Status: If you are 7 and under, BEWARE FOR A DARK TRUTH SHALL BE TOLD

Nothing but the Bear

Guess Who?

“I’m so excited for the morning Dad! All of the presents! I wish I could meet Santa!” exclaimed little ten-year old Jimmy as his father sat by his bedside to say goodnight. “Goodnight Jimmy, close your eyes, imagine yourself meeting Santa and thanking him for all of his hard work.” Jimmy’s father gave him a kiss on the forehead. Jimmy closed his eyes. His thoughts swirled around like a pot of hot chocolate. As he drifted away from consciousness he felt gravity leave his bones and his bed sink below him. The warmth and excitement of Christmas boiled in his veins, hotter and hotter. Finally Jimmy fell slowly and a frosty chill replaced the boil of excitement in his blood. He landed in smooth deep powder. Jimmy opened his eyes in astonishment. Before his very eyes were miles of beautiful snow. “I MADE IT! I’M HERE! I’M IN THE NORTH POLE!” Jimmy yelled out in vigorous joy. He rolled around in the snow making angels, then bolted off the ground skipping and frolicking. He felt like he had just discovered what it was like to live. There was absolutely nothing that could spoil his inextinguishable glee. Jimmy ran in the snow shouting, “I’m going to meet Santa!” he ran for what felt like miles before coming across a big polar bear laying down. It looked like it was sleeping, definitely not dead. Jimmy approached it with caution. He slowly reached to touch it when…. THE BEAR SPRUNG UP! Both Jimmy and the polar bear screamed falling back.
“Well, damn! You scared the life out of me!” said the polar bear catching its breath. “You… you can talk…?” Jimmy asked perplexed. “Well of course I can,” responded the polar bear. “I didn’t know that polar bears talk,” Jimmy said.
“Well, I didn’t know that humans talked,” the polar bear responded.
“What were you doing laying there?” Jimmy asked.
“I was just taking a rest, it’s been a long day, and I’m quite freezing,” he said.
“Aren’t polar bears supposed to be able to survive in the cold?” Jimmy asked.
“Yeah, but no one said that we enjoy it,” the bear said freshly.
“Here,” Jimmy said taking off his sweatshirt and handing it to the polar bear. “You need it more than I do,” the polar bear smiled. “Thank you that’s very kind. So what’s a young lad such as yourself doing skipping about the north-pole?” the polar bear asked. “Oh, I’m going to meet Santa Clause,” Jimmy said happily. The polar bear looked at him peculiarly. Then he saw that Jimmy wasn’t joking, he looked uneasy. “Um… I hate to break it to you lad… but there is no Santa Clause…”
Jimmy gasped, his eyes filled with shock. “SANTA DIED?!”
“No, no, no, he doesn’t exist,” the polar bear said.
“What? What’d you… what’d you mean he doesn’t exist? That’s crazy!” Jimmy exclaimed full of confusion.
“I mean that there isn’t a Santa Clause, there are no elves or flying reign deer. It’s all a myth; the sooner you learn that the better,” the polar bear said sadly. The happiness in Jimmy’s soul leaked from his eyes, he started to cry. “Ah no! Don’t cry lad! It’s okay!” the polar bear said trying to comfort Jimmy. “No it’s not! Christmas is all a lie! There’s no magic!” Jimmy cried out. “Lad listen, I know being suddenly told that something you’ve believed in for a long time isn’t real is heartbreaking, but think about this, every year on Christmas morning you wake up to presents under the tree. You open them and are filled with joy and love. Guess who put them there, guess who made that moment magical? Your family! Whenever I’m freezing in this cold place, I cuddle with my family and we make each other warm. That’s the real meaning of Christmas.”
The next morning Jimmy leaped out of bed and woke his parents up. They all gathered by the tree and Jimmy stood up and held his first present. “I’d like to thank you guys for all of your hard work and the love and joy you give me. You make this moment special, I love you, Merry Christmas.” Jimmy unraveled the wrapping paper, and in his hand was a little fluffy polar bear.