Bathtub Tomfoolery

Chapter Four

" I... I kissed you." Darrell began to twiddle his fingers. He couldn't even look at Phil in the eye. Phil on the other hand was completely gob smacked. He couldn't believe his best friend, his brother, had kissed him. Well, that's what Darrell thought at least. Phil was open mouthed, but he seemed, calm. Darrell thought he was going to freak out, but he didn't. Phil sat down onto the kitchen counter. He was just silent, and it scared Darrell. He began to sweat heavier.
" Phil I am so sorry I don't know what came over me and I- I'm so sorry." Darrell was nearly in tears, when Phil jumped off the counter to console his friend.
" Er... I don't really know what to say." Phil scratched his head as he gripped Darrell's shoulder.
" Please man I am so sorry, don't tell Rex; and especially Vinnie. Oh god if Vinnie found out he'd kil-" Darrell was interrupted by Phil's two fingers pressing against his lips. Phil's face was quite close to Darrell's, which sent a chill down his spine.
" Please just get dressed and we'll... we'll get going." Phil walked past Darrell, and grabbed the clothes off his bed. he was about to change when he looked back at Darrell, looking at him. he walked into the bathroom and locked the door.
" Oh ha ha. I wasn't gonna watch you." Darrell huffed loudly. No answer. Darrell sighed and got himself dressed. Phil came out the bathroom and sat on the bed to tie his laces. Darrell sat on the chair to tie his and didn't notice when Phil's shadow appeared in front of him. He looked up as Phil bent down and whispered in Darrell's ear.
" it wasn't that bad." Phil bent straight back up and opened the door to the hallway.
" Come on we gotta go." Phil left the room, while Darrell sat completely beyond belief. '...What...' He thought confused.
" Darrell! Come on man!" The voice of his brother Vinnie entered the room.
" Yeah I'm comin'" Darrell grabbed his backpack and ran out the room.

The rest of the day consisted of the whole band walking around the city centre, signing records and shirts and guitars. Then they had a few magazine interviews. It was a long day for the four men and they ended up in a bar. They all drank quite heavily and spent over five hours in one bar. It was midnight when they got back to their hotel rooms, and Rex and Vinnie drunkenly sang arm in arm as they went to their room. Darrell was smashed and forgotten about the kiss, so him and Phil were OK together, and decided to play tag on the way to their room.
" My bed *hiccup* is barley!" Phil staggered quickly to their door, which made Darrell laugh hysterically.
" You look fucking stupid!" Darrell carefully shuffled forward to try and catch Phil. But Phil managed to open the door first go and went straight in. Darrell stopped shuffling and sprinted full force into the room, knocking right into Phil and causing both of them to fall onto the bed. Darrell was on top of the drunken Phil and giggled and got up. However, Phil grabbed Darrell's arm and pulled him closer to his face. Darrell was too drunk to realise what was happening until Phil kissed him. They both sobered up from it, but didn't stop. Darrell sat cowgirl style on Phil, and he put his arms around Phil's back to embrace him. Phil pulled away and smiled. Darrell grinned back and before he knew it Phil's tongue was making friends with his own.
" Hmm... You're great at this man," Phil pulled away again. " Why did I even make you wait?" Darrell looked confused.
" I mean all day. Watching you fuck about when I could be fuckin' you."

Darrell was open mouthed confused. He shook his head in disbelief.
" So you... you always liked me? Am I dreaming, this feels like a dream." Darrell played with his fingers. Phil intertwined his fingers into Darrell's.
" Not always, but as I said, that kiss was just fantastic! I needed more!" Phil exclaimed with excitement. " But I gotta ask; Why you do it?" Phil looked at Darrell with happy caring eyes. Darrell fidgeted and wouldn't look his friend in the eye.
"... I couldn't stop thinking about your dick and I got myself too excited," Darrell calmly explained." You're real sexy but I couldn't say anything because I thought you'd hate me." Phil grinned and hugged his friend. He rubbed his nose against Darrell's and kissed him again. This time, a lot more tongue and a lot more passion. Phil pinned his friend down onto the bed and slipped his hand into Darrell's fly.