Status: I'll get it done when I get the time

Never the Same

Once Again Saved

Mary watched again as the shadow circled her tent. She was keeping her breath to a minimum. It was the third time it circled around. She knew what it was. From the sound of its teeth grinding and the rotten smell in the air. She didnt know what to do about it. Mary has been in many situations with the walkers but when push comes to shove she just couldn't face the fact that those things out there were once people. Like her brother. If she called out for Daryl, whose tent was about a good fifteen feet from hers, the walker would know for sure she was in the tent and try to claw its way in. Mary knew the walker would soon enought find out she was in there.

When the walker walks behind her tent, she decided she would make a dash for it. She couldn't run towards the group and put them in trouble. Mary had to make a run for it into the woods. She slowly made her way to the zipper. In that instint when the walker came behind her tent, she hastily unzipped it and made a run towards the woods. The walker smelled her scent and was soon enough chasing after her.

It was dark, like a black blanket placed over the whole forest, couldn't see a damn thing. Mary tripped over rocks, branches, tree stumps. She could hear the walker's footsteps pounding on the ground crushing the leaves coming towards her, making its distinct hissing and moaning a walker usually made.

"On your feet, damn it!" she shouted in anger as she felt the walker nearly close behind her that if it had reached out it could grab her.

She was a fast runner, the only problem was the tripping a lot, and it made it that much easier for the walker. Tears sprung in her eyes as she yet again stumbled over a tree root, but she hurriedly picked herself back up. She then heard the familiar sound of something hitting the floor, a loud thump.

Still running, she turned her vision behind her and the walker was down, with an arrow in it's head. She slid to a halting stop and landed on her knees catching her breath. Mary looked up and she saw Daryl with his crossbow running up to the dead walker and retrieving his arrow.

"Are you stupid?" He asked as he picked her up onto her feet. Mary shook her head. "Why didn't ya call for help?" He looked at her as if she was a child. That bugged Mary, she didn't like that impression.

"I had it under control."

"Undercontrol?" Daryl laughed.

"Look, its gone. Let's just go back, please." Truthfully she knew exactly why she ran, but Daryl probably wouldn't understand her reasons.

She didn't want to put anyone else in danger. Daryl flung his crossbow over his shoulder and pulled Mary by the wrist forcing her to follow him back to camp. "I didn't sign up for babysitting." He growled.

Mary jerked her arm back, and Daryl whipped around to look at her. "Then fucking don't. I never asked you to save my ass, alright? I've survived so far without anyone, but me." Mary snapped, but it was a fact.

"You just got lucky before, and darlin, your luck is about up." He retorted turning back around leaving Mary behind.

This time Mary bit her tongue and shook her head. It was already early morning now and by the time she emerged from the woods Carol and Lori were cooking breakfast over the fire.

"Thanks." Mary said under her breath. Daryl just looked down at her and walked off. "Alright then..." Mary frowned, what would it take to get on his good side? He walked towards the R.V. without giving her a second glance.


She looked over amd saw Carol waving her over. She walked over to her, "Would you help me wash these clothes by the creek?" Carol looked exhausted, looking at her closley with bags under her eyes and pale skin.

"Yes, ma'm." Mary took the clothes from her hands and followed her to the creek. She actually liked Carol. She seemed very motherly, and Mary missed having that. They finished washing the clothes and Carol retreated back to the camp while Mary decided to stay.

"Wanna wash my clothes for me?" Mary didn't really recognize the voice, she looked up to see Shane. He was standing a couple of feet away from her.

"Uh, sure."

Shane smirked and started removing his shirt right in front of her. Mary immediately diverted her eyes elsewhere. She wasn't up to strangers changing in front of her. Shane walked up to her and handed her his shirt. Mary shyly took the shirt without looking at his bare chest or in the eyes.

She began washing his shirt and he sat down next to her. "Heard you had a walker scare this mornin."

Mary nodded, "Yeah, Daryl got it though."

Shane rolled his eyes, "Thank God for Daryl."

Mary didnt like his sarcastic tone he used, she left it alone though. "Here's your shirt, just make sure to hang it up to dry." Mary stood back up, but Shane grabbed her arm.

"Now just wait a minute, I might need a pretty little escort back to camp.

She was started to have a bad taste in her mouth about this guy, put her on edge. Arrogant, was the word she was looking for. Or perhaps, just damn creepy. Nonetheless Mary didn't feel like using her witty tongue so she sat back down.

"Got any weapons on you?"

How many times are they going to ask her that?

Of course she lied about it.


Shane nodded and stood back up, and looked around as if trying to find someone. Mary quickly stood up as well and began walking away.

She knew damn well, that he had that bad look in his eye.

"Where are you going?" She stopped walking and created a quick lie.

"Carol wanted help with something earlier, thought I'd lend a hand."

Shane shook his head and put his shirt back on. Thankfully. "We're going on a walk."

We both know damn well this ain't going to be just any walk in the park.

"No thank you." Mary tried to leave again, but Shane grabbed her upper arm.

"We're going for a walk." He repeated again.

Mary looked at his gripping hand and trailed it back into his eyes. She tightly clenched her jaw, "You wanna play this silly game? I'll play. But I'm sure as hell you won't come out as a winner." She thought all the outcomes that could happen. She reassured herself that her pocket knife was still hidden on her. "Let go."

Mary tried to calmly tug her arm back, but Shane was a lot stonger than she was. He began pulling her towards the woods. Mary dryly laughed, "Is this how you treat all the special ladies, Shane?"

Mary was just seconds away from flipping open her pocket knife and holding it to his throat, till she sighed and heard that rude sounding Southern accent. Mary looked up and saw Daryl with his arms crossed over his chest.

Shane glared at him. "Just going for a walk." Mary was now able to pull her arm free and back away from Shane.

"Look at the girl. She aint goin anywhere with you, that's for damn sure. She's got the look of wanting to slice your stomach open in cold blood." Daryl seemed pissed.

Shane glared back, "Fuck you." And with that Shane walked off, but not before giving the two them death glares.

"Do you like tryin to kill yourself?" Daryl asked annoyed.

She internally rolled her eyes, "You like picking up dead bodies of your group? 'Cause next time I'm not gonna hesistate to bash his head in." Mary said honestly. Is was the walkers who she had a little trouble, but if you were human and you are looked as a threat. She was sure as hell, she's not going to let anything slide so easily. Daryl began walking back to camp with Mary in tow.

"I don't know how you survived on your own, as long as you did with a brain like yours." Daryl snapped. He seemed like every little thing would set him off, she decided to try a different approach.

"You'd be surprised. Luck, I guess."

He shook his head in amazement and Mary wondered what for.

Then he spoke again. "You keep telling yourself that and you're going to end up dead."
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Thanks for getting this far! <3

Love you all! Make sure to send me comments and friends requests!

Or whatever xD

~K :3