Frozen Heart

Chapter 91

It took hours for Jack to compose herself, to run out of tears and manage a convincing smile, but Baby knew better.

Whatever hurt she felt was long from being healed over.

But Jack was stubborn, just like Baby’s mother, and said nothing of what transpired except to quietly thank the small white fairy for her company.

Even now, perched on the outstretched wing of an angel statue overlooking the cemetery, the half-Spirit refused to cry.

Staff held loosely in one hand and cheek resting on a bent knee, a sad little half-smile formed on her face as Mirajane and Elfman encompassed their lost sister in a hug, crying freely.

Sensing a presence, Gajeel looked away from the heartwarming sight to see the winter-girl, eyes a dark oceanic blue that seemed hundreds of miles away.

The mini-fairy buzzed up to her shoulder, bright against the dark colors of his coat, and Jack blinked the shadows away as she turned her head.

Red eyes caught blue, and the smile on her face softened with affection.

Gajeel could not help the slightest answering smile in response, though his insides twisted in an achingly-tight knot.

Something was wrong.

She was hurt, upset, but he just could not think of why.

Why had seeing Lisanna caused her to cry?

Why did she flee?

Seeing the questions in his gaze, Jack shook her head, begging with her eyes for him not to ask.

Please don’t, I can’t tell you, please, I just can’t

Gajeel nodded hesitantly, swallowing back his concern, and the relief on her face was clear as day.

At that moment, the Iron Dragon Slayer wished he could have said no.