Status: Active

Trials in Life

Chapter 1

The man sat in silence sitting in his chair with his best suit on. His nose ring was out and his brown Mohawk was slicked to the side. Johnathan Seward waited anxiously for the verdict to be given to him.

He had been sitting here in silence for what felt like years.

He knew he had robbed that bank but he didn't want to go to jail.

In that case you shouldn't have done it dumbass. His conscience told him.

But he was desperate his girlfriend of four years Lacey had a tumor on the left side that was pressing on her brain. The doctor said it was operable but it was a very expensive surgery.

Not even their insurance would be able to cover it.

He remembered talking to his old friend Brent about it.

"So she's not gonna be able to get the surgery?" He asked as he sipped beer.

"Not if they cut the price of it all the way down into the hundreds." Johnny said. "Not even our insurance can cover it."

He noticed that Brent was deep in thought about something.

"Whatcha think about?" He asked.

"Have you ever robbed a bank?" He asked.

Johnnys eyes widen as he realized what Brent was implying.

"I'm not gonna do that." He said. "It's wrong and I'm not doing jail time."

"Listen John you want the money so Lacey can get that surgery right?" He asked.

"Of course I do but I'm not gonna stoop that low." He said firmly.

"Sometimes when you're really in need you have to put the rules and morals aside." Brent said getting up. "Think about it."

Johnny sat there thinking about it. He was still thinking about it as he got ready for bed that night.

"Are you okay baby?" Lacey asked. "You seem distracted."

"It's nothing." He said getting in bed and taking her in his arms.

He cupped her face kissing her gently. Savoring Laceys lips against his and her taste.

Pulling away he stroked her cheek looking into those eyes that were one of the many reasons he had fallen for her.

"I'm scared Lacey." He admitted. "I'm scared you might not be here tomorrow." That I'll never hold or kiss you again."

"We can't think about that Johnny." She said kissing my wrist. "All we can do is cherish and savor each moment we have together." "We can't stop living because of this."

"I know but I can't help thinking about it." He said. "If only we had the money."

"But we don't Johnny." She said. "We can't dwell on it though." "Just pretend it doesn't exist and everything is like it was before we found out."

She kissed him and settled into his arms. But Johnny couldn't put it to the back of his head.

He looked down at Lacey. Everytime he looked at her the knowledge that she could die at anytime always plagued his thoughts.

He thought about what Brent suggested. He had made up his mind.

Johnny, Brent, and one of Brents friends named Robert eyed the bank. There were many people there cause it was lunch hour.

"Get ready." Brent said as he put on his ski mask.

Johnny pulled his over his head thinking about how wrong this was. But Laceys face came into his head and he remembered why he was doing it.

"Y'all ready?" Robert asked.

They nodded.

"Okay let's go." He said loading his gun.

They got out the car looking around to make sure no one was watching. They entered the bank with Robert shooting his gun at the celing.

"Everybody don't move!" He yelled. "This is a fucking hold up!"

The few customers along with the bank employees screamed holding thier hands up.

"Everybody get on the ground and shut the fuck up." Brent said waving his gun around.

All the customers go down with their hands on their heads. Still pointing his gun at the people they approached the front desk.

"Fill this up and make it quick!" Robert yelled at the woman.

She nodded terrified and went to fill the bag. Little did they know she had triggered the silent alarm.

As they waited Robert started to get impatient.

"Hurry the fuck up!" He yelled pointing his gun.

As Johnny stood there he looked at the faces of the frightened people. His heart dropped when he saw a little girl who was crying. Her mother tried to comfort her saying everything was gonna be okay.

This made Johnny rethink what he was doing.

"I don't want to do this." Johnny told Brent.

"What?!" Brent said. "We've come this far now you're letting your conscience come in it?"

"It's not worth it." Johnny said. "It's not worth going to jail or making Lacey hate me for this."

"I always thought you were a pussy." Brent sneered. "You don't have the ball to do it."

Before Johnny could reply back they heard sirens.

"Shit!" Robert said grabbing the bag. "We have to go." "Come on!"

They ran out the bank just as Johnny got into the car he tripped on his shoelaces. Robert and Brent got in and drove away without him.

Johnny could hear the sirens getting closer. He looked around and saw an old car. He managed to unlock it getting in he pulled the plastic that was covering the wires.

Grabbing two of them he started pressing and rubbing them together. Finally it started. Putting it in drive Johnny drove away but this was short lived.

A bullet hit one of the tired blowing it out and causing him to crash into the bank sign. He groaned as he hit the steering wheel. Then the door was opened and he was let by the gun of a police officer.

"All rise." The judge said. "The jury has reached a verdict."

Johnny straightened his suit and stood up.

"What is your verdict?" The judge asked.

One of the men stood up. "We the jury find Johnathan Lewis Seward guilty of aggravated bank robbery and stealing a car."

"Sentenced to eighteen years in prison with the possibility of parole." The judge said hitting his gavel.