Unexpected Love

01 ;

"Maci hurry up ! " My sister Carrie yelled from downstairs

"Alright I'm coming!" I yelled

I quickly grabbed my bag off the back of my desk chair and ran downstairs.

"God you take forever!" Carrie groaned

"Well if someone would've woken me up on time," I snapped

"Whatever lets just go"

I rolled my eyes and followed her out to her car. The drive to school took ten minutes. As soon as Carrie parked her car we both got out and walked towards the front of the school. Once we both got there we went our separate ways.

Carrie maybe my sister but most of the time I hate being around her. She's the type of girl who thinks shes better then everyone else. Her friends are no better, either is her horrid boyfriend Beau Brooks and his brothers Luke and Jai.

When I got to my locker Leslie, Daniel, and James were already there.

"Took you long enough," James smirked

"Oh shut up," i said


I turned to glare at James. he had a cheeky smile on his face. i couldn't help but to smile. I got my maths book out of my locker. The bell rang as soon as i shut my locker.

me and Leslie had our first class together. James gave me a quick before he went to his class. Leslie and Daniel played suck face for a minute before Daniel went to his own class.

i was doing my classwork when all of a sudden Leslie nudged my side.

"Don't look now but Jai Brooks is staring at you," She whispered

Being me I look over at Jai. And sure enough he was looking. When we made eye contact I expect Jai to look away but he didn't. we stared each other down for about a minute before I finally looked away embarrassed. I seen him smirk at my reaction. Damn it.

"Wow," Leslie mumbled

"What?" I asked looking at her

"I think he likes you"

"Yeah okay"

"Maci I just watched that whole thing"

"So? What girl doesn't Jai stare at ?"

"True but the way he was looking at you"

"So what. I don't like him anyways hes to into himself"

"Maci ..."

"No okay I don't want to talk about this alright?"

"Okay sorry"

"Its fine "

During the rest of class i couldn't help myself but to look over at Jai. Every time i went to look he was already looking.

When the bell rang I quickly got up from my seat and left the class room. Leslie quickly followed beside me.

"Maci!" I heard a familiar voice call out

I ignored him and kept walking

"Maci!" Jai called out again

There wasn't a way for me to ditch him cause the hallway wasn't crowded. I stopped and slowly turned around.

"Yes?" I asked forcing a smile

"Ummm... I ... Umm ... shit ... uhh hey," Jai stuttered

I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked really nervous and I've never seen him act like this around a girl before.

"Is there something you need?" I asked

Jai shook his head

"Then what is it ?" I asked slightly annoyed

"Nothing never mind," Jai said then walked away

"Well that wasn't weird at all," i mumbled

"Don't you dare say that he doesn't fancy you! That was.proof right there!" Leslie said

I rolled my eyes in response. Why the hell would Jai Brooks like me ? There's nothing special about me at all. I don't like him that's for sure. All he likes to do is get into girls pants.

For the rest of the day i did my best to avoid Jai. After school I didn't want to ride home with Carrie because Jai would be in the car so I walked home.

When i got home i went up to my room. I changed out of my school uniform into some sweats and a tank top and i put my hair.into a messy bun. I wasn't in the mood to do my homework so i decided to do it later.

"Bitch I'm home!" Carrie yelled

"I don't care!" I yelled back

I turned on my radio and layed on my bed. I stared up at my ceiling thinking. Soon enough i ended up falling asleep.

When i woke up i looked at the time and it was 6 o'clock. I got up to turn my radio off. When i did i heard several voices. I walked to my door. When i opened it i jumped back and gasped.

Jai started laughing.

"That wasnt funny! And what the hell are you doing here ?" I asked

"Obviously it was if I'm laughing and i came with my brother," Jai said

I glared at Jai. He is such a smart ass and i hate it. I went to shut my bedroom door but jai stopped it with his foot.

"Really?" I asked irritated

"Lets talk," Jai smiled

"Talk about what? I have nothing to talk about with you"

"Well you better think of something because I'm not leaving"

I groaned and opened my bedroom door for him to come.in. he smirked before walking in and sitting on my bed.