Status: releasing more chapters

Somewhere I Belong

Rock The Boat

Jessica felt so much better the next morning, ready to take on this bitch of a day. The red converse on her feet crunched fallen leaves with every step she took to get to school. Surprisingly she didn’t see anyone she somewhat knew, no Ally, no Gerard or any of his friends nothing and she had to admit it was nice.

Lunch rolled around and Jessica walked in to the cafeteria looking for the table ‘friends’ she had so unwillingly acquired. They were all sitting at a table by the cafeterias windows, she walked over and one by one they looked at her, faces dropping from smiling happy girls to looks of confusion and disgust. “ladies” Jessica greeted them, a smile on her face, as she sat down. “your outfit it’s…cute” Camille finally chocked out while Carrie kept her glaring eyes on Jessica. “I’m sorry but what’s an ACDC?” Ally piped. Carrie just scoffed at her as she grudgingly said “it’s some old rock band” Jessica just shot her another smile letting the clear and intentional insult bounce off.

“besides, Jess, Trent tells me you got in the middle of their fun yesterday” so that was the bone heads name. “if you mean I stopped four guys from laying in to one person then yes, I certainly did” she kept solid eye contact with Carrie now. “ I guess you’re just not who I thought you were” Jessica smirked “sorry to disappoint you” the other girls just sat there watching the tense conversation between the two. Carrie looked up at Jessica clearly infuriated at this point, “I knew it” she was trying not to shout.
‘I knew you were a freak, that you didn’t belong with us” Jessica just smiled once more, “and how long did it take you to figure that one out?” she leaned in as if she was truly curious in the answer. “From the moment I saw you” the table was silent and it seemed as though their world had stopped while the one around them continued on.

There was a long silence before Jessica sat up from the table, “well now that we’re on the same page” she left them and went to face someone more dangerous than the queen bee of the popular crowd. As she approached their table they stopped their chatting and stared at her, obviously not used to people invading their space. Frank flashed her a quick smile that made Ray shoot him a weird look from across the table. “Here” she said pulling Mikey’s book from her bag “you left it yesterday” no one said a word leaving Jess to walk out of the cafeteria in silence.
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Working on chapters and two new stories, stay tuned!