking began to intensify. After a few moments the light went out, the shaking came to a sudden halt and suddenly the five were left in the dark room.

Then the ceiling lit up in a bright light and clouds parted to reveal a person beyond the light.

“What in the hell?” Dr. Lorain Swannette said aloud. She nor anyone else had ever seen such a celestial display; that is, except for Matthew. Matthew knew this to be the work of an angel.

A voice came from the heavenly light and spoke in a language none understood, but once it finished, Matthew began to glow. A small visible aura appeared around him and glowed brighter and brighter until it appeared tangible. Then, Matthew began to speak.

“I need to know what Kyle says first. I cannot give an answer without all the information at my disposal to make a sound choice. Please give me more time.” With that, the clouds closed, and the light from above faded. The room became lit once more with the light from the lamp.

Lorain and the other woman stared at the other three in the room.

“What was that?” the tall woman asked.

Matthew sighed. “That was an angel,” he answered.

“Oh, okay then.”

Dominic grabbed Matthew and Kyle by the hands. “Let’s go,” he told them. “We’ll discuss this later.”

“Actually you won’t,” the tall woman said sternly. “You will discuss this here and now.”

Dominic glared at her. “And who are you to say anything at all?”

The woman crossed her arms. “I am Lilly, a citizen of Earth aka this world.” She motioned towards Matthew. “That kid there just said he is quitting trying to save the world I’m in and I feel like that give me a say in what’s is about to go down or at least the right to know what exactly is happening here. And I just sewed that girl up like a toy doll instead of letting her die, or at least be in a hell of a lot of pain. So shut up and start explaining because a freaking gate to heaven or something just opened over my head and I’m weirded out, but also very worried.” She looked to Matthew. “Now start explaining. Now. Starting from the beginning.”

Matthew and Kyle looked to the woman. Dominic could probably take her out by himself, Matthew thought. But he also knew she had a point. She- the world in fact- deserved to know and it did not matter anyway if he was about to quit.

Matthew sighed. “I would tell you guys, but we should really leave.”

“Exactly,” Dominic said glaring. “Thank you Doctor for helping, but we should really leave.”

The tall woman, Lilly, let out a small “che” and stepped into the doorway.

“I just saw a freaking angel,” she started, “I wanna know what’s happening and I think helping random strangers after a bombing- which I am probably going to get in trouble from the police for- qualifies me and Lorain to some explanations. Now, before we use the back-up anti-terrorist gas on you.” She opened a cupboard and pulled out a neon orange backback. She quickly slipped her hand inside and pulled out a black aerosol can. “This is your first and last warning,” she said aiming the spray at them.

Kyle stepped back and sat down and sat on the floor. Matthew looked down to her confused. She motioned for Matthew to sit beside her.

“It’s fine,” she said. “We might as well discuss it now. I don’t want to discuss this at base. At least here it is somewhat private.” She looked up to Dominic. “I think it’s pretty obvious that Matthew is serious, Dom. I suggest you hear him out.”

Dominic did not seem to want to but he begrudgingly sat down on the counter of the room, crossed his arms and pouted. Kyle and Matthew looked to him for approval to start and he waived his hand for them to begin. Lilly lowered her can but kept it firm within her hand and stood by Lorain closely.

Matthew took a deep breath and then begun his explanation.

“It is said that Adam and Eve ate from the tree that gave the knowledge of Good and Evil, right? And it is because they disobeyed God that they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, right? That’s not exactly right. Think of the story in a different way instead.

“God presented the two with something they never had before: choice. They were always doing what God had told them to before then. They were happy, but that happiness came from someone else. They accepted what was told to them. They had no worries. But they suddenly were given the chance to be in control. They were given the opportunity to be like the person they loved most. They were given the gift of choice.

“If you think of it as many analogies of God are, if He is the Father, then they were his children right? And what happens with children? You raise a baby and they accept everything you give them. They are happy. They obey you because they love you. Eventually they get older though, and they want more. But it is not just more out of life; it is more to be like you. Isn’t that what most children look forward to? - being an adult? It is not an “original sin” per se as a bad thing. It was just them growing up. But they did it in a way that was bad. They hid, they did not own up to their mistake. That was the original sin. Instead of asking for the permission, they snuck around and did it. It was a betrayal of trust, and they did not own up to that either. They were not sorry they did it, they were sorry for getting caught.

“But God, like any parent didn’t hate them, he gave them freedom. When you grow up, you have to deal with the consequences. When you are grown up, isn’t that what happens? Your Parents teach you all they can, then you have to leave right? We grow up and make our own lives. He cast them out from his house, as all parents eventually do when their kids grow up.

“Anyway, so with choice given to the people, it was also kind of a contract. Those who sinned would eventually have to die. It’s kind of why those in the Old Testament lived so long. I mean, they lived for centuries right? Well it’s kind of hard to do wrong when there isn’t much wrong you can do. But as time went on, people sinned more and more. Eventually, we came to a point where God just flooded us. But that did not really work too well. Think about all the times parents give extremely harsh punishments. It doesn’t work all the time. More than that, he gave a promise, that he would never do it again. That was a promise added to the ‘contract’ he already held with us. So when the sinning continued after that, instead, he gave a kinder approach through Jesus.

“When Jesus died, he died for our sins right? Think of it as cleaning the slate. The sins were abolished and people could still choose to be good or bad. Notice, back when Jesus just died, the average person still lived to what, 20? 30? Not very long especially in comparison to the once held 900 years old we used to have. But then what happened? Enlightenment, ideas of being kind to people as human decency, human rights… all this began to take prominence. And with that, not coincidently, our life spans began to increase. Some people only count this up to the advancements in science. Oddly enough, it’s funny how saving lives and doing the right thing can often be the same thing.

“Despite our progress, God did something he had promised not to do, he interfered directly. With Jesus being God, it was direct interference. It’s kind of like when you find out your parents met with a significant person in your life behind your back. Good intention of not, you may not always want it right? So with that, our contract with God was put back on the table. For once, we have the option to reject the things we’ve had for millennium… our ability to choose.

“That’s where we come in. LIFE and its members want to reject the contract. They want to be us to be welcomed back into Eden and into God’s house unconditionally. I was chosen to be the person to stop that. God told me to make sure that I prevented the breaking of the contract.

Matthew looked up to Lorain and Lilly. Lorain had a slightly horrified expression that was very concerned. The other one, Lilly, had an unimpressed gaze to the young adults on the floor.

Lilly popped her neck and looked down to Matthew.

“So God chose you, huh?” she asked. “Why you?”

Matthew shrugged. “I don’t know. Something about me being the purest human alive, or something. The Arcane Method depleted all negative aspects in my DNA to the point where there is nothing wrong anymore in my genes. It made me the perfect representative of humanity or something like that.”

Lilly’s lips puckered as she thought. “And,” she said as she cocked her hips to the side, “You don’t want to play hero to the world anymore correct?”

Matthew looked away from her, “This gig is stupid. I lost my parents, my aunt, countless team members, and now my best friend.” Matthew shook his head. “You know, he and I shared the same birthday? He was born one year before me. He was on the plane when I was born. I’ve literally known him my whole life. And now, he’s gone. I’m not cut out for this. No one should have to put their life on hold for something. I missed most of high school because of it! I am tired of this.” Matthew looked to Kyle. “I’m tired and I just want to live a normal life.”

“And the people you’re saving are not priority then?” Lilly asked.

“Well when you say it like that-”

“No!” Dominic yelled. “It’s not how we say it! It’s messed up. You are the only one who can do this! You were chosen, Matthew! BY GOD. I don’t know how to make this any clearer. You don’t have a choice in this!” He slammed his hand down on the counter he sat on. “Matthew, we have to go!”

“Wait,” Lilly said to Dominic. “So, Matthew here is fighting for the world’s ability to choose, and he can’t exercise that freedom?”

“That’s not what-”

“It seems a bit unfair really. How long had he been doing this? I mean, he said high school, so at least 14 so it seems like despite living a solid part of his life to saving the world he would be capable of making a solid choice about this.”

“But if he doesn’t then-”

“Then who will?” Lilly finished. “Why can’t you? Why can’t anyone else? He’s right he has a choice right? We can’t force him to do anything.” She stepped closer to Dominic and glared. “You can’t force him to do anything.” She smiled politely. “And more than that, I don’t want him to do anything.”

Matthew shot his head up to her. Dominic’s eyes widened.


Lilly grinned. “Any douchebag who has had the chance to save lives and chooses not to is not someone cut out to be a hero,” she said as if it were obvious. “And I don’t want to put faith in someone who doesn’t care enough about me to try to save me so no. He should quit. I don’t want a doctor who doesn’t care about whether a patient lives or dies, I don’t want a fireman who might lose the will to carry me out, I don’t want a lawyer who thinks I’m guilty and I don’t want a hero who thinks normalcy is better than saving the world.” She rolled her eyes over to Matthew. “Quit,” she told him. “Because no one besides biased morons want you. I certainly don’t.”

“Lilly, that’s a little harsh isn’t it?” Dr. Lorain Swannette said.

“Heroism is hard. You’re a doctor, you know,” Lilly shrugged and bent down next to Matthew.

“You are a horrible person, Matthew,” she said as she patted his shoulder. “Irresponsible, selfish and completely normal. Normal people care about their loved ones over anything else. That is why normal people are not classified as heroes.” She smiled caringly but Matthew lowered his eyebrows in guilt.

“It’s time for the babies to move over so the grown-ups can take care of this mess. No one should have given you this job. You don’t want it, and never will.” She laughed and gave him a pat. “So as of right now, I tap you out. You have nothing holding you back. It seems like you want to know what your little girlfriend feels but I’m going to tell you now, it shouldn’t matter. What do you want?”

Matthew felt the tears swell in his eyes. “I want to quit!” he cried. Lilly hugged him.

“And that’s okay,” she told him. She rubbed his back. “That’s why I’m here.”

Again the room began to shake. Again the light went out. The ceiling lit with a bright light and clouds were seeable through the light. They parted to reveal a shadow and it spoke in a language no one but Matthew understood. Matthew released Lilly and looked to the light and began exhaled.

“I, Matthew Daniels, repudiate the destiny chosen for me,” he said while looking into the light above. “I deny help from God, and reject the responsibility of a hero. I refuse to be chosen and instead chose to live a life of my own. In this I remain vigilant in my decision and will not live in regret of this choice. It is final.”

And the aura appeared around Matthew once more. It glowed to the point where it was practically tangible. Then, it flowed up into the light and disappeared leaving a normal, not glowing Matthew behind. The clouds began to close but not before the voice said one final thing that everyone understood clearly.

“Good luck, Lilly.”