Frozen Heart

Chapter 26

Ever since that day they met face-to-face in Fairy Tail’s old guildhall, Lucy found Jack Frost extremely familiar.

There was something about the tilt of her smile, the soft fondness in her eyes, that nudged at some old memory the blonde could only half-recall.

But she had never met Jack before Fairy Tail

A warm smile, like her mother’s, flashed through Lucy’s mind, a tingle of chill rushing over her skin at the memory of a golden key.

Everybody needs friends.”

Or had she?


Jude Heartfilia stared at the door long after his daughter was gone, the image of his late wife haunting him.

“She’s right, you know.”

Whipping around, he froze at the sight of Jack Frost lounging on the windowsill behind his desk, staff held lazily in one hand as she stared back with sad eyes.

“Layla would have wanted her to be happy.”

“What are you doing here?” Jude demanded, overcoming his shock and the unease coiling inside him.

“I came because you’re an idiot.” Jack retorted, gloves creaking as she gripped her staff tightly. “You were such a smart kid, and you can’t even see how much you’ve hurt her?”

The man fell silent, shivering at the sudden drop in temperature as she stood, blue eyes icing over.

“But Lucy is part of Fairy Tail now. She’s ours, Jude Heartfilia, and you’d best remember that next time you think of doing something this stupid again.”

There was no need to elaborate on who constituted ‘our’, not after news spread of Jose Porla’s fate.

With one last glare, Jack turned away, a wave of her staff opening the windows with a burst of wind.

“…I’ll take care of her.”

Then she was gone, and Jude felt like he had been punched in the heart, almost collapsing against his desk.

What had he done?