Frozen Heart

Chapter 65

Wendy Marvell

Perched on her upright staff, Jack watched as Fairy Tail welcomed their newest members with the usual enthusiasm, truly smiling for the first time in days.

Gajeel huffed, practically glaring at the young blue-haired girl and her white winged cat as he crunched through a metal pipe.

“She’s really sweet.” Levy informed the two, amused. “Carla is a bit…brusque, but she’s nice, too.”

Tilting her head like a curious puppy, the winter-girl nodded, hopping off her staff and scooping it up to float over as Gajeel crossed his arms with a scowl.

Levy did her best to hide her smile behind a book at his reaction.

Silly dragon

“Hello, little one.”

Wendy lost her voice as she stared up at the floating Winter Spirit, brown eyes widening in surprise.

Is that…?

“Hello.” Carla returned the greeting, elbowing her Dragon Slayer’s knee. “It’s nice to meet you, miss…?”

“Jack.” She filled in, landing light as a feather on the wooden floor, staff held loosely in one hand. “Jack Frost.”

Both of them could only stare, like deer in the headlights of a magic-mobile, and Jack giggled as she crouched down to their levels, staff nestled in the crook of one arm.

“It’s alright, I don’t bite.” The winter-girl teased gently, snowflakes dancing in her eyes. “I was wondering if you wanted to be friends.”

Struggling to find her voice, Wendy nodded.

“Y-Yes, I-I would…l-like that…”

After a moment of thought, Jack cupped her hands together, the light of her magic seeped through for in blue/white tones.


Wendy was in awe of the crystal-like creation in the half-Spirit’s gloved palms; an intricate snowflake clear as glass, reflecting little rainbows.

Careful, as if it would shatter at the slightest touch, the Sky Dragon Slayer picked up the snowflake, looking up at the Winter Spirit in confusion.

“It’s a panic button, of sorts.” Jack explained, gentle. “You just need to say my name, and I’ll know where you are. Just in case.”

“Why?” Wendy blurted, blushing at her outburst seconds later. “I-I mean-!”

“It’s okay.”

Jack’s smile was fond and sweet, like a mother reminded of her children, and it made every member present to feel all warm inside.

“You see, Fairy Tail is kinda like my home. Everyone here is important to me, which means you are, too.”

Even Carla was thunderstruck, plopping onto the ground as her wings popped out of existence.

“If you ever need me, even for something you think is silly, all you have to do is call.”

Elfman’s overenthusiastic bawling shattered the adorable scene, and all three looked up to see an entire guild of teary-eyed mages, all trying their hardest to keep from joining the younger Strauss sibling’s example.

Rolling her eyes, Jack sent a mischievous grin the young Dragon Slayer’s way.

“How do you feel about snowball fights?”

As it turned out, everyone in Fairy Tail was a fan.