My Goal Is to Deny Yours


Sidney and I walked down to the kitchen to get something to eat and I walked towards the pantry and looked around for pancake mix. I knew that I bought some but I couldn't find it. I then looked at the top shelf and saw it sitting there where my 5' 8'' height couldn't reach it. I sighed in frustration and walked out to the kitchen and started to grab a chair when Sidney looked at me with one raised eyebrow.
"I can't reach the pancake mix." I said sheepishly.
"I'll get it." He said and walked over to the pantry and got the pancake mix down with no problem.
"Damn you and you're 6 foot height." I laughed and he pretended he was offended. "Aw I'm sorry." I said and reached on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his. "Better?" I asked.
"Much." He smiled and I started to make the pancakes. "You do realize that those are bad for for our diets right?" He asked.
"Of corse. In my family we ALWAYS eat pancakes on Sunday no matter what. Fuck diets." I said while poking him in the chest with a laugh.
"I like this new diet thing. I could get used to this." He smiled.
"Are you staying here until Monday since you're playing us here?" I asked him.
"Yeah and I'm driving back to Pittsburgh on Tuesday." He said
"Okay." I replied. Five minutes later the pancakes were ready and I got us two plates and put two pancakes on each. I walked over to the cabinet and got the syrup out and sat it on the counter.
"You forgot something." Sid said.
"What?" I asked with a mouthful of pancakes. Sid walked over to the fridge and got out my can of whip cream and practically put the whole can on his.
"You do realize these are bad for our diets right?" I said mocking him.
"Shut up." He smiled and sprayed some whip cream on my face.
"SIDNEY!!!!" I yelled and ran over to the fridge and grabbed my second can. I shook it up and chased him around my house.
"Why can I only get whip cream on your ass?!" I yelled while laughing and trying to catch up with him. He then turned around and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I laughed
"I kinda like the view from here though." He said and I blushed a deep red. I then got my can of whip cream and pulled back his shirt an sprayed it down his back and he dropped me on my hardwood floor.
"I'm sorry! Are you okay?!" He said worried.
"Y-yeah." I said between fits of laughter while laying on the floor. I then got up and Sidney and I are our pancakes and lounged around fe the rest of the day.

It was finally Monday morning and Sidney had to leave and meet up with the team at the hotel. I sighed and got dressed in Khaki jeggings with a navy Abercrombie sweater and left my hair in its natural curls. I grabbed my keys off of my counter and walked out to the Rover and drove to my dad's house. I walked up to the door and walked in when something grabbed onto my leg.
"RACHAEL!!!!!!" Maxime screamed while hugging my leg.
"Hey Maxy!" I said and picked him up and kissed his cheek while he played with my hair.
"HAAAAAAAAAAY RACHAEL!!!!" Jeremy and William yelled in a valley girl way.
"Should I be concerned about you two?" I asked my twin brothers with a laugh.
"Totally" they said in the valley girl voice again.
"Where's dad?" I asked while laughing.
"Right here." He said while walking downstairs.
"Do you know whose going to be in the net tonight?" I asked
"I'm pretty sure you are since I've been the last four games." He said
"Okay." I said. "Well I think I might go the the rink early. Where's Anthony?" I asked
"I'm not sure, he said he had to meet someone he didn't say who though." My dad replied.
"Oh." I said. "Well I'm going to go to the rink for a little bit." I said and put Max down and hugged my dad and twin brothers. I walked out to the Rover and drove to the Prudential Center and hauled my bag out of the back of my SUV and into the locker room. When I walked into the locker room I saw Sidney scribbling something on a piece of paper while he was in his hockey gear in front of my cubby. I hid against the wall and watched him stick it on my locker and then walk back out of the locker room with bright yellow crocs on his feet. I chuckled at the fact that he even owned a pair let alone a yellow pair. I walked over to my cubby and threw my bag in it and took the note and unfolded it.

"Hope you have a good game tonight. Try to let some of my shots in tonight though ha ha.
Love, SC"

I smiled as soon as I read it and put it in my pocket. I then walked into Coach's office and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen off of his desk and started scribbling a note for Sid down. I finished and I snuck into the visitors locker room and found the cubby that said, "Sidney Crosby 87" over it. I spotted it and then set the note carefully on his hockey bag and walked back to the locker room.

Sidney's POV
I came back from practice and walked to the cubby and saw a note on my hockey bag. I picked it up and opened it.

"Really Sid, yellow crocs? Lol. Tonight's just going to be a repeat of what happened the first time we played you. Good luck trying to get pucks past me.
Love, RB"

I read the note and shook my head with a smile. She must have seen me when I put the note in her cubby. Pascal came up beside me and saw me folding the note up.
"Is that from......." He trailed off.
"Yeah." I replied with a smile and he smiled at me.
"It's good to finally see you with someone." He said and walked away.
"Yeah, it really is good to be with someone." I quietly said to myself with a smile and got dressed for the trip back to the hotel.

Anthony's POV
It was almost time for the game to start and I was walking down to the locker room with my mom beside me.
"You do realize that she's going to kill me right?" I asked my mom.
"Don't worry she won't." My mom reassured and we walked into the locker room. When my mom and I walked in the whole locker room got silent and turned to look at us. I looked at Rachael and she was glaring daggers at me. The conversation started to pick up once again in the locker room and my mom an I started to walk over to Rachael.
"What are you doing here?" She hissed at our mom.
"I came to watch you." Our mom replied.
"Where were you when I first started hockey? Oh yeah, that's right, you wouldn't take me to practice!" Rachael snapped.
"I know and I made a big mistake."
"Damn right you did. And then you and dad divorced when I was thirteen and that helped me be the goalie I am today so I just want to thank you for that." Rachael spat.
"Honey, I just wanted you to have a good future. I was worried if you pursued this crazy dream of yours you wouldn't get drafted. I was only trying to protect you." My mom said sympathetically.
"I can take care of myself mom and I knew what I wanted to do. Did you really think that I was going to give up if I didn't get drafted? I went through two drafts before and no one wanted to draft me. Did you see me just give up? No. Listen I got to go." She said and walked away.
"I really messed up didn't I?" My mom asked
"Yeah." I sighed.