Status: I hope you enjoy this is not Yaoi just contains a little of it thats all :D

Ma Dai and the Straw Hats: Another War

Bear attack Fight Fight Fight!!!,Buteaful Clift

Nami's P.o.v .

In my sleep I felt something pointy poking me. I shifted from side to side. When i opened my eyes I saw Usopp's long nose. It jabbed me in the eye and it stinged as well. "Ahh shit usopp what" Rubbing my eye the black haired male came closer to me and whispered in my ear. "Hey nami follow me" He whispered. He tip toed out side and I raised my right eyebrow. He looked back at me and chuckled.

What is so funny? He chuckled once more and pointed at my breasts. "Nami adjust your braw" I looked down and he was right. "Ahhhh you pervert!!!" I smacked him in his face and I can see the birds flying away because of my scream. "Oh the storm is over. Never mind that thats what you called me here for you perve" I asked balding my fists. "No I didn't it was just noticeable and you mind keeping it down you have to be real quiet for what im about to show you.

I was really curious now did he not want Ma Dai and Zoro up for this. Oh no what if hes madly in love with me and tells me he loves me or tries to marry me ahhh.

I took my stick and smacked him across the face with it. "No Usopp me and you will never ever be engaged" Usopp blinked a few times and looked me up and down. "Nami!!!" "No me and you never uh uh nope nata" Usopp named more rejections and I shutted his mouth.

"I get it!" Usopp looked stumped. "No wait a sec why would you even think that unless nami you…" I kicked him far before he can finish. "Don't even think that mess that will be a massacre"

"Ok heres what I wanted to show you." Usopp tip tied over to Zoro's tent and we peeked inside. My eyes widened Zoro is no he can't be in the closet gay! "See surprising huh…" I kissed Usopp on the cheek with joy. "Why did Zoro hide this from us yes now we have something to black mail him with. Under that cold harded exterior we now know that Zoro is a lover and such a sweet heart" I said jumping around.

"Usopp you listening buddy"

Usopp's P.o.v

All im thinking about was that kiss what did she say?

Zoro's P.o.v .

It was around 9:00 Am when I woke up. It was a little chilly bo lie but I grabbed Ma Dai's hat and Putted it in my head. It was quite warm. I can see the cute guy sleeping in the tent it was so peaceful. He looked like how he was sleeping yesterday just more peaceful. I say that cause of Nami and Usopp. I blushed when I caught myself staring at him and I leaned closer to him. I smiled and kissed him on his forehead.

Ma Dai's P.o.v.

Waking up was a delight. I noticed my hat dissapeard. I put my hand through my hair and sighed. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" there goes Usopp talking about whatever. "First comes the baby then comes the marrige" and I notice Nami's annoying voice. "Oh shut it nothing happened in there" Then thats Zoro's voice. My eyes lit up when I put everything together they were talking about me and Zoro in the tent.

I ran out of the tent and yelled. "Guys why you got to be so gay!" Everyone stared at me and I ran out of the cave dropping down my face. Am I gay no but bisexual maybe.Holding my brush in my hand I continued running deep into the forest. I heard only Zoro's voice when I lefted in tears. "You see what shit you guys caused. I can hear foot steps running after me. I slowed down and nearly fell when I got to a clift.

Looking down it was just more trees and animals. I looked in back of me and I saw Zoro running after me. "Wait Ma Dai!" He ran straight into me and our lips touched painfully. We fell right off the clift falling about 80 feet.

I woke up in pain and seeing Zoro unconscious on the floor. How did I survive that. I started to loose my vison and it was hard trying to stand. Limping my way to Zoro I fell to my knees screaming in agony . My face was dirty and smudged and tears dropped down once more. I laied my head on Zoro's chest once more and it turns out he was breathing. The shined on us and trying to block the son I saw a hand go up.

"You …forgot …your ……hat …kid" Zoro said coughing. I lifted him up and putted his arm around me. Helping him walk I can see tall buildings. We found a city. Zoro's eyes was closed though. He needed medical attention quick. Walking towards the cities gate a bear crossed my path.

It growled at me and approached me. Smiling at it Zoro pushed me out the. Smacking my face to the ground. He took out his three swoards and got in battle position.the bear went for a strike when suddenly someone kicked the bear far into the forest. It was a handsome blonde who's foot was on fire!!!

"Nees help sissy" Who was this person how did he find us how does he know Zoro wait what?!
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So not much of an epic battle but im gonna say amazing. Isn't it clear who saved Zoro and Ma Dai. Please comment I beg you. What do you think anyway. Do you think Usopp X Nami should be Canon or Semi Canon like Nalu (Natsu X Lucy) Or hina (Naruto X Hinata)will uptadate very soon