Hearts of Deception


As nervous as she was, Avalar waited with anticipation. The past few weeks have been nothing but a constant let down as Avalar tried to socialize and get to know the other residents. Seeing as most of the residents she talked to were male, it became obvious to them that she was not just looking for a friend, and they had not been nice when they found out about her social life.

Joe Carr had been invited to come over and instead of a simple no, an insult felt more appropriate. Darren Dreamer had not been any better as he decided to string her along with excuse after excuse and as they became more outlandish than the last, Avalar had finally gotten the hint.

The female residents were not bad company, but they were not very pleasant to talk with. Brandi was a single mother of a teen and toddler and she seemed very bitter to anyone she was around. All she ever talked about was her situation and her unruly teenage son. While Mary-Sue Pleasant, an older, married woman of two, came off as snobby because the neighborhood happened to be named after her family.

There weren’t very many people that were interesting enough to talk to, until Jason Taylor came along. He came off as flirty and interested and while she was mutually interested, she was hesitant when she saw him with Serena. Thank goodness, she was just a roommate and not a girlfriend. Jason really did seem like a nice person and maybe he was the one she could start a family with.

Avalar was just in the bathroom looking over her appearance when the doorbell sounded. She took a deep breath and shook herself a little before giving herself a once over and headed towards the door.

“Avalar, hey, you look beautiful tonight,” Jason smiled as he titled his head to the side.

It wasn’t anything too fancy but not too casual either. Avalar was sporting a nice royal blue shirt and matching jacket with black pants.

She flushed, but nodded in thanks as she stepped aside to let him in. “I made us pork chops with a chef salad.”

“Sounds good, any wine?”

“Is red okay?” Avalar looked uneasy for a minute.

“That’s perfect, sounds like the perfect meal,” he flashed a smile her way before heading to the kitchen.

Everything had been put out and ready to be eaten as the two sat down and started to make light conversation. While the dinner continued to run smoothly, Avalar was still very nervous and if Jason noticed, he never commented on it.

“So you left home to come here?”

“Yeah, I didn’t have a choice really; this neighborhood had the most inexpensive houses here.”

“If you say so, good for you for not needing a roommate though.”
“I just saved up for a few years so that I didn’t have to have one. I don’t think I would be able to handle one really.”

“Yeah, they sure as hell are no walks in the park.”
“Oh? Roommate troubles already?”

“I guess you can say that,” Jason leaned back and folded his arms as he continued to stare holes into Avalar. “I thought we hit it off great, but it turns out she is OCD about everything and it’s really freaking annoying. I am not a slob but I don’t see reason to vacuum the couch every time you eat on it instead of the table, or make up your bed the minute you get up. And I wouldn’t mind if it was just for her and her space and things, but she’s started to impose on me and it’s really suffocating, I can’t stand it.”

Avalar took a while to reply. She processed everything he said and had kind of drifted into her own thoughts. This man seemed so perfect, he was nice and kind and sweet. Laid back and chose not to over analyze trivial things. They would be perfect together.
“Are you looking to move out?”

“That would be great, but I can’t afford to move out on my own right now. I just started a new job and it isn’t paying enough right now.”

Avalar blinked a few times and slowly put her cutlery down. Her head was down as she looked at her hands that were now in her lap.

“Hey don’t feel bad for me. She hasn’t gone bat shit crazy yet.”

Avalar looked up from her lashes and gave a small smile. “Actually, Jason, I have a proposal to make.”