Status: Love you xx

How Will I Know?

CapĂ­tulo Treinta y Nueve

I stayed silent the hole car ride, simply too scared to say anything. I didn't know what was going on and I this point I'm not sure I wanted to know. Zayn kept looking in his rear view mirror as if to check if we were being followed. Who would want to follow us? I was growing anxious, digging my nails into my bare tights so hard they started bleeding a little. As soon as I noticed, I stopped knowing no one would believe me on how I got them. The car was barely stopped when Zayn yanked me out of the car, dragging me towards the elevator leading from the underground parking to Liam's pent house apartment. Zayn quickly fiddled with a couple of keys until he found the one that would unlock the door the his best mate's flat. I was trembling so much that he thought I was cold so he went to get me a blanket, which he carefully wrapped around my shoulders before he started telling me his story. And that's what it was; a tale so unrealistic that it could have been in a novel. I was right, I would rather he had not told me. Everyone was coming over and I had trouble deciding whether I wanted to be alone or not. The information was bubbling in my brain, trying to decide in which part it would stay to hunt me.

They were planning to rape you...

Zayn's words kept playing in my head as flashbacks of the group of boys were appearing before my eyes. The taller one. The handsome yet primitive tall one with the piercing blue eyes and the jet black hair. He was obviously the leader of the pack; cause that's what they were, a pack of wolves ready to jump on their victim as soon as they would try to escape. That's when I start to play. I'm the bunny he's been chasing after all night and as soon as I escaped, he planned a greater attack. A group attack.

Now, I wasn't only trembling of fear; I was shivering, disgusted to the fact that his hands had traveled so many times on my skin tonight.

I don't know how long I spent staring at the wall before me but at one point I realized I had a tea cup in my hands. I didn't drink tea, or coffee for that matter, but it was still a nice little gesture from Zayn's behalf. It occupied my hands for the time being. I was grateful that no conversation was made between us.

I couldn't tell how much time had passed but at one point I heard blurred conversations coming from the entrance once the rest of the group came into the flat. I heard faint voiced calling my name but I couldn't reply. I felt numerous hands touching me, trying to comfort me in vain as I would only shiver and pull away.

I did several nods and hummed a couple of times as if I was really aware of the conversation that was going on around me. I was starting to come back to reality, the information of what had happened finally settling down in my mind. It hadn't really happen. They thought of it, but nothing happened. I was okay. I snapped out of it but it was too late. Everyone was gone. I was alone in Liam's apartment. A note on the coffee table informed me that the latter was gone to get me something to eat. I didn't want to eat. I just wanted to sleep. I got up, and walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. My skirt was making me really uncomfortable so I went through Liam's drawers until I found myself a tee shirt and a pair of sweat pants. I got changed and snuggled up in the sheets. I drifted into a troubled sleep until I felt a pair of arms snuggle around my waist and finally fell into the most peaceful state of mind I had known in the last two and a half hours.