Bathtub Tomfoolery

Chapter Five

Phil's eyes were closed as he rummaged around in his friends underwear. Darrell was enjoying it, I mean, getting a dick rub is getting a good dick rub in his eyes, but he felt like it was only because Phil was drunk. But then again, he dreamed about this all day and night and he wasn't going to complain. Darrell smiled with a mixture of being horny and excitement. Even though the feelings were sudden about Phil it felt right. It may of just been excitement and 'in the moment' but sex with Phil became more and more possible and intriguing to Darrell who was now just laying there with Phil's hand down his pants.

Phil stopped playing with Darrell's junk and leaned up. He unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the floor. He looked up to the door and got up and walked towards it.
" Where you going man?" Darrell leaned forward.
" Just locking it," Phil made sure the door was tight shut. " Don't want anyone ruining this, right?" He halve smiled with made Darrell swoon. Phil laughed at his blushing friend and stood very still with a huge grin on his face. Darrell giggled.
" What-what are you gonna do?" His smile was big and his cheeks were pink, from the heat of the room and of the moment. Phil was still stood there grinning when he switched off the lights. It was dark, but there was a romantic glow from the curtains. Darrell was still smiling , straining to keep an eye on Phil, when he suddenly leaped onto Darrell, pinning him onto the bed. All Darrell could see was the shadows on Phil's rugged face, and the sparkle of light in his eyes. Darrell was about to tell Phil how much he meant to him, when Phil stuck his tongue into his mouth again. This time not so sudden, but just as appreciated. Darrell closed his eyes as the passion overthrew his thoughts. It felt like years since the kiss had began nether the less Darrell didn't want it ever to end. To his dismay, it did quite suddenly. Phil pulled away and sat up, cowgirl style on Darrell.
" What's the matter? Am I doing it wro-" Darrell was hushed by Phil. He pointed to the wall on the left side of he bed were the headboard was on.
" Vinnie and Rex are on this side right?" Darrell thought about it, and nodded back.
" We can't do it," Phil looked quite upset. " They'll hear, I mean you punched right through that fucking wall, so how thin are they? We can't, I'm... I'm sorry." Phil put his head in his hands. Darrell was upset too, but trying hard to think of an alternative. Suddenly an ingenious way to fuck his supposedly straight best friend pops into his head.
" The bathtub!" He screamed with excitement.
" For fucks sake keep it down Dime." Phil nearly screamed back.
" Sorry," He chirped. " The bath, it's big, and believe me it's comfortable.
" What about my back? If I lie down too long in that thing it'll kill me in the morning." Darrell smiled and booped his nose onto Phil's.
" Fine. I'll be the 'man'" Darrell wiggled his eyebrows. Phil's eyes widened and a nervous but curious laugh peeped out his mouth.