Memory of You

Chapter Eight: Intervention? For What?

Chapter Eight: Intervention? For What?

"When were you going to tell me about David's visit?"

Flinching at her tone, Mark turned to face Alexandra. She stood inside his room, apparently waiting for his return. He had almost forgotten about David's unfortunate visit.

"Normally, I would pretend that I didn't have a clue as to what you were talking about...since it's too late...who told you?" Mark asked, knowing denial would only stoke her anger. Besides, there were only a few possibilities of how she had found out.

"That doesn't matter. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, once more.

"That day you were in a meeting with the engineers and Valek and I had to make rounds." The guard told her, deciding honesty was the best way to go.

"Where is he?"

"Who? Valek? Or David?"

"Both of them."

Taking a second to think about where he had last seen either of them, Mark frowned.

"Valek is escorting David from the castle for a meeting in Eucharista, and will be coming with him for dinner tonight." He told the young Queen.

"What did he say to you?" Alexandra walked up to him. Her hazel eyes watching him carefully.

"Nothing. He just wanted to see you before his meeting today. I knew your schedule and you didn't have time for him, so I told him that." Mark answered.

She was quiet, as though thinking over what he had said. Looking up at him, the expression on her face showed was one he had seen only a handful of times before...namely at the ceremony...

"He said something about your oath to me...didn't he?" Alexandra asked quietly.

Looking in to her eyes, Mark understood why she didn't like it when others mentioned The Oath of the Guards. He and Valek had taken it, despite her protests. Knowing what they had decided to sacrifice, must have been a burden for the young ruler.

"He did...but it doesn't matter." He assured her.

"It does to me. I know what you gave up." Alexandra told him, stepping closer, her hand taking hold of his. "I don't want anyone throwing it in your face, like you didn't have a choice but to take this position."

"We made this choice, Alex. It doesn't change anything." Squeezing her hand gently, he let go.

"It's not just that, Mark."

"Then what it is it?" He wondered aloud, having thought he had resolved the problem.

"I don't want you keeping these things from me. I want you to tell me when David visits, and what he's said." She told him with resolve. "You both promised me no secrets. I'm tired of you all hiding these things like I'm going to fall to pieces. I'm not!"

"Is that why you drink at dinners with him?" Mark muttered.

"No...I just need...courage."

" about when you stop needing liquid courage, Valek and I will tell you about David and what he's said." He bargained.

"You know I hate you two keeping secrets." She glared at him.

"This is the only one we keep."


Chopping the onions finely on the board, Nicholas was concentrating on remembering the rest of the recipe he was planning on making for lunch.

"Nicholas!" He heard his name being called.

"Over here, Soph." He told his sister.

Looking up, he saw Sophia coming towards him, dressed in a deep red gown. She really had grown up while he was away. Her once full cheeks had left to show the sharp angles and contours of her face.

"Do you need anything?" He asked, wondering why she was in the kitchen, instead of with the Queen.

"Alex wants you to make sure there is white wine for dinner. She's asked for you to bring out the Jeile." She told him.

"Isn't dinner tonight with David?" Nicholas wondered out loud.

"It is."

"No way." He decided firmly. Nicholas was not going to allow Alexandra to get drunk while he was serving her.

"I'm just here to deliver the message, Nick." Sophia said, seeing the look on his face. "If you want to argue, do it with her."

"Don't worry, I'll tell her myself." He assured his little sister. "By the way, Alex mentioned that you were looking for there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Umm...I was hoping we could talk. I wanted to tell you-" Before Sophia could continue, Nicholas was distracted by the sound of a pan dropping to the floor.

"Sorry, Soph. I have to supervise them. I'll talk to you later, maybe?" Nicholas apologized.

"Yes, sure." Sophia mumbled as she walked out of the kitchen.

Thinking about what could be so important with his sister, Nicholas helped one of his fry cooks get things sorted out, before returning to his own food. Remembering that he still had to tell Alexandra about the wine, he finished up the dish and left the pot to simmer as he ran out.

Knocking on the door to her room, Nicholas was surprised she was there and alone. There was no sign of Mark or Valek.

"Oh, Nick...can I help you?" She asked, opening the door.

"I just came to tell you that there won't be any white wine for dinner."

"Are we out? You could just order some more." She said, clueless of his intentions.

"No." Nicholas said simply.

"What do you mean no?"

Sighing inwardly, he knew he was going to be in trouble.

"I mean in...I'm not supplying you with alcohol for dinner with David." Cringing inside he waited for her to berate him.

"Are you serious, Nick?" Alexandra asked, her tone calm. "You're my chef...I hired you to do what I ask food-wise...and you're here telling me no?"

"As your friend, I'm telling you its better to face David without the wine." He reasoned, surprised that she hadn't told him off yet.

"Okay...fine..." She mumbled. "Is that all?"



Seeing David walking in behind Mark and Valek, Alexandra knew she had a small window of time to do what was needed. Thankfully, the large head table had a long board in front of it with the family crest on it, blocking anyone's view of her skirts, and fiddling feet.

It would have been easier if Nicholas had agreed to bring the wine, she thought. His refusal had annoyed her, but knowing what she could accomplish on her own had kept her from reprimanding him.

Circling her hands in her lap, Alexandra recited the spell quietly. A bottle of Jeile appeared in them. Knowing what was really inside it, Alexandra put the bottle on the table and poured some in her glass, before David sat down.

"Good evening, Alex." David greeted her, as she took a gulp of the potion. It was...until you showed up, she thought silently.

"I see you've already started dinner." He observed.

"I was tired of waiting." She said, as a cloudy feeling started to take over. "I would offer you some...but knowing would probably refuse."

Hearing his forced laughter, Alexandra looked over to one of the guards who had come up to her table.

"Tell Nicholas to bring, please." Alexandra knew he wouldn't be thrilled to see what she had done. Serves him right, she thought smugly.

"Would you like me to present, while we wait?" Her former fiancé asked.

"Go right ahead."

It always had the same effect. Allowing Alexandra to look like she had drunk a little bit too much without so much as touching a drop of alcohol, meanwhile she was still lucid enough to have some idea of what was going on. So far she had never given in to any of his demands. The only odd occurrence had been Nicholas ending up in her bed, last time. She suspected she had drunk a bit too much of the potion too fast last time...and it had been too strong.

Pace yourself, Alexandra repeated in her mind, as she poured herself another glass while David spoke to her from his place below her and across from her table.

"So you see, the funds would benefit the poor children unable to get an education in other countries." He continued.

"Such as Saarsgard?" She asked, masking her irritation at David's plotting.

"It doesn't have to be Saarsgard." He said, looking away.

"But it very well could be." Alexandra pointed out, before taking another long drink.

Arriving at that very moment, she saw Nicholas do a double take as he looked at her table. Serving David before her, she could see the question in his eyes as he put her plate in front of her.

"Thank you Nicholasss..." The potion had started to take its effect, she saw his frown as he silently moved to stand by Mark and Valek.

"As you were sssaying, David." Alexandra started. "I think for now your focus ssshould be on your locality, firssst and foremosst. Once that is done, I will consssider the endeavoursss abroad."


"What's this I hear about a locksmith?"

Looking up from the plate he was garnishing, Nicholas watched Valek walk in.

"I had the distillery locks changed." He told him simply, before checking the clock on the opposite wall. He only had a few minutes before Alexandra was due to have lunch with the Lower House of Lords.

"And here I thought I had forgotten that I called him or to clear the man's invoice. I was quite surprised to see Lucas come in." Valek snickered. "What? Did someone break in?"

"Not if you count that someone to be the Queen." He muttered, his voice laced with irritation. He had not been able to trace the bottle of Jeile to any of the ones in the distillery. Knowing that she had not had enough time to have someone run for a bottle of wine in town, he was at a loss to understand how she had done it. There must have been unaccounted bottles in the distillery, he had thought before calling the locksmith.

"You mean...that bottle of Jeile was not approved by you?" Valek smirked.

"No. It's driving me crazy...I have no idea how she got it." Nicholas said, truly puzzled.

"So you put the whole thing on, Nick." Valek complimented him. Both Mark and Valek had told him how hard it was to keep Alexandra from acting up around David. Nicholas sighed, he knew it wasn't going to be easy.

"Ready, Nick?" Mark peered in to the kitchen.

"Just about." The chef replied, before collecting a few members of his kitchen to help carry out the dishes.

Led by the two head guards, Nicholas watched over his kitchen staff, making sure none of them had any items that he had not approved of. Each of them would be serving one of the Lords who had been invited to have lunch with the Queen. Nicholas, himself, would be giving Alexandra her plate, and keep an eye on her little habit.

Entering the dining hall, Nicholas' ears were met with the voices of the other Lords. Instantly he recognized a pair of voices, David could be heard talking to the Lord of Diacard, who had a distinctive booming voice.

Looking up he saw Alexandra sitting at the head table, the crest catching his eyes. It had been years since he had last seen it properly, paying attention to the details, he read the Ancient Latin writing on it. Magnitudo et potentia abintus. 'Greatness and Power come from within.' Reading it over again, it all made sense now, he thought. Watching her fingers creating a tower as she observed the others, he understood what she had been doing. Thankfully, he noticed, there was no bottle of Goswein, Jeile, or any other alcoholic beverage.

Walking up to her, Nicholas placed the platter of food in front of her.

"Would you mind sending one of your staff to grab a bottle of wine for our guests?" She asked, innocently.

"Sorry Highness, but I can't." He told her quietly, watching a flicker of annoyance cross her face.

"And why not?" Alexandra hissed.

"They don't have the keys."

"This isn't a joke, Nicholas. Go get it."

"Sorry, Lex. I'm not going to let you drink while they are all here." Nicholas saw the look of anger flash across her face.

"Don't make me go get it myself, Nick" Her tone threatening.

Knowing that he was only trying to help his friend, was the only reason he pushed on. Blocking Alexandra's view of the guests, he watched as her hazel eyes focused on him. A strange sensation rippling through him. He hadn't gotten so close to her since the night he had spent in her room.

"I'd like to see you try, Lex. Don't think I haven't caught on to what you've been doing. Did you really think I had forgotten about the secrets of the Royal Family? It's written all over the crest, after all." He told a shocked looking Alexandra, with a smirk.

Leaning over, his lips almost brushed her cheek, he heard her sharp intake of breath.

"I dare you to try that again. I'll even check your glass if you do anything funny."


Pushing through the kitchen doors, having said goodbye to her guests, Alexandra was livid. Though the luncheon had gone smoothly, and without her getting stuck listening to any more of David's ideas, still she was angry. How dare he? Was all she could think.

"A word, Nicholas?" She called out, as she spotted him with his back turned to her while watching the stove. She saw some of his staff look at her with curiosity. "In private."

He motioned for his staff to leave the room. Giving her interested looks, they left.

"Yes, Highness?" He asked her innocently.

"Don't 'Yes Highness' me! What the hell was that for!" Alexandra's anger got the better of her. "What is your problem? Are you trying to humiliate me?"

"No, I'm not. You do a pretty good job of that on your own when you're pretending to drink." He countered, leaving her fuming.

"How did you figure it out?" She asked, her voice laced with irritation. "No one could have told you..."

"You're forgetting that my parents were your parent's advisors. I grew up here...knowing the secrets of this castle. It just took me a while to put it together." Nicholas smirked. "Besides, its common knowledge that the Royal Family possesses some interesting abilities."

" you put it together." She muttered. "How about next time, instead of playing detective, just do what I ask!"

"No...I won't." Nicholas said, firmly. "People in our country look up to you. I'm not going to let you wreck your life in this manner. You need an intervention."

"Intervention? For what?" Alexandra asked, flabbergasted at the turn of events.

"Your problem with fake alcohol and David." Nicholas retorted. "You don't need to do that when he comes over. Why are you letting him affect you this way?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're my Queen, and one of my oldest friends; I don't want you to get hurt." She looked up at him, a mixture of surprise and annoyance bubbling inside.

"Well...just...just leave me alone!" Alexandra said flustered by him, before huffing away.