Hearts Like Yours

Let Me Breathe

After walking home from the bar, the only thing left on my mind was that girl.

Her smile, her hair, her laugh, and how funny it was that she had no problem talking badly about her 'friends'.

And what I found completely refreshing was how she didn't put out. Oh no, we danced, talked, and became friends. Nothing awkwardly sexual.

I smiled to myself as I slipped off my jeans and shirt and crawled into bed, not bothering to wash up before drifting off to sleep.

Upon waking up the next morning, I groaned at the sun seeping through the window and straight into my eyes.

I sat up and stretched, taking my time before making my way to my bathroom for a shower.

I rested my head against the tile as warm water made its way down my back. I almost fell back asleep if it weren't for knocking on my front door.

I sighed and called out that I was busy, and to let themselves in, seeing as I knew who it was.

I finished getting clean and slipped on a fresh pair of pants and then jeans, not even bothering with a shirt.

I exited my bathroom to see Karen sitting on my couch, flipping through the channels on my tele.

"Good morning." I presented myself.

"Afternoon." She corrected. "Two-o'-clock to be exact." She sounded like a worried mother.

"And what have I done to upset you this time, mother dearest?" I joked as I rifled through my cabinets for something to eat.

"The usual, late drinking, over drinking, hooking up with strange women.."

"I did none of those things last night! Except the lateness of the hour, but I didn't over drink because I could walk steadily on my two feet back here and I slept with no one last night." I smiled proudly, fishing out some cereal and pouring it into a bowl.

Karen raised an eyebrow. "That's a first." She mumbled.

"I hear you." I muttered back.

Karen stood up and walked over to where I was in the kitchen. "You know I worry for you, things like this can't become a habit. It will ruin you, Matt."

I nodded, finding a spoon and eating my cereal. "I do know, but it keeps me distracted."

She sighed and patted my back. "Focus on acting, get yourself a girl, anything!" She tried and sat down in the chair next to me.

"There is a girl.. Sorta." I mumbled.

Karen's ears perked up and she leaned forward, eager to hear me speak. "Tell me more."

I ate another spoonful and gathered my thoughts. "Met her last night. Her name is Genna, she's in college and majoring in business so she can open a cupcake shop here. I didn't get anywhere, we're friends though."

"Friends," Karen nodded. "Friends are good."

"I'm meeting her tonight. At the pub."

Karen groaned and face-palmed. "Why the pub? Why not at the cinema?"

I shrugged. "It was a last minute thing and she doesn't know her way around just yet."

Karen let out a sigh with a soft smile. "At least it's something."

I frowned. "Well don't act so proud, mother dearest." I turned my attention back to my cereal. "I'm not that much of a disappointment, am I?"

Karen breathed deeply and threw her hands up. "Of course not, Matt! I just don't know what happened that now this is what you rely on."

I shrugged meekly and kept eating. I looked up at the clock to see it was almost three in the afternoon.

"Would you do me the honor of lazing off this afternoon until I leave?" I asked Karen with a small smile.

She smiled back and nodded, getting up to sit back on the couch and continue to flip through the tele.

I finished my bowl and put it into the sink before going into my room to put a shirt on.

After a few hours of lounging and laughing at old sitcoms with Karen, I checked the clock.

"It's almost seven, Karen. I'm going to go to the pub and meet Genna."

"Not in that, you're not." Karen stood up and walked into my room with an authoritative stance. She grabbed a clean shirt and jeans and threw them at me, telling me to put them on.

I did as told and put the clothing on. When Karen deemed me as acceptable, I rushed her out of my apartment.

I checked how I looked in the bathroom mirror before leaving my apartment and hoping for the best.