The Anthem of the Lonely


I stopped believing in the good things in life when the good things stopped happening. I don't believe there's such thing a happiness because if there is I haven't found it. I stopped getting my hopes up for something that was never going to happen. We all have them moments where you think things are turning around, but are they really? Everyone in the world makes mistakes but what you have to ask yourself is are they really worth all the pain you cause everyone else around you? I'm not one to forgive, but I guess that makes me a hypocrite.

When you've given it all, what's left to give? You have nothing left to live for because everything you have worked you're whole life for burned its ashes. Sometimes things are better left unsaid. The pain and the hurt that I live with everyday is better left unsaid, cause when you grow up who really cares? All the people who said they'll be there, never are. Nor will they ever be. Everyone who you thought you meant the world to, is just another lie. If there's one person in this world you can always count on is yourself. You don't need anyone else to bring you down besides yourself. You cause your own pain and misery, and who's left to blame but you? I don't believe in being close to anyone just for the simple fact that eventually somethings going to change and they aren't going to be there for you. "If you don't let people in, you can't set yourself up for heartbreak." I live by that motto every day. Only a few people have actually made it in, but there is still a part of me thats afraid. Afraid of losing everyone and everything I have ever cared for.

What sucks the most are them lonely nights where you don't know whether to eat, sleep or cry. But the worst part of it is you don't even know why. I have so many reasons to cry, but I can't ever get myself to that point. Sometimes I wish I would just to feel relief. I got tired of being used by everyone but the sad thing is that no one ever loved me for me, well besides my family. People never give you a second of their time for me to prove that you're capable of being loved. I spent my whole life trying to please everyone around me when the only person I should be pleasing was me. In the end we'll all be alone so why waste a lifetime worrying about no one but yourself. I learned that there's no one in the world who actually knows who I am. I'm far from perfect and I don't try to fake it. We have all made mistakes and some of them we just have to live with. But really, who is perfect? The past is the past but you'll never forget it. Thats impossible. Will things get better? Maybe. But it's not about it being better, it's all about happiness. Something we all strive for.