Bathtub Tomfoolery

Chapter Two

The two spent nearly three hours in the closest bar they could find, until they decided to go into the city centre to find a better one. It was 2 o'clock in the morning when they made it back to their hotel room. Darrell was blitzed on Jager and Phil had so much Jack even Lemmy Kilmister would have told him to stop. They stumbled into the room after Darrell failing multiple times to actually get the key in the hole. Phil pretended to sober up and walked into the dark room. Before Darrell could hit the light switch, Phil fell right over a chair up against the wall, causing a loud thud on the floor, and making Darrell burst out with laughter.
" You fucking idiot!" Darrell slurred as he flicked the switch. Phil looked like he was playing Twister with the chair and only made Darrell laugh harder. Darrell tried to slot laughing a wiped a tear form his eye, and helped his friend up. Phil slumped into Darrell's arms, and was almost too heavy for Darrell to keep up.
" Wow there bud. Let's get you in bed." Darrell giggled as his friend murmured profanities in drunk-speak. Darrell devised his plan, and climbed onto the bed, with Phil in his arms and lay him down onto the duvet.
" Sleep tight my *hiccup* my sweet idiot." He giggled to himself as Phil snuggled into his warm surroundings. he nearly fell walking off the bed, but casually walking into the bathroom and climbed into his beloved tub.

Darrell's peaceful sleeping was interrupted by a sleepy Phil coming in.
" No man, don't you fucking dare." he said annoyed that his dream was paused.
" Please man, I'm just pissin'" Phil pleaded sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Darrell sighed and motioned for Phil to commence pissing. ' He pisses like a fucking horse' Darrell thought, trying not to stare. But something was off. Darrell found himself repeatedly staring at Phil. ' What are you doing man, stop looking' Darrell clenched his eyelids together. 'The fuck is wrong with you.'
" Alright man, goodnight." Phil walked out with out even opening his eyes. Darrell said goodnight back, but he kept on thinking over and over about Phil's penis. 'It's pretty big man.' He thought. ' Like, maybe nine or ten inches... Wait. What the fuck am I doing?' Darrell narrowed his eyes. He felt really weird. like a sensation almost. One he's never had before. And he felt it when ever he started to think about Phil. Or his penis. he grew annoyed with himself, and tried to force himself asleep, but to no avail. He lay there in his bath tub for another 3 hours, until his brain finally gave up and let him sleep.