Status: Going on a small break to get all the my chapters together.

Dangerously in Love

Secrets and Cash

"Whatever man, I don't even care anymore at this point. You and the rest of the guys can go fuck off. It's none of your damn business anyway."

"Look Matt weren't trying to intruded on your relationship with Nika. She's our friend too an-"

"I don't give at fuck what you are trying to do. Tell your girl and everyone else to lay the fuck off of my relationship and it's mechanics. Just lay the fuck off before it turns in to a twisted mess like last damn when y'all jet had to fucking bud in."

Hanging up an iPhone is not rewarding when you are angry with someone who you can't physically put your hands on. Matt throw his phone on the couch to his right, which bounced as it hit the cushions of the couch, and sat down frustrated out of his mind.

"So I'm guessing that conversation with Jimmy didn't go over so well did it?"

Matt sighed and looked over at his girlfriend. Hair in a mess bun, clad only in one of his baggy old t-shirts, no make up on and leaning casually on the wall; Matt could honestly say that he loves her more like this then dressed up for a special event she hosts every third Monday of the month.

Matt beckoned his girl over to him and sighed when she settled in to lap like a puzzle piece. He buried his face in to the side of her neck and breathed in the sutle smell of vanilla from her body butter.

"It went ok. I wish it went better then it did. I don't like to fight with Jimmy like that at all. I'm pretty sure that is the only fight we've had since getting home from tour and that was a couple of weeks ago."

She chuckled lightly and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You do realize I could hear you all the way down the hall in our bedroom with te door closed? Babe you sounded crazy. You basically blew up on Jimmy and it so wasn't called for. You gotta realize babe that these people are the only stable family I have out here in Cali. They are only worried for us since I don't need your ass going to jail for something stupid. "

Matt drew little complex designs in to the side of her thigh as he thought over what she just told him. As Matt pondered the facts over Nika was also pondering the events from the past week as she ran her fingers through the elongating hair of her long time boyfriend. Matt sighed and layed his head on her shoulder as he pulled her closer to him.

For the past week she has been receiving strange packages in the mail with no return addresses. Each item she has received has dealt with some sleazy piece of lingere that she would never pick out for herself if she went shopping for something sexy. And with each piece a note was set in the box. And every time she gets one she goes straight to police about but they won't do anything unless this freak makes himself known. But she has yet to tell Matt for the fear that he just might kill this guy. Plus she isn't so sure how he would feel about the upcoming situation that they might be in if she doesn't tell him about it soon. She knows if she waits to long Cheyenne or Brian are gonna come poking around to see if she is hiding anything from them which isn't true.

"I guess I have apologize for the yelling don't I?"

"It would be best if you do babe. I'm going to go take a shower now and go to the store for some groceries since all we have is water and your protein powders because someone here doesn't know how to go buy actual food from the damn store like a normal person."

Matt chuckled as his girlfriend strutted off in to their room to start hear shower. He listerned for the shower to start going before he picked up his phone to call Jimmy back to apologize to him. The ringing was annoying loud as Matt waited for Jimmy to pick up his phone.

"Listen Matt if you called to voice your option again just fucking save it. I don't want to hear it and Linda doesn't want to hear me whine about you being an asshole today."

"I actually called to apologize to you for going off on you earlier. I talked to Nika about it and she actually was right when she said I was too crazy about the subject. Look Jimmy I have something to ask you man and I really want you to be honest with me."

"Sure man. Whatever it is I'll try to give you an answer."

"Do you think that Nika would ever cheat on me?"

"Dude why would you ever think that? She has loved you since we were in high school together. There isn't anyway possible way she would cheat on you."

"I just..I keep seeing these boxes in the mail for her with no return address and they aren't from me. I'm not sure if I should ask her about the boxes or if I should just let her tell me herself."

"Just give her some time and she'll come clean to you. Don't worry too much about it for now man."

"Alright man. I'll give her-someone's at the door. Give me a second dude."

Matt sighed to himself as he walked up to the door and saw someone he didn't recognize at his door. Confused Matt unlocked his door and turned the knob when the door was pushed on to him and he fell to the floor. He hit his head on the way down and his phone slid near the kitchen enterence. The last thing he remembers seeing is three pair of shoes, a cruel pair of eyes looking at him and whispering of cash before he blacked out.
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I know it's been two weeks or so since I posed so here is something that will keep y'all busy till next time.