Frozen Heart

Chapter 23

Dropped on a pile of icy rubble, Totomaru could only let out a pathetic wheeze as his entire body protested.

Sol let out a weak grunt as his cohort was dropped upon his battered form, too weak to even move at this point.

Letting out a puff of super-cold air, Jack glowered down at them, the rage that howled in her chest starting to calm.

“I know I told you stupid Element Four where to shove it, and the Snow Queen certainly told your boss.” She started, ice fracturing around her feet. “But since you idiots didn’t get it, I’m here to clear up the misunderstanding. Fairy Tail is ours. And we don’t appreciate people damaging what’s ours. Not. One. Bit.”

They cowered at the growl that slipped into her voice at the end, blue eyes sharp as splintered ice.

You idiots made the biggest mistake of your lives hurting my Levy.”

At that moment, the entire guildhall shook, and Jack paused as the sound of screams came to her on the wind.

Brow furrowing, she straightened up and looked upwards towards the only entrance.

The next gust brought the screams again, louder, and she reacted.

Both mages went limp in relief at the winter guardian’s abrupt departure, practically weeping in joy.

Coming out the vertical tunnel into an empty room, Jack scanned for an exit before taking off in search of a window.

She almost passed the first one, but the sight framed by it’s stone frame almost made her skid to a halt, wide-eyed.

The Fairy Tail guildhall…

It was gone

Where the colorful building once stood, only rubble remained, a massive shade howling it’s victory.


Fists clenched at her sides, Jack trembled, gaze fixed on the destroyed guild as the cries of it’s members echoed through her ears.


The sky, which had cleared sometime before, began to darken with coal-black clouds, and the frozen ocean bristled as the temperature dropped well below freezing.

Going impeccably still, blue eyes flashed as the wind gave a warning shriek.

He’s going to regret this.”


All of Magnolia trembled as two Wizard Saints began their battle, the iced sea cracking and the ground heaving as powerful magic collided.

The shades were as untroubled as ever, continuing their assault on the battered mages of Fairy Tail…

At least, until it began to snow.

Gajeel lifted his head at the soft fluff, nose wrinkling as a wayward flake landed on the tip and melted.

It was like a starburst behind his eyelids, a rush of laughter, and he watched in amazement as the shades were paralyzed in silent mirth, disintegrating like smoke under the strain.

Lucy seemed just as nonplussed, though the more seasoned guild members recognized the latent magic and cheered.

“Way to go, Jack!”

“I knew she’d think of something!”

“Never doubted her for a second!”

Turning his gaze back to the toppled fortress still sitting on the ice, Gajeel could not help the smirk that took root on his face.

Never failed to amaze, did she?


As the light of Fairy Law faded, Jose Porla trembled with the effort to stand, face frozen in a mask of shock.

“You will never bother Fairy Tail again, understand?”

Makarov watched him for a moment, waiting to see if he would speak, before turning his back on the drained, withered man.

“I’m sure the Magic Council will be watching us, after all the chaos we’ve caused. You’d better be on your best behavior from now on.”

He paused at the sight of a familiar silhouette in the broken wall, eyes widening in disbelief.

“Snow Queen…”

With the slightest incline of her head, Hiroyuki advanced slowly, cape billowing with each step as she passed by the diminutive Wizard Saint.

Makarov could only stare after her, as surprised as he had been when she came to help defeat Lullaby.

Seeing her approach, Jose snapped out of his daze and fell back, scrambling in terror to flee.

“I warned you.” Hiroyuki voiced, like the rumble of a blizzard waiting to release it’s horde. “I told you that attacking Fairy Tail would be considered a direct attack against me. Do you know what I do to those that are foolish enough to attack me?”

Jose tried to speak, to plead, but the suddenly freezing air stole whatever words might have formed from his throat.

The glove on the Snow Queen’s right hand disintegrated into snowflakes, baring her skin to the wrist, and fear closed his throat the rest of the way.

Was she…?

The slightly brush of her fingertips against his forehead was enough, and Jose seized up as his body was forcibly turned into solid ice, his terror frozen into place.

Makarov took the scene in with stunned silence as the glove reformed, mind whirring.

So she is cursed

“Are you and your guild capable of rebuilding?”

Jerked from his thoughts, the Fairy Tail guild master nodded, wondering about what expression might be hidden behind that helmet’s visor.

“Our guildhall may be destroyed, but we never give up.”

Nodding once, Hiroyuki turned back to the statue she had created.

“The Magic Council will ask about my involvement, and the involvement of my Guardian.” She noted, monotone and calm. “Tell them that Fairy Tail is under my protection.”

Before Makarov could stutter out anything close to a sentence, she disappeared in a swirl of diamond dust, taking the storm clouds hanging over Magnolia with her.

Scratching the back of his head, the old guild master sighed.

Well, that was unexpected